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Collecting Trip: Hell Creek Formation


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The virus put a damper on my Spring dinosaur collecting trip but I was able to get a partial one in for the Fall.    I was able to spend several days at my usual Edmontosaurs bonebed but unfortunately only one day at a channel deposit in Montana where theropod/mammal material can be found.  Hopefully next year will be more normal, Hopefully. 


Quite a few new members since my last trip so I will get into more specifics to get them a view of how I collect this material.


First let me share with you a view of the collecting area and the LOCAL wildlife that we deal with on a daily basis.   


The area in Montana is very remote no phone or internet




The badlands where we collect in South Dakota





The most beautiful critter that we see everywhere on these sites and all over the west is the Pronghorn.   At this time of the year we typically see a small herd with a bull and his harem.   For those of you not familiar with a Pronghorn its the fastest animal in the western hemisphere able to achieve speeds in excess of 50 mph (80 km/h) 




Mule deer are ever present and very dangerous if you are driving when dark





The site is located on edge of cliff and over the years lots of holes and cavities have been created by erosion creating a wonderful winter den area for the local snakes.   So during our fall trip its not uncommon to have visitors slither by us and of course wishing us good luck  by waving their tongue :D


Here are some we have seen this season:

The only dangerous one is the Prairie Rattler but they typically are not interested in bothering us.  You just have to watch where you are walking.  Being from Arizona its normal...




The Western Ribbon Snake




The Yellow belly Racer






The Prairie Bullsnake




We do have more cuties'


Tiger Salamander after a rainfall




On to collecting

Other than a pick and shovel these are the tools I use 90% of the time to collect



I use two glues, Paleobond field prep and stabilizer.   The latter on teeth and when I need a very strong deep bond.   Harder to prep with PB002 so its only used when needed.




For wrapping the bones

Heavy duty aluminum foil does the trick where minimal support is needed .   Where additional support is needed on large bones we use burlap and plaster.   However plaster cloth like the one in the photo works most of the time and is a heck easier to use than burlap


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First I was able to pick up from my Prep person my Ceratopsian (Trike) jaw and Juvie Edmonto jaw (juvie material is quite rare)  that I have left from last season.  The Ceratopsian jaw is 2 ft long.



In Montana my initial find at being there 15 minutes was a 4" Anzu wyliei complete hand claw, WOW .  Thought I had a photo but I messed up, did not take one.  It found me so I damaged it a little and its at my Prep person in SD for repair.  Will show you photos when I get it back.


How about a 3 1/4" T rex tooth, very complete tip to base.  Left it in its matrix until it gets prepped  



Some isolated teeth

Top left - ceratopsian spitter

Group includes a large Nanotyrannus tooth 1 1/2" ( Middle) , T- rex Premax tooth and a tip of one.  Small teeth are Nanotyrannus.




A Nano tooth that needs some TLC



Not bad for a days work

Back in South Dakota


Some Edmontosaurus Teeth.  





Here is a Edmontosaurus Skull element called jugal see illustration



Initial find



Matrix needs to be removed all around and pedestaled so that the Aluminum foil and then plaster wrap can be put under the bone to support it






When dry the bone is flipped after its undercut with a sharp knife and then flipped.  A successful removal is not seeing any bone left of the ground.  




Here is a carpal from the hand its Digit IV - 1






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Here I expose a bone that turns out to be a juvie Maxilla.   Note a second bone that I circled, currently unknown.




The process is all the same pedestal the bone, wrap it in foil and then plaster it




To my surprise laying beside the Maxilla is a dentary (lower jaw) from a very young Edmonto.  I had to be careful removing the maxilla not to disturb the other jaw.   Maxilla came out fine and it had teeth which is hit and miss on these jaws.






Typical example of using a knife to flip the jaw




Looks great.



A carpal exposed and removed.  Carpal Digit V-3





Hell Creek is noted for root etching on Teeth 


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Small carpal



Center toe bone



A toe bone







Always use a knife to lift from below, minimizes the chance for the bone to remain attached to the matrix.  Bones can be very damp in this deposits and if not careful they can easily stick to the matrix.






A coracoid process (shoulder bone)






a little TLC required



A little work in front of me.  Ones that I chose not to give to my Prep person.  Lots of Verts




Example of how a large bone erodes from the center giving some the belief its Theropod


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A small Caudal Vert









A caudal vertebra.  Missing a little of its neural spine





A dorsal Vertebra, Not in good shape





Skull element TBD 







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Skull element TBD -  very thin bones lots of glue and matrix left behindP9200231.thumb.JPG.615e18e67570fe56340d86dc5a044092.JPG






Small Caudal





Lots of centrums



and yes big bones are collected

Tibia and Femur






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7 minutes ago, jpc said:

what do all these 'in process' posts mean, troo?


He's probably reserving the space for the rest of the story so that replies don't get in between them.

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Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

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9 minutes ago, LordTrilobite said:

He's probably reserving the space for the rest of the story so that replies don't get in between them.



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Great fossils. Looks like a lot of fun

“If fossils are not "boggling" your mind then you are simply not doing it right” -Ken (digit)

"No fossil is garbage, it´s just not completely preserved” -Franz (FranzBernhard)

"With hammer in hand, the open horizon of time, and dear friends by my side, what can we not accomplish together?" -Kane (Kane)

"We are in a way conquering time, reuniting members of a long lost family" -Quincy (Opabinia Blues)

"I loved reading the trip reports, I loved the sharing, I loved the educational aspect, I loved the humor. It felt like home. It still does" -Mike (Pagurus)

“The best deal I ever got was getting accepted as a member on The Fossil Forum. Not only got an invaluable pool of knowledge, but gained a loving family as well.” -Doren (caldigger)

"it really is nice, to visit the oasis that is TFF" -Tim (fossildude19)

"Life's Good! -Adam (Tidgy's Dad)

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Wow Frank, absolutely stunning finds! Thanks for the report and pics! 

Dipleurawhisperer5.jpg          MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png

I like Trilo-butts and I cannot lie.


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Amazing, i'm impatient to see what follows.


"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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1 hour ago, jpc said:

what do all these 'in process' posts mean, troo?


just reserving the spot 

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Wow! Amazing finds! Thanks for writing up the trip report so that a beginner could understand it. 

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Your ceratopsian jaw is ........ gorgeous ! (I fell out of my chair !) And the herbivorous teeth too. FOTM ?




Pareidolia : here

Ma bibliothèque PDF 1 (Poissons et sélaciens récents & fossiles) : ici
Ma bibliothèque PDF 2 (Animaux vivants - sans poissons ni sélaciens) : ici
Mâchoires sélaciennes récentes : ici
Hétérodontiques et sélaciens : ici
Oeufs sélaciens récents : ici
Otolithes de poissons récents ! ici

Un Greg...

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Great report. Thank you.





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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I appreciate seeing the process that goes into finding and collecting these. As someone who has never been on a true "dig" it's fascinating to see the prep that goes into it...not just the finding! Thanks for a great post! 

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