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  1. Atoothsatooth42

    Last Minute Quick Potomac Trip

    Last second trips are always a nice surprise. Got to spend a solid 1.5 hours at the trusty Potomac spot. Always a great time! Nothing too crazy, a half a croc tooth, about 40% of a complete ray plate, and a couple very nice sand tigers. I was very pleased with the one in the first 3 images, as someone had JUST walked by it only minutes before I got to it. Lucky me! The pressure was on, as half of the blade was covered and made it suspenseful. I prayed to the fossil gods and sure enough, a nice complete 1.5 incher! Great day!
  2. Atoothsatooth42

    Buzzer Beater Otodus Obliquus!

    I’m back on the hunt on the Potomac, after another fantastic, hot and humid day. I’ve really been trying to take advantage of the recent rains, fingers crossed for more! The usual suspects were present today on the beach, but quite a few of them being large! I wish I had gotten a good insitu shot of the unexpected large chunker of a sand tiger, but just one corner of its root was sticking out of the sand. And as any experienced fossil hunter understands, you take a chance at anything that looks suspicious, pick it up, and 2/10 times it’s something, and that time it was! It was hot, but teeth were showing up at a good pace, a very good day to say the least, but I still had an itch for that Otodus that I’m always after. And just as I’m at the point where I’m telling myself, “Just one more gravel bar, just up to this next tree, there has to be an Otodus and if not, I swear I’ll leave!” Sure enough, this fantastic specimen showed itself at the last second, just before that tree. A real buzzer beater, a last second Otodus, and a nice one at that. After the impromptu photo session with it, I finally ended my 2.5 hour hunt in the sun. While we are here, I had a question for anyone about the object in the last photo between the cool blue rock, and the turtle shell fragment. What might this be? It has a very peculiar pattern and texture. It almost looks like a tire track. It’s unlike anything I’ve seen at this site. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  3. The rains have finally come! Helping contribute to a stellar day. It’s been a good while, had a couple slow outings not worthy of a post, until yesterday! It was a very productive day, starting out with a few nice sand tigers as per usual, and then I stumbled across a nice cretolamna which gave me the feeling it could be a good day. More of the same until I see the beautiful sight of this Otodus. My jaw dropped. Unfortunately the tip was missing, but everything else is there. It was truly a day maker, I could have turned around then and there, but I had to see what was at the end of the beach. Picked up this pretty cool baby croc tooth soon after. I couldn’t believe my luck at the end of the trip! Seeing this awesome ray mouth plate sitting in the middle of a large gravel bar was another jaw dropping moment. A great day. And a great year, I am incredibly lucky to have found 3 complete mouth plates in since February. With some more rain in the forecast, I’m looking forward to the next outing!
  4. old bones

