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My Wife Keeps Telling Us To Stop...


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My wife has given instructions to stop bringing home the same stuff, unless it is really cool. So, when my son picked this up off the bank of the river, thinking it was turtle, I thought well at least it's small. She won't even notice. When we got home I took a second look and thought that's not turtle....where have I seen this? Checked in a book and saw glyptodon scutes. Sorry honey, we're bringing everything home now.


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There's more than one way to win an argument.... :)

Wish I could win more arguments this way!
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Wish I could win more arguments this way!

:D Nice find, Gary.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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My wife has given instructions to stop bringing home the same stuff, unless it is really cool...

An edict doomed to failure: everything is really cool!

(That said, it might be unwise to sit directly under the Other Shoe of Damocles while smugly asserting so).

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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