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Requiem Or Tiger?


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Qatar Eocene Desert:

Requiem Or Tiger?


I have done a usual search of Elasmo and a few other sites but I am seeing similarities and differences between the 2 species.

size pic:


Any input would be gratefully accepted.


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Looks like Abdounia (A.reticona?) to me, a requiem

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Jocky, looking at the pic of abdounia's and G. eaglesomithat Al Dente posted in your original thread , and seeing the size of your tooth (with finger for scale), I would say your tooth is definitely a tiger shark tooth; G. eaglesomi. Congrats!


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  • 1 month later...

Definitely not an Abdounia but a Galeocerdo tooth. It's not G. eaglesomi to my view but a different species more close to what we could find in Pakistan in the Drazinda shale Member

, may be a new one?

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