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Hi all,


I found this pristodontus tooth at Big Brook. Of all the Squalicorax teeth I've collected and seen, I haven't seen any with ridges on its lingual or labial sides. Would anyone be able to share if this is a normal feature or pathology? Thanks. 


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That looks patho to me. Maybe someone can give a more accurate answer but from what pathologic sharks teeth look like I'd say that's one of 'em.  

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I'm thinking pathology too! Nice tooth! I'm not the best with teeth so I'd suggest we wait for someone more knowledgeable to chime in but from my limited knowledge I'd say that's definitely abnormal.

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I'd be aboard the pathology train too. Here's a great white of mine with a similar condition:


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There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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