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Naked Salenia


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Here is something I found in the Glen Rose Formation of Texas. That's early Albian in age. It was found in a location collected by a number of us that produces good Leptosalenia texana echinoids. I find numerous "cidarid" spines at this location as well.

So when I first saw this I thought it was just another Salenia but then noticed it didn't have the apical cap. But otherwise it looked complete so I kept it. (NOTE TO NEWBIES: always hang onto the things you can't figure out.) Last weekend JohnJ and I did a little collecting and then he came by the house and showed me how to use KOH. We used this specimen as the demonstration subject. It still needs more work but we were at least able to confirm that the apical opening is true and there is no sign of a broken cap.

I have had one "expert" look at it briefly and tell me he knows of other un-described "Cidarids" from the GR. It is not like the known Phylocanthids. Any ideas what it might be?


Edited by erose
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OK, now its working! Of course I have no Idea what it is beyond nice echinoid, but I still wanted to see it. ;)

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OK, now its working! Of course I have no Idea what it is beyond nice echinoid, but I still wanted to see it. ;)

Oh thanks! next time you put up some odd hamilton platycerid see if I help you....

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Erich, the more I look at it, the more I see a perfectly 'decapitated' Leptosalenia texana (Credner). Your find is certainly uncommon. It would be great to see some additional photos beside one of your better L. texana specimens.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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