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Triassic Redonda Formation of New Mexico- Possible Theropod teeth?


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I have gone through all of my Redonda formation teeth, and think these ones are likely theropod, possible Coelophysis.


Any insight would be greatly appreciated!


Tooth 1:

7mm long, serrations ~8/mm along middle of posterior edge.






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Tooth 3:

5.5mm long, serrations ~9.3/mm along middle of posterior edge (estimate due to damage).





Edited by Crowmagnon
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Its very possible these are theropod teeth considering how compressed they are along with their fine serrations.  They have some characteristics of being a Coelophysids but the faunal list from that formation is pretty void of dinosaurs so I cannot say for sure.  They exist but are not described.


You might ask Sterling J. Nesbitt whose done lots of work in the Triassic and see what he says.   His email is available here https://geos.vt.edu/people/Everyone/Sterling-Nesbitt.html


Or Spencer Lucas at the NM museum of Natural History



Nice teeth by the way.. Let us know if you have a update.



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