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Cretaceous Crab Burrow?


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This possible burrow was found a while back at the Rocky Point Quarry in NC. The formation which it was discovered in was Peedee, Cretaceous. I was going through some of my "set aside" specimens tonight and forgot this was there. I am just curious if it is a crab burrow cast. It looks very similar to other casts which I have found, this one is just a bit different. A friend laughed at me and said " nice corn on the cob fossil". He was of course kidding because he collects aswell. Anyways, any thoughts are appreciated!




Edited by masonboro37

Process of identification "mistakes create wisdom".

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Another pic......and yes there is a little ant on it from washing and leaving it outside for a few hours.


Edited by masonboro37

Process of identification "mistakes create wisdom".

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It seems that those in the know are now calling the east coast Protocallianassa ghost shrimp by Mesostylus mortoni (Pilsbry).

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These crab burrows are common finds in the Cretaceous of NJ and DE. Check my website for examples of them and the crabs which made them.

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These crab burrows are common finds in the Cretaceous of NJ and DE. Check my website for examples of them and the crabs which made them.

Darth, forget the Link? None on your profile page either :popcorn: John
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Very nice, Libby!!!

It looks like something has been preserved and hidden in the inside without being clear from the pics if it is well preserved and revealable. Or I am not seeing well?

Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Great find, Libby. :)

Here is the link to darthfossil's Website.



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"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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Hey Libby,

Darth Fossil's webpage has some of the burrows with the callionassid shrimp in them, have never seen that in NC, check it out


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Took a me a bit to get back on this one. Thank you everyone for your ID on the burrow. It is placed in my collection with proper identification. :)

Process of identification "mistakes create wisdom".

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