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It's Been A Long Time Since I Posted Something; Ault, France

patrick hendriks

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Hello everybody

It's been a long while since I posted something on this forum, so I thought I will post some trips from this last year. The first one that I’m posting is from a trip last may to the French coast. It's been almost 7 years ago since I last visited this place. But now we had a short brake and this was the perfect place to combine fossil hunting with some nature trips with my family.

I know this place always is full with huge and smaller blocks of chalk which are containing echinoids, mollusk and ammonites. You only have to be watching 2 things when you visit this place.

First is the tide. You always have to search at low that, because that is the time when the blocks on the beach are exposed. And the second thing you have to watch out for are the steep cliffs. When going down the stairs to access the beach there is this huge sign warning everybody not to get to close to the cliffs. The pictures let you see why. The nice thing about this beach is that everyone can find some fossils, so it’s a great trip for the complete family.

A view at the coast and cliffspost-479-0-60026200-1355871207_thumb.jpg

other sidepost-479-0-44785500-1355871267_thumb.jpg

collecting with my sonpost-479-0-05922800-1355871270_thumb.jpg

and the other sonpost-479-0-62267800-1355871272_thumb.jpgpost-479-0-87091100-1355871274_thumb.jpg

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And of course here are some pictures of the finds from that day.

the unprepped party post-479-0-90369400-1355871636_thumb.jpg micraster post-479-0-35451400-1355871532_thumb.jpg

another one post-479-0-58992600-1355871543_thumb.jpg and another post-479-0-51767800-1355871639_thumb.jpg

a regular one post-479-0-36582200-1355871556_thumb.jpg a nice spine post-479-0-14665400-1355871642_thumb.jpg

a very nice inside cast of a micraster post-479-0-07815700-1355871559_thumb.jpg and a nice bivalve post-479-0-85378700-1355871553_thumb.jpg

Edited by patrick hendriks
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Nice lot, I like the bivalve, and the ech with epifauna, good thing you could prep it without losing them!

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I didnt know you found other fossils than amazing Mako teeth! Ha ha! Just kidding!

DO, or do not. There is no try.

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Hello Mike

My passion goes to the shark teeth, and especially to the Squalicorax. But i just love to collect fossils. So on vacation i go to every side a kn ow to do some hunting. But i will post 3 more topics this week and they are all about shark teeth.


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Patrick.... Great to catch up with your finds.... Very productive hunt... Well done....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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