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Merry Christmas To Y'all, Texas Style

Uncle Siphuncle

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Free of charge and with free shipping, I'd like to offer 2 nearly identical suites of fossils to interested collectors, one group going anywhere in the U.S. and the other going anywhere in the world outside of the U.S.

Each fossil suite consists of the following:

- One Mortoniceras ammonite about 3-1/2 or 4 inches diameter

- One echinoid Hemiaster bexari

- One echinoid Loriolia rosana

- One echinoid Heteraster texanus

- One chunk of Nebraska Oligocene tortoise Stylemus nebrascensis

All you have to do is be the first to say "Aye" on this thread, then PM me your mailing address. Enjoy your holidays with family.




Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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P.S. Sorry, I can't part with the Texas quarter....sentimental value and all.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Oh I would be the first to jump on that BUT some very nice TEXAN had traded me some simmaler stuff so I gess some one should get this! ;) that's vary nice of u To offer to the forum

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Now THAT is Southern hospitality right there!

Bravo, Mr. Woehr.

Well Done!



   VFOTM.png.f1b09c78bf88298b009b0da14ef44cf0.png    VFOTM  --- APRIL - 2015       MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png      PaleoPartner.png.30c01982e09b0cc0b7d9d6a7a21f56c6.png.a600039856933851eeea617ca3f2d15f.png     Postmaster1.jpg.900efa599049929531fa81981f028e24.jpg        IPFOTM -- MAY - 2024   IPFOTM5.png.fb4f2a268e315c58c5980ed865b39e1f.png

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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Daniel, the only echinoids I currently own are still living in my aquaria. Aye, I would love to add one of yours to my collection. It would be great to show it to school children along with the live ones.


P.S. I would be very glad to send you something in return, maybe a modern urchin test?

Merry Christmas!


P.P.S. It looks like I'm too late, but maybe you would like to trade for just one echinoid, if you have any more? Anyhow, it was very generous of you to offer these!

Edited by Pagurus

Start the day with a smile and get it over with.


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foilist - the early bird gets the echinoid!

pagurus - pm me pls and we'll work something out that you'll like


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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all righty then kosmo, danny claus' bag is officially empty!


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Dang, a few hours too late! Oh well, no worries, I actually have a couple of similar TX echs from Gary Westbrook. But I was wondering if you have any more of the Loriolias you'd be willing to part with, Dan? Just one will do. They look so similar to an echinoid I have from here on the Island (sorry can't trade any of them away, they're too rare) But would like to have a Loriolia to put beside them for comparison, even if it's not likely they are the same genus. I can pay you if you'd like, or maybe work something else out.

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Nice gesture, Dan, fitting with the holidays spirit!!!!!!!!!

Thanks much for your wishes, as well ;)

My best wishes to you and to your family too. :)

Astrinos P. Damianakis

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much Dan for your generosity! The echinoids you sent are terrific, I especially like the Loriolia specimens you sent. They look so similar to the modern urchins. I am especially excited by the Paleopagurs banderensis claws. What a great surprise. A 108 million-year-old hermit crab! Now I can change my avatar to one more fitting for the forum. I hope it's a fabulous new year for you and Ms Brett with many more wonderful adventures.

Mike G

Start the day with a smile and get it over with.


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with your handle, mike, i couldn't resist with the crabby claws...enjoy. one of the loriolia was absolutely screamin perfect, not a tubercle out of placw...make sure you hang onto that one.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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