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Finally---Is There Anybody Out There---


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I finally got talked into getting an ipad3. Although it IS really cool, I finally found out it does not transfer images onto the forum without many more attachments and headaches. I have several hundred images saved on this machine ready to go, and can only send them through email. I also understand there has been some recent problems with emails on this forum. so my question is---is there anyone out there willing to accept some photos then post them FOR me? Just thought id give this a try. Please refer to my bio.


Edited by PRK
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Did you check out the "help & suggestions" area of the forum? I seem to recall seeing some one else having this same problem a month or two ago but I could be wrong.

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I've kept up with that post AND even PM him. he does not respond. Anybody out there with an iPod? How did you solve this prob?

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I post by use of link from photo bucket. Perhaps you can load the pics there?

And yet another example of why I will NOT buy anoth i product ever again.

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I hope someone can help PRK out with posting images through his iPad3. To get the process moving here are some spectacular nodule fossils PRK has amased over the years. He emailed these images to me.

A great specimen of a Euproops danae


An amazing Annularia specimen.


An a jaw-dropping Chiton.


Thank you to PRK for letting me see some of your great fossils, I hope we get to see many many more. :)

Edited to correct ID

Edited by AgrilusHunter

"They ... savoured the strange warm glow of being much more ignorant than ordinary people, who were only ignorant of ordinary things."

-- Terry Pratchett

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Once you sign up, there will be a green Upload tab. Just click that and upload from your pad. To post to a thread, just hover ove rthe pic. You will get several options that appear below the pic. Just go to the bottom choice, IMG code. Click on the box to the right of IMG code. That will copy the link. Just go back to your thread, right click and paste in the link. When you post the thread, the pic will post.

Awesome nodules. Making me VERY jealous.

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Hey smoker---are your instructions for a computer? For some reason my iPad doesn't seem to have the same buttons.

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OK, photobucket changed their site, so what I said does not apply now. Try the app and see what happens.

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I always enjoy seeing nice Mazon Creek fossils.

The horseshoe crab is a nice example Euproops danae

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I always enjoy seeing nice Mazon Creek fossils.

The horseshoe crab is a nice example Euproops danae

Yikes! Nice catch RCFossils. I'm surprised I made that mistake we have four of those here at Purdue now. Chalk it up to a lack of sleep ... maybe coffee. Thanks for the correcting the ID. :)

"They ... savoured the strange warm glow of being much more ignorant than ordinary people, who were only ignorant of ordinary things."

-- Terry Pratchett

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Thank you RC! I hear YOU are the mazon man! Did you see my mazon insect?

I did not see the insect. Please post a picture when you have a chance
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OR----- are there any other suggestions??????? i only want to post pics

Posted from my iPad. It's easy. Just select "more reply options" and then choose file from existing camera role. As long as it is under 2mb it should be no problem. I love my iPad and take it with me everywhere. Nice to geo tag photos for exact locations when hunting- well not exact , but close enough to find again and look it up later.


Edited by missingdigits
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WOW!!! Thats exiting news. where have you been the last couple weeks? I deffinitly try that!!!!!I sure hope this works. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

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WOW!!! Thats exiting news. where have you been the last couple weeks? I deffinitly try that!!!!!I sure hope this works. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

I have been so busy and oddly enough yours was the first post I clicked on in a long time!

Let me know if you have any trouble.

Here is one more.


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What a coincidence---I love bob ross

Happy little tree painting a happy Bob Ross. Does it get any better than that?

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Here are a few more of PRK's fossils.

A nice Asilid next to an extant example. Not sure where this one is from.


A Mazon Tully!


An interesting Mazon insect! I'm still not sure of an ID. Based on the image, I'm leaning towards proto-orthoptera. Any other suggestions?


Edited by AgrilusHunter

"They ... savoured the strange warm glow of being much more ignorant than ordinary people, who were only ignorant of ordinary things."

-- Terry Pratchett

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