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Another Shark Tooth


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Thanks for everyone's help with my last post. I appreciate it. I went back and did a little more hunting today in the same area ( blue hills shale, carlile formation, upper Cretaceous(Kansas ). I got real lucky and found this guy sitting on a rock. Help with I.d.? I have a guess but I will wait to see what someone else thinks. Thanks in advance!



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First thought it was C. appendiculata then realized that it was at the 2 inch mark so ruled it out, the only other shark from your location of that size would be Cretodus crassidens. Your tooth is an anterior (front)tooth, nice find---Tom

Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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First thought it was C. appendiculata then realized that it was at the 2 inch mark so ruled it out, the only other shark from your location of that size would be Cretodus crassidens. Your tooth is an anterior (front)tooth, nice find---Tom

Thanks!!!! Wahoo! I saw your previous post before you edited it and as going to say I thought given the size and location it might be Cretodus. I found this guy just a couple of hills over from the Mike Eveharts Credotus find. So cool. I thought/hoped that's what it was!


Edited by missingdigits
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That's a huge tooth! Nice find for the Blue Hill Shale!


Don't forget to check out those concretions, most big finds in the Blue Hill Shale are at least partially in concretions, That other shark was also found in a concretion.

Edited by Ramo

For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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That's a huge tooth! Nice find for the Blue Hill Shale!


Thanks. I finally got to check out the land I was telling you about. I'm hooked.

I also found a ptychodus tooth and some other small tooth today. Also what I believe might be a fin in very bad shape. Post a picture of it in the next couple of days and see what you think.

Oh yes, I DO check the concretions! I studied the photos of the Cretodus vertebrate in the concretions many times to get an idea what to look for. This area is huge and just fully f concretions of all sizes, as you know. Found so many ammonite/scaphite mud balls I quit cracking them open.


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Don't stop opening the mudballs, never know what treasure might be awaiting for you. The ammo's look to be a Rhaeboceras sp. but not for sure----Tom

Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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