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Display Idea For Loose Trilobites


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I have a ton of loose trilobites that are just laying around and am trying to come up with ideas to display them in a way that allows them to stand out a little better (and not just be piled up). This is one of my ideas and my first attempt as it, so I used some of the not so perfect trilobites in it...BUT what do you think of this idea?


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Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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I like it. If I remember correctly, they have a similar display at the Museume in Denver. I think they have all enrolled trilos from tiny to big in a row on sticks like you have.

I was considering something similar. I was going to use a small mirror with scalloped edges (found at hobby lobby) for the base, and glue clear plastic rods to it. Having trouble finding those clear plastic rods though.

What kind of glue did you use to attach your trilobites?


For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
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Just hot glue...easily removable. I plan to do a few bigger ones too. It looks nice in a display case. I added a few on the base that have their natural rock bases so that adds to it.

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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Great idea!

Well executed, too.

Thanks for posting it.



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"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

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Trilobite fondue! :P

Very creative :)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

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Hey Girl---Great idea, know what I want for Christmas, I already have my two front teeth and at my age they are still natural. Seriously that make for a very interesting display piece, I like---Tom

Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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Love the trilos but too crowded for my liking.... might be ok to do this with the not so good specimens but just does not seem right for ones that are gems...... I liked the idea some one had to use clear plexi rods....

Edited by Malcolmt
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as an engineer i say excellent use of display space


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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I had initially thought of doing them in a straight line in two rows on a square board...which may be what I do with the bigger nicer ones. That way they are not too crowded...but these seem to look good in the display case and it catches your eye, especially since they are not just laying flat. It might be cool to add tiny labels to them identifying the species as well. I will have to play around with it.

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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It seems a good way to allow the bugs to be viewed from all angles if the viewers are not allowed to touch.

BTW I have to ask, if these are your lesser quality examples and you have a ton of them lying around, do you have any you'd like to get rid of??.... ;)

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Smithsonian Natural History has a series of Flexi's and Phacops done the same way. The rods are laid out in a spiral with smallest on top increasing in size, all specimens rolled if I remember correctly.

Very nice job you did there. I rather like the look of yours.

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Super Dooper Job! Love it! Inspiring!

Wow, and I'm IMPRESSED with the trilos! :envy: Bev :)

The more I learn, I realize the less I know.


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  • 3 weeks later...

This is my second display I made. Looks pretty good inside the display case. Now on to more displays for other fossils!


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Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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The one rod is a little crooked I know you're aware, but looks pretty good otherwise!

Piles of trilobites is a good problem to have. I don't have piles of anything, so everything I have goes into drawers, and cotton-lined boxes if small enough, or on top of the drawer units if too big. One of these days I'll have a lighted display case for all my best display items, then I'll start experimenting with aesthetics vs economy of space!

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Haha, thanks. Yes, those rods can be easily moved around. I must have moved it when I put it in the cabinet.

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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This is my second display I made. Looks pretty good inside the display case. Now on to more displays for other fossils!

A bell jar might look good over them.

That is a very creative, and clever, display, though!


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Very Cool nice idea. Like those Oklahoma bugs. If I could weld I could make a nice one with no glue.

You could use small metal prongs to hold them together, there was a display exactly similar to this but instead of glue he used loose thin wire to hold them to the sticks.

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What a great idea! The idea of the fossil suspended in air could possibly work from a wall mounted base also. The effect would be like the fossil was hovering out from the wall surface. Very nice.

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