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Eocene Shark Tooth Id Help, Again.


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I found two shark teeth recently in an area of the Castle Hayne Formation, Eocene ( Coastal NC). As usual, I have been trying to ID them both with some possible suspects. Not sure, but think the smaller tooth could be Americana Isurus. Any help is appreciated. I am currently checking on elasmo too. :)




Edited by masonboro37

Process of identification "mistakes create wisdom".

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I think both are Isurus praecursor. The elasmo website will call them Macrorhizodus americana.

Ok, thank you Al Dente! I will go back and look at the Isurus praecurser. I sure wish I could get just a bit better with shark tooth ID. As much as I study my books, I still stuggle with it! I work with human teeth all day and one would think I could catch on tho shark teeth. LOL! :)

Process of identification "mistakes create wisdom".

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