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Miniest Crab Re---Post


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It's from a small and (at the time ) fresh roadcut. ALL the crabs I found there were quite small ( and luckily, the smallest crab I found there was a complete one). In this part of the cut, the side slopes were unstable and constantly slumping, creating fresh material every time I passed by. However, the highway department didnt like the earth movement onto the highway, and unceremoniously hydromulched the exposure so as to stableize it, ending my collecting at the "crab nursery". It is totally overgrown now and I can't even tell it was nice bedrock once upon a time.

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Seriously nice crab fossil! Thanks for posting.

"They ... savoured the strange warm glow of being much more ignorant than ordinary people, who were only ignorant of ordinary things."

-- Terry Pratchett

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GEE! I wonder who's in there? No need to crack it, and I know, not a mini.

This is another oligocene conc from another locale, But It kinda goes hand in hand with the previous pic post. It looks like the crab has been trapped in that nodule a looong time, and is fighting to escape.

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This changes everything!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Great examples....Youve seen these before no doubt but heres my contribution...

Euproops 4mm across headshield & a bigger one...

post-1630-0-54296200-1354358184_thumb.jpg post-1630-0-28520700-1354358209_thumb.jpg

(I say bigger one and not 'adult' as I have been informed someone is doing research currently suggesting the coal swamp crabs may just be early growth stages of horseshoe crabs that were hatched in the swamps for their protection from predation whilst juvenile)...Interesting theory!...

Apparently there was a large example found at Mazon Creek?...I havent personally seen any bigger than 6cm across the headshield...

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Het TD! How big IS the "bigger guy?"

PRK... The big one is 50mm across the headshield....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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What is the Genus of the crabs in the last two examples of you minis, especially the last one the "bigger mini".

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Hi Steve - since there are several genera of crabs from this locale, ive found there is really no way I could definitely pin a genus on the unopened ones. Also there is doubt to their ID, as crabs of this size from this area have not been officially studied

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The claws are a dead ringer for Pulalius. I am interested in seeing more species from these locals you collected these from. I have only found two species at those spots so far. Pulalius and Panopeus with an occasional calanassa sp claw. The larger concretion will have a very nicely colored crab in it :) like this:


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That ventral Pulalius is awesome!

Yes sir, that's a very clean and detailed ventral prep.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein


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here's a tiny one from the Castle Hayne Formation, Sequence 4, Late Eocene of North Carolina. Dromidia? Sorry about the poor focus....


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