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Fossil Hound


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Welcome from Washington! The image is a wee bit grainy for me to know for sure, but the Forum has many folks that will give you some help on the ID. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

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Welcome to the Forum! :)

My old eyes are going to need sharper, brighter pictures.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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In the second set of photos, the specimen on the left is a fragment of mammoth enamel, the specimen in the middle is a fragment of a horse tooth and the third picture and fourth pictures are collections of Pleistocene enamel bits and pieces.


Edited by Fruitbat

Illigitimati non carborundum

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