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Ebay Southern New Jersey Megalodon Shark Tooth


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There were some rather large teeth from this era collected near the canoe rental site in shark river.

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I was wondering about that tooth when I saw it on ebay earlier today. Years ago I read about a site in North Jersey (understanding that to me anything past Trenton is North Jersey) where you could find Megs. I remember the person who wrote about the site said it was on a river and you had to hunt blindly in some pretty deep muck and that it was pretty dangerous, other than that they didnt give any specifics. Maybe someone else on here will know more

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I have read a paper I believe was in the DVPS journal The Mosasaur. (can't locate it, maybe on one of the cd's of volume 1 or 2?)

If I recall correctly it mentiomed megs being found in Shiloh which is either in Salem or Cumberland county in a defunct and backfilled marl pit.

It's hard to remember why you drained the swamp when your surrounded by alligators.

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very doubtful imo. without much more specific provenance i would say its just likely from a collection that someone had in south jersey and got mixed in with jersey fossils over time.

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No Miocene fossils are found at Sewell that I am aware of. Paleocarcharodon has been found at Inversand, but it is Paleocene.

The Shiloh Marl in Salem County did produce a Miocene fauna similar to that of Calvert Cliffs, including megs, so it is possible this tooth was from there. However, without more info I agree it is questionable.

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I have to agree with Steve, probably got mixed in part of a collection. If it was found in the 1930's like stated and by a private collector then I would doubt there is any record of where it was found still with it, if any was taken at all. I am always keeping an eye out for New Jersey fossils on eBay and you see stuff like that from time to time. In fact there was a squalicorax bassani claiming to have came from NJ a few weeks back. I think they do stuff like that to try and get more money. You will obviously get more money if it is a rare location for the tooth to have came out of.

There is another Meg tooth listed on eBay that says "Possible New Jersey Megalodon tooth". To me that one has more of a look of a tooth that could have came from NJ. Plus I like the fact that they say possibly. Still to much money imo.


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