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Fossil Hunting Videos


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I was wondering if anyone knew about any fossil hunting channels on Youtube. I really enjoy watching the videos.

I already know of:

-Black River Fossils (my fav)

-flying science

-fossil hunter 51,




-Lee Taylor

-mob charters FL

can you guys think of any more?

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black river is also mt fav, but sometimes these videos make me so jealous, i mean they find a flawless meg and call it a shamer, and i havent even found one yet!

one day i will find a tooth over 3 inches in good conditon haha.

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All good! Lee, especially, does great work :)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Didnt even think to check youtube for any videos. Great to know and thanks. Its funny cuz the other day I was thinking of putting my gopro camera on a hardhat when Im in a quarry just for kicks.

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black river is also mt fav, but sometimes these videos make me so jealous, i mean they find a flawless meg and call it a shamer, and i havent even found one yet!

yeah i know it kills me too. I would die to check out one of those land sites or even the Edisto.

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yeah i know it kills me too. I would die to check out one of those land sites or even the Edisto.

Yeah i love black river too and i agree with you

: )

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I know of this one even though you proberly know it. :

www.MobCharters.com features Shark Teeth Collecting at Venice Boneyard in Venice, FL that one vid i like and now i wanna go to fl and do the same :0) thanks for the other links so far gonna have a look true soon.

Edited by Skph




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I could never do a video as I end up talking to myself often :D

Actually I think that would be a good narrative; let us know what your thinking as you see things. Unless you talk to yourself about car stuff or something else while you fossil hunt! :blink:


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Actually I think that would be a good narrative; let us know what your thinking as you see things. Unless you talk to yourself about car stuff or something else while you fossil hunt! :blink:

haha no normally it is stuff like "wow that is cool", "oh man that is beautiful", "look at that, it is fantastic" that sort of stuff.

Then there are times like the other day where I have walked past a spot 6 plus times and then go to check out some rocks and look up and see a hornets nest the size of my chest (I am a small guy but it was bigger than a basketball) on a rock about 20-30 ft above my head. At that point I nearly jumped out of my shoes and it is a good thing a train was not going past at the time or I might have been in trouble. I am not sure what I said maybe somthing like "oh my God, holly snarge" it was not explicit or anything though.

As it turns out the nest seemed to have no sings of life, it looked as if it had been damaged, but at first glance all I seen was the nest. Being allergic to bees and wasps this sent chills down my spine. I was really surprised I had not seen it sooner, and also a bit worried that I has passed by it without seeing it. I was raised in the country and should have thought to be looking for such dangers. I look for snakes and that sort of thing but I seem to miss this, it is worrying to say the least that I was that wrapped up in looking at that rocks that I missed it.

When I get the chance I will post up some photos of that trip. It was a good trip all in all. It was late in the day when I seen the nest and the sight of it and the scare at first sort of took the trip to an unexpected end. I felt uneasy and tired after seeing that lol.

Southeast, MO

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