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Recommend Book Human Fossils


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Can you recommend me the best books on human ancestral fossils. A description on all found ancestral fossils. I know Wikipedia has this but I did not like the format.

Ideally, a book with pictures, and with competing theories.


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Don't know if you have seen this site:


and its page on prominent Hominid fossils):


Although it's not in any way a book about fossils, I would also recommend the beautifully illustrated: "Human Origins - The Story of Our Species" by Yves Coppens (the discoverer of "Lucy").

I don't have the "Complete World of Human Evolution" that 32fordboy references above, but I have other books by Chris Stringer which are generally excellent... particularly his "homo Britannicus - The Incredible Story of Human Life in Britain".

Edited by painshill


I keep six honest serving-men (they taught me all I knew);Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who [Rudyard Kipling]

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