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"rising Sea Level" Conference, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia - Oct. 19Th


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Hi guys! Anybody on the East Coast, the Fundy Geological Museum in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, is hosting a conference on "Rising Sea Level: The Impact on Coastal Communities along the Bay of Fundy", held this coming Friday October 19th.

My friend Ken Adams, whom I've had the luck to accompany on many of his geological walks of the Cumburland area, had made past remarks on the ever changing landscape, the pace of erosion, and intriguing points. Here's the FGM's summary from their website:

The motivation for holding a Sea Level conference grew out of the flooding concerns of Ken Adams, Director/Curator of the Fundy Geological Museum. The Fundy Geological Museum, as the attachment shows, appears to be on a tidal flood plain and with sea levels rising it is now possible that future tides will exceed the height of the ddykes that now protects the museum.

Ken's worries lead to informal email discussions with several scientists. The topics involved such items as the 18.7 year tidal cycle, storm surges, coastal shoreline erosion and the accuracy of present day high tide predictions for the Upper Bay of Fundy. From this interchange of ideas and information an interest in a Sea Level workshop/conference, to be held at the Fundy Geological Museum, developed.




Edited by redleaf101
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