    Ammonite chamber steinkern

    From the album: Holden Beach, NC • Cretaceous - Pleistocene

    © Julianna James

  5. DrewCenTex

    Help with identification

    Hello everyone. I love nature but have only been recently paying attention to what lies beneath my feet. We live on about 7 acres of limestone in central Texas. Normally I curse whenever I have to do anything in it. But everytime I dig in it my 9yo likes to look and has found several fossils. Most of what we find are steinkerns of one type or another. But I was hoping for some help with further identification. I would love to stimulate my daughter’s interest in science. Thank you in advance for what ever help you can provide.
  6. I had the chance to play in the Galena/ Ordovician rocks of SE Minnesota a few days ago. This Fusispira gastropod was found with what appears to be epibionts attached. For the hundreds of gastropods found in this formation, I have never seen an epibiont on them. Then just thinking about the possibility, it occurred to me that this is a steinkern. If they are epibionts, would they not have fallen off when the shell material dissolved away? All thoughts are welcomed! One of my theories is "did water drip onto the fossil, leaving deposits due to the Karst geology of the area", so mini stalagmites.
  7. Hey everybody! I'm Korey and I'm a bit new here (and to the world of paleontology in general) so I apologize if things might be a little messy. Regardless, I'll try my best in keeping things as crisp as possible. I was hoping I could have some help identifying a few fossils on the exterior of these rocks I found. The following three fossil matrices were collected in a single trip along Cape Fear River in the Wilmington area. Each one contains numerous fossils of a variety of species embedded within a limestone matrix. Mineral composition was confirmed by a professor of paleontology (specialized in microfossils) at UNC Wilmington, meaning they likely originated from the Castle Hayne limestone deposit. I would really appreciate some help in identifying some of the fossils found in these matrices, as while a decent number are somewhat recognizable, there are some that are completely mysterious. Specifically in matrix B and C. Matrix A: Measuring roughly 61mm in length, and 40mm in width, this is a cluster of what appears to be remnants of steinkerns and their remaining impressions. I counted over 10 individual snail shells, the exact number being a bit unclear, and a single bivalve impression. The snails appear to be some form of teribridae, while the nature of the bivalve impression is unknown. The largest snail impression measured at roughly 14mm in width. Length was unfortunately not easily measured as there are seemingly no complete impressions left behind. Much of them simply stretch across the entire matrix. The bivalve impression takes up much of it's side of the matrix, measuring at a rough 38mm. Matrix B: Measures roughly 52mm in length, and 43mm in width. This matrix is host to an intact unidentified bivalve shell, what appears to be a pair of concretions, encrusting bryozoa, and an unidentified organism. The bivalve shell is roughly 25mm wide. A bryozoan colony is visible to the left of the shell's beak. You can also see the concretions top right of the shell. What species of bivalve is it? Each concretion is roughly 5mm in width. The edges of the concretions appear to be encrusted by bryozoa. (It is very hard to get good pictures of this feature, I'm sorry). The final feature of Matrix B is this unusual shape closely resembling a reverse impression of a coral cup. Measures 17mm at it's widest and 10mm at the thinnest. Seems to consist of a central undefined and weathered shape surrounded by a series of 10 striated symmetrical structures resembling the septa of a coral polyp cup. There is no other apparent evidence of similar structures within the matrix, and it seems to be entirely on it's own. Matrix C: Measuring 174mm long, and 97mm wide, this chunk of limestone has some heft to it. Contained within is the fossil of highest interest to me, what I originally thought to be petrified wood. Also present is what appears to be a eutrephoceras shell, and a single unusual ring-shaped organic artifact. This particular matrix was discovered under the water, where only a small part of it was sticking out of the submerged mud. Jutting out of the matrix is a partly exposed branch-like structure of unknown biology. This picture depicts the anterior end of it where it appears to have been broken off, revealing the interior cross section of the branch. This structure is roughly 25mm at it's widest I had originally thought it to be petrified wood, but the paleontologist I consulted disagreed, stating that petrified wood typically looks different. It is most certainly not coral either, so perhaps it is a species of branching bryozoan? Here is a side view of the branch structure, showing the deep striated appearance of it's exterior. At this point it looks almost more geological than biological, but the interior shapes tell a different story. I honestly suspect that it may have been eroded. A scant 19mm of this structure is exposed from the surrounding substrate, which I suspect might be hiding a much longer specimen. Here is another branch that appears similar to the prior one, only much smaller. Measuring a mere 5mm in width at it's widest point. Unlike the larger branch, the entire 25mm of this structure has been left exposed, revealing a very similar striated exterior. Could both of these have belonged to the same organism? This little limpet-like organism was hiding in a tiny recess, merely 4mm at it's widest. Not sure what it is, really. I appear to have forgotten to measure this one while I had my fossils out so I apologize, but this appears to be some form of coral-like structure. If you look closely you can just barely make out what appears to be a defined exterior ring nigh indistinguishable from the surrounding limestone. And finally we have what appears to be Eutrephoceras or at least some other similar mollusc. It's fairly small and measures around 18mm wide from the lip to the anterior of the whorl. Only three chambers can be seen, though there might be one or two more. I'm excited to see what everyone thinks of these fossils, and what they think they might be. It's a mystery that's been nagging at my mind for weeks now, and I have unfortunately yet to find answers. Please let me know if any more angles or pictures are needed, and I will try my best to provide.
  8. Brevicollis

    Belemnite steinkern ?

    Hello, i have this weird stone in my collection and it looks a bit like a belemnite or baculite steinkern to me. Theres a perfect circular hole running down the middle which seems to be the siphon. Or a flint layer formed around a belemnite which now had erodet away. What is it ? Maybe one of you knows. It was found on a beach of the baltic sea.
  9. Mochaccino

    Two Nautiloid Steinkerns?

    Hello, Could I get some help identifying these two nautiloid steinkerns? Unfortunately no precise age/locality info on them but I think they might be from the Pennsylvanian or Permian of Kansas or Texas. They are both around 8-9cm wide. 1. 2. Referring to this: http://inyo2.coffeecup.com/kansasfossils/kansasfossils.html I think #1. might be Metacoceras and #2. might be Liroceras. @Missourian I believe you are referenced in that post and you seem to be experienced in this fauna? Thanks
  10. Alex BC

    Second opinion for steinkern?

    Hello there! Found this walking the beaches in North Myrtle beach. I think it may be a steinkern but wanted to double check before I tossed it back to the sands. Thanks in advance!
  11. Burke_Family

    Gastropod? Mollusk? Or?

    Our 3rd grader found this on a beach in Coos County, OR. Her first impression is that this is a snail fossil. We’re wondering 1) what is this and 2) if this is an internal mold? There’s also an impression on one side of the matrix that looks like a separate cast. But we’re really not sure… we are having a difficult time visualizing what’s going on here. When you look closely at the spiral it does appear to have shell in there. We’ve googled a ton and compared pictures of different spiral fossils, but still aren’t sure. Thanks for any info!
  12. Thomas1982

    Gastropod Steinkern

    From the album: Mahantango Formation

    Gastropod Steinkern Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania
  13. MrBones

    UAE Steinkerns

    Do you think it would be possible to id these steinkerns? I would like to get a bit more specific than "gastropods". They come from Al Ain (an Emirate in the United Arab Emirates) close to Jebel Hafeet and are Eocene to Miocene in age. These two shells have little bumps as well as lines running along the outside. This shell has two rows of bumps running along the outside. This steinkern is still in its matrix, you can see the shell had short spines on the exterior. This one looks like a spondylus shell
  14. Thomas1982


    From the album: Cretaceous of Delaware and New Jersey

    Gastropod Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
  15. NWARockhound

    Sandstone Nautilus Steinkern?

