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Unknown Fossil Found At Mcfadden Beach, Tx


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We have been doing a lot of debating on this one. Piece measures approximately 22 cm X 10 cm X 5 cm and none of us have ever seen anything like it before. It looks like an oyster, but not quite; a tooth, but no root; maybe a scute for something really big... On the bottom there are two holes that could be for nerves or a blood supply. The top (at least I assume it's the top) has these raised lines that run the length of it. The bottom is concave. Almost makes you think of a flipper.

post-8209-0-97097200-1353970515_thumb.jpgpost-8209-0-02046300-1353970540_thumb.jpgpost-8209-0-61405200-1353970615_thumb.jpg The wider end kind of looks toothy.

Oh, I give up! What do ya'll think?



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Not mastodon, but mammoth...part of the tooth root. Nice find. :)

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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