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It is distinguished by lack of fringing pygidial spines from Thysanopeltis, and from Scutellum by the ribbing of the pygidium.

I think macrocephalus refers to an enlarged cephalon

Edited by squalicorax

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Attached are the formal descriptions for Harpes, Scabriscutellum and Scutellum. I have included figures for the harpid trilobites only as you didn't specify any scutelluids and there are dozens of possibilities to choose from. Also worth noting; I found two harpid genera for the species perradiatus in Morocco: Harpes and Helioharpes. The attachments are sourced from the following references.


Richter, Rudolf & Richter, Emma (1943)

Trilobiten aus dem Devon von Marokko mit einem Anhang über Arten des Rheinlands

Studien im Palaozoikum der Mittelmeer-Lander. Senckenbergiana 26(1-3):116-199


Whittington, Harry B. (1949)

A Monograph of the British Trilobites of the Family Harpidae.

Palaeontographical Society, London. 447:1-55


Snajdr, Milan (1960)

Studie o celedi Scutelluidae (Trilobitae). A study of the family Scutelluidae (Trilobitae)

Nakladatelstvi Ceskoslovenske akademie ved Praha. 1-263


Pribyl, A. & Vanek, K (1981)

Preliminary report on some new trilobites of the family Harpetidae Hawle et Corda

Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii. 26:187-193


Ebach, Malte C. & McNamara, Kenneth J. (2002)

A systematic revision of the family Harpetidae (Trilobita)

Records of the Western Australian Museum. 21:235-267


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