    I found this intriguing rock in Northwest Arkansas, in the Bloyd Formation I believe (carboniferous). It really looks like a steinkern to me, but I've only found limestone steinkerns before, hence my doubts. It's approx. 3" x 2"
  16. RescueMJ

    Shell Cast Fossil

    Clast bivalve....that is all I know about this specimen I collected. It is preserved very well. I found it in a spoil pile after they dug out a lake. It is my favorite shell fossil. If you could ID it for me, that would be super. Found in North Port, FL. 10 miles East of Venice, FL. The clast is 4inches x 4 inches x 4 inches. Other fossil material in that area ranges from Meg teeth, whale vertebrae, Equus. ID appreciated.
  17. FossilNerd

    Lonely Bivalve Steinkern

    I know this is a long shot, but does anyone have any idea what this bivalve steinkern may be? It was found in the Upper Ordovician (drakes formation) of Kentucky. Brachiopods are overly abundant in many of the areas that I hunt, but bivalves seem to be scarce, or I am too used to seeing brachs to pick out the bivalves. Anyway, this is the one and only bivalve that I have found, besides a few possible fragments. I know it can be near impossible to identify any steinkern, but does the shape, size, or provenance give anyone an idea as to what this may be? It just looks so lonely on my shelf; I feel like if at least needs a name. EDIT: I should note that I have looked in the literature that I have (which is limited on bivalves) and can not find anything that I am confident in to use as an ID. My internet searching has not come up with a good ID either. If I can provide better pictures or different angles don’t hesitate to ask!
  18. clay

    steinkern pearls

    Does anyone know about steinkerns having pearl-like things inside? I can see how this might be possible but . . . . I don't want to hammer into any of mine until I'm sure I might fine something.
  19. Misha

    Strange Steinkern

    This is a steinkern of a fossil clam that I had purchased, the shell itself fell apart almost immediately and this was left. I just want to confirm that the things on the surface of it are some kinds of trace burrows from worms, I am not really sure but that is what they look like to me. Thank you all.
  20. PSchleis

    What made this impression?

    Thanks to you guys, I think I recognize an endocast/steinkern when I see one. But if I'm right and this is one, I can't for the life of me figure out what would have made this kind of impression. Does this form look familiar to anyone? At first I thought it looked a lot like the rim of a queen helmet shell, but there isn't an opening there to fill with anything that would form a fossil. Found on Myrtle Beach. Thanks! --Paula
  21. DAW85


    From the album: Daw85

    Turtle head
  22. Rowboater

    rapp creek hunting

    Howling wind and deep ice cold water, but figured the creek bed would protect me from the wind (it did) and cold (not so much). Less hunters out. Don't usually post casts/steinkerns but this gastropod(?) has two small fossilized worm like things on it (probably need to get a better photo than the scan). All the rain has washed shells everywhere (lots of 5" to 7" scallops/ pectans everywhere; didn't see any whole ecphora, the only shells I usually pick up. Frilly oysters were everywhere as well; top half is neat). Most of the teeth I found was small or broken or both; three cow shark, one decent with root. Four(?) angelshark and several others, lots of spikes most missing their cusps, small triangular most with faint serrations, and a bunch of glossy drum teeth (photo is of the other side). Broken verts. When other stuff dries, may find something else interesting.
  23. KimboSlice

    Bryozoan Archimedes? Tooth?

    I’ve got 4 fossils, or steinkerns, I’m needing help identifying, all on the same rock. Found in a creek bed in Boone County, MO. I believe it to be from the Mississippian Era. I believe those labeled one and two are Bryozoan Archimedes. Number one (the biggest of the two) measures at a little over 1/4th of an inch. Number two measures at almost exactly (slightly over) 1/4th of an inch. Number three I’m thinking is part of a stem of a Crinoid? Can anyone confirm or deny this for me? The fourth is, what I believe to be, a steinkern of a possible tooth? Like, a tooth laid there at one point, and the impression was left behind? It measures at exactly 1/2 inch. (Due to file restrictions on pix, I will upload some pix in the comments.)
  24. daves64

    Maybe clam steinkern

    Is this possibly a small clam steinkern or just an ordinary concretion? Or maybe a tiny, ancient UFO? 4.5 cm wide x 3.5 cm deep x 2 cm thick. Some of the openings go in a ways, pic 2, left side goes in about a 1/4 inch, same with left opening in pic 3. Pic 2 just looks like some 1950's movie UFO.
  25. These are all in the same stone. Wondering if it's 3 different preservation types of the same species. Found in Sw fl, in the sand. Trying to learn to recognize familiar players in their various forms and stages of erosion. Couldn't get the tape measure next to two of them, but they're both 2.5 inches long on the nose. The one that looks like a unicorn horn(w/ tape measure) was what caught my eye, rimmed with grass it really stood out! Its shimmery and beautiful. Is it ok to chip it out? Far from its margins, of course. 3rd pic following...
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