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Hello. I am new to this forum . I have recently inherited a large fossil collection. My father collected them from around the world mostly in the 70's and 80's. 

Unfortunately ' I can not provide any information regarding origin.  

Recently I had a heart attack and am cataloging everything for my wife. I was thrilled to find this forum.

Any help to Identify this suspected fossil would be appreciated. My online efforts have been a failure so an educated opinion would be great.

Thank you, Sunmadmurf  







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This is one of the very few times I can say that you have a good candidate.  The shape is actually the least indicator, but it does appear that it has a fractured shell layer.  This one should probably have someone give it a good , in-person inspection.  Dont take this as an absolute, pictures can hide a lot of detail that may confirm or refute the ID.

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Professional fossil preparation services at Red Dirt Fossils, LLC.


Welcome to the Forum!

I'm no expert so...only an observation...  

A lot of straight lines in the fracturing. 

Seems a bit odd to my eye.



I agree with hadrosauridae.  We get this question a lot.  A lot, and mostly the answer is no.  But I cannot say no to this one.  Can you show us a close up of the texture of the thing?




I am unsure, the surface cracks are in the same way on all sides, surface-structure does not remind me to 100% to an egg, but..., it is an interesting candidate!

Can you see an upper layer like egg shale?

Could you please post some close-ups from the surface? This would really help!



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