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Peace River Bone Needs An I.d.


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Hey everyone...

Last December i got to do my first Peace river hunt, thanks to the help of a great fellow fossil enthusiast. among the shark teeth, and other assorted fossils, i found this small bone. my question is...is it Amphibian, Mammalian, or Avian? if more pics are needed...just let me know.




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Looks like a metacarpal/metatarsal from a mammal...From there it's pretty much guessing. Looks similar to some dire wolf ones I have, only a lot smaller. Perhaps its some kind of carnivoran.


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I will probably be wrong, I'm pretty new to this, that being said. It looks avian to me, possibly a ulna from a wing??? I'm not familiar with the different species in that area but maybe I can narrow it down a little! BTW, very cool congrats!

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I am no expert, but the thinness of this bone speaks against a metatarsal or metacarpal. It looks like a long bone (femur, tibia, humerus radius or ulna) from a small creature, maybe frog? Bird arm bones are usually fused into wierd things that don't look like this at all.

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I am no expert, but the thinness of this bone speaks against a metatarsal or metacarpal. It looks like a long bone (femur, tibia, humerus radius or ulna) from a small creature, maybe frog? Bird arm bones are usually fused into wierd things that don't look like this at all.

Good to know Scylla, I thought about a metacarpus but the joint didn't look quite right.... When you say fused into weird things what do you mean?

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Oh, the carpometacarpus I think its called, like all the carpals, metacarpals and phalanges rolled into one! Idid not mean to say this is not a bird bone, just that I do not know enough bird anatomy to even guess :P If it is a metatarsal or metacarpal it seems to be from some very gracile creature...

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Very cool, Phil. You go to a river looking for fossils, find mostly shark teeth, and toss in an odd bone. Then 6 months later you place it on TFF and PF IDs it as a possible Bobcat metapodial.

It is a good feeling, almost as good as going back to the river yesterday!!!

The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Very cool, Phil. You go to a river looking for fossils, find mostly shark teeth, and toss in an odd bone. Then 6 months later you place it on TFF and PF IDs it as a possible Bobcat metapodial.

It is a good feeling, almost as good as going back to the river yesterday!!!

Yes it is a good feeling my friend! almost as good as when you took me to find it! lol. glad to hear your getting your sifter wet again. :P

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