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Possible Fossilized Bone? - UK find - ID help appreciated


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We found this item in a crop field when out on a hike and would greatly appreciate any help to identify whether it is a bone or something else. It looks like the end of a bone, the ball bit that goes into the joint or maybe not?

We first thought it was human or mammal but then saw it was fossilized rock with signs of wear and tear and maybe teeth marks. Also we can see what looks like fossilized pinkish marrow in the middle of the bone that is more prominent than the picture shows (sorry) with little air pockets.

There was also lots of rocks and interesting bits and pieces in the soil. 

Thanks in advance for all help given,


Location of find - Leicestershire County, East Midlands, UK








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The photos aren't terribly clear, but I can't see bone structure myself.

Broken chert nodule is my thought. 

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I agree with Adam, it looks like a chert/flint nodule. The spongy structure (the core of the nodule) could be a sponge.



Edited by abyssunder
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