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Carixian Appeared In Alsace


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Hi All!

Time again to work a little on/with fossils!

So last year a friend of mine visited the railroad works for TGV (high speed train) he sent me pics of broken ammonites in matrix telling me he doesn't know what it was, always broken and too hard matrix...

HOUhou when i saw the pics i smelt the good new fossilsite to visit !!!

Fossils seemed to be from lower jurassic (Carixien age) a layer that is very thin in our area. 4.5 meters of quite sterile clay/marl layer and 2 calcareous layers of 10cm thick at the top. So when it appears (soo rarely) in the fields, fossils are ALWAYS weathered or broken.

This layer was uncovered for the last time 25 years before !!! I was waiting for it for soooooo long !!

HMM so i felt the need of preparing a trip for the day after.

And i was right!

There was 2 layers a first one with quite exclusively Lytoceras fimbriatum and a second which was the Prodactylioceras davoei layer.

Job consisted to reach these layer take the nodules (harder parts of the layers) and break them to see if there was something cool inside ...

034wy.th.jpg the sun is waking up on the works 6h in the morning


We followed that site 2/3 times a week !! We met the security chief a soooo gentle guy who just asked us to close the barrier after we've finished. This is something so rare here...people who allow you to stay and dig !


BIG 18/20cm Liparoceras as found

Finally we dug there from april to october with 3 other friends and had so many excellent moments !

Now winter is there works are finished and it is time to prepare what we've found!

Here are some pics of my first pieces. Preparation is long but result, to me, is good !

Except a few "repairs" there is no clorouring.

128vo.th.jpg Liparoceras + Aegoceras

001kfg.th.jpg Aegoceras + 3 species of belemnites

015fv.th.jpg Cenoceras inornatum+ Aegoceras

018xk.th.jpg Cenoceras striatum + Aegoceras

012lfy.th.jpg Aegoceras multi

013vp.th.jpg Lytoceras fimbriatum 12cm

012da.th.jpg Prodactylioceras + Aegoceras + Oxytoma

011xe.th.jpg Prodactylioceras + Aegoceras + Tragophylloceras + belemnite

Keep ever in mind that when something seemed to be too hard it may not be as difficult as you think !

Hope you enjoyed !!!

Edited by David
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WOW....I want to come visit! :)

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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Congratulations on finding a cool spot. Beautiful prep work. Do you sandblast the last yaer of matrix off? And what do you put on the ammonites to make them shine? (Between picture 7 and 8 above).

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Thanks you all ! Yes i sandblast the fossil lightly at the end. I layed a german produce named "Perfektsteinpflege" it enhance the colour without being brilliant as a varnish. (it is brilliant on pics coz i take the photo while it was still drying)

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