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Pennsylvanian Period Nut?


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Hey guys/gals, found this today, appears to be a nut or something similiar, the texture all around it looks like fingerprints. All I had on hand at the time was a camera phone, just got excited and had to post to try and get an id, if not clear enough I can take more with my camera when I get home on macro settings to see if I can get the pics any more clear. I have only found calamites, annularia, and stigmaria up until today when I found this and 2 other specimens that appear to be shells of some sort so am super excited. Any help appreciated. Hopefully these pics are better (still trying to learn camera)




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That looks like a clam to me. Maybe just an internal mold (AKA Steinkern). I know that in some parts of Pennsylvania and Ohio there are thin marine layers mixed in with the terrestrial or swamp deposits that produce the great plant fossils. And then there is the possibility of fresh or brackish water critters being preserved.

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Can't really see detail needed for an ID

Looking forward to pictures with your camera with macro capabilities.

I think I know what you found ... (clam) and the name

However, why guess when higher quality pictures will be posted soon.


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deleted old pics and uploaded more, hopefully you can tell more about these. :) . Sorry forgot the coin when I took these new pics. :blush: its about (or maybe just a little smaller) the same size as a U.S. dime.

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Looks like a very worn "Bellerophon" gastropod to me. Which would fit in with the other post you submitted with the "Orbiculites" Best guess. :)

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" I think, therefore I collect fossils." _ Me

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Thanks to everyone for your input, at closer inspection it really looks like maybe Astartella Concentrica to me? especially from the top view, its just hard to photograph any better due to small size and akward shape. Will keep searching through all this rock, have found several specimens that are similiar, I think I have found a segment of orthoceras (colletti?), excited to find them in an unexpected area!! I have threatened my honey to not even look in my area, much less even think about doing any dozer work around it until im done looking through it all. hehe.

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