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Found 9 results

  1. Krauklis

    Ripple marks

    From the album: Perm Krai

    Mazuyevka, Koshelyovskaya Formation, Irenian (Middle Kungurian of Permian).
  2. Krauklis


    From the album: Perm Krai

    Ripple marks. Mazuyevka, Koshelyovskaya Formation, Irenian (Middle Kungurian of Permian).
  3. ThePhysicist

    Ripple marks

    From the album: Hell Creek / Lance Formations

    Finely-preserved ripple marks in sheet sandstone.
  4. I’m very curious about these “ripple marks” that I have seen posted a few times on the forum. From what little research I have been able to do (so far...) they seem to be caused by wind or water erosion of the rock. However, there is mention of them possibly being fossilized rippled sediment from the floor of a body of water. So... are these geological erosions or some type of fossilized evidence of water movement? I can see how the erosion would work, but wouldn’t the sediment be compressed during lithification/fossilization and destroy the details if it was from a body of water millions of years old? Ripple Marks Mention of Fossilization
  5. Found in the side of a building and in the surrounding landscaping. From the Cambrian seashore sandstone of Blackberry Hill Wisconsin. The place is known for its fossils of mass jellyfish strandings and its trace fossils of some of the first arthropods, mollusks, and other animals on land. What are these? Thanks!
  6. Pleuromya

    Possible ripple marks?

    Hi, I've noticed this slightly damaged ripple mark like pattern on this rock. Could it be ripple marks? It's from the early Jurassic of Northamptonshire, UK. Sorry I didn't include a scale, but it is a large rock. Many thanks.
  7. Nimravis

    Jurassic Ripple Marks??

    I have had these and others in my collection for about 27 years, most of them have been wrapped up or still are wrapped up since I collected them with my son. I always classified them as Ripple Marks, but wonder if they are, we collected them a little to the West of Sundance, Wyoming in exposure that is supposed to be from the Upper Jurassic / Morrison Formation. What is your opinion?? Top of Plate Bottom of Plate
  8. Hello again!! I visited the southern part of Humber river in Toronto, ON on Oct.15.Sun. Actually, I went there on the way to go to see new homestay(Eventually, I moved elsewhere because of the distance. My ex-landlady urged me to move out 'cause she wanted to give my room to her daughter. The result is better 'cause of food quality. Last one was really terrible). Anyway, the total distance was about 58.6km for round trip(Actually, the distance was about 32km from my last homestay to Humber river. But I took the subway after got to the downtown when I came back to ex-homestay). I went southmost part of Humber river and headed along the upper stream. But, I couldn't find exposed formation, rather I saw just rocks, which is placed on sandbanks. I found ripple marks on the way heading upper stream. After that, I found many brachiopods, gastropods, crinoids' stem, bryozoa, and ichnofossils. But I wanted to find trilobites. That's why I thought that 'this time is wasted and felt really disappoint (and tiredness) So, I was almost giving up to find fossils and just follwed upper stream with taking a closer look on sandbanks. Then, I suddenly saw something on downward inclination! There were some exposed rocks(I'm not sure which formation is)! I went down right away and looked for some fossils. There were also brachiopods, gastropods, crinoids' stem, bryozoa, and ichnofossils. But this time, I found some cephalopods, too! (Though I couldn't make to find even one parts of trilobite) I'm not sure these species are Endoceras sp. or some other thing. Please let me know if you know the name of this specimen. These two attached on big rocks that I couldn't dettach it. The part of shell(phraginocone). The rest part of shell. The whole body image. I hit it in order to make big rock into small pieces and eventually I cracked it.. I yelled and felt really sad. This is another cephalopod. Although I couldn't find any trilobites at this hunting, I found some nice cephalopods and one graptolite(I forgot to take picture. But it's small) I'm planning to go to Mimico creek before I leave for Toronto. Maybe I'll go there after Novemver 12th. (After changing homestay, my Toronto life is getting way better than before! Though my friends are still stay in old place..) I'll post TWO more fossil hunting trip on Brechin and Bowmanville quarry with Crinus(Joe) on last weekends(He took me there! Thank you! )
  9. Just something for the group, I was just wondering if any one else would like to see a category dedicated to Trace Fossils? I like looking up info and seeing pictures on different Trace Fossils and find myself opening various topics and really finding what I am looking for. I think it could be something as simple as adding it to the "Collections" section with a category titled "Trace Fossils", and that could include sub-categories for trackways, coprolites, burrows, predation evidence, ripple marks / rain drops, trails, etc., or just lump it all under Trace Fossils. If not in the Collections area, it could be placed in the General Fossil Discussion area with a sub-category similar to Micro- Paleontology. Thanks
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