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Wheeler Shale Doodad


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Here's a piece I bought a while ago - Was told the horn-shaped thing is a carpoid and the red branching things were a type of sponge. Can anyone confirm or deny, or add info? thanks!

(Pics took in a hurry, now it occurs to me I might need a magnified view... stay tuned)

post-4372-0-11965800-1355456927_thumb.jpg post-4372-0-51529000-1355456938_thumb.jpg

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Here's a piece I bought a while ago - Was told the horn-shaped thing is a carpoid and the red branching things were a type of sponge. Can anyone confirm or deny, or add info? thanks!

(Pics took in a hurry, now it occurs to me I might need a magnified view... stay tuned)

post-4372-0-11965800-1355456927_thumb.jpg post-4372-0-51529000-1355456938_thumb.jpg

The specimen on the left is a carpoid. http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cast.htm

The red thing is possibly a sponge. I don't see much detail but have seen specimens that look similar.


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Thanks both..

I can't see anything that might indicate spicules under the loup. Might they be small enough that I can't see them without a microscope, or does the grain size limit that sort of detail? It looks like hardly anything more than a stain.

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