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Advice On Pyrite Ammonite


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Hello everyone,

I have a rather rare ammonite in my collection which unfortunately is preserved in pyrite, and it is beginning to show signs of decay. I'd be interested in hearing your opinions on how to preserve a copy of this specimen - so if there is no better option than taking a cast of it, I'd be interested in knowing how you would recommend doing that.

Would storing the fossil in kerosene prevent it from oxidising and therefore stop the decay? Has anyone tried using the ammonia technique? - or simply embedding the ammonite in resin? - at this stage I'm focused upon preserving the specimen, even if it is not a practical method for display.

I've done the usual treatments with paraloid, but so far this hasn't stopped the actual decaying. Any insight into the matter would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,


Kind regards,


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You might want to try this method. I hope you can translate this : http://www.steinkern.de/praeparation-und-bergung/tips-tricks-und-fallbeispiele/715-die-konservierung-sulfidisierter-fossilien-mittels-ethanolaminthioglycolat-und-paraloid-b67.html

I had to do this on a Amaltheus which started to decay a few months ago. It's a slow process and i had to repeat it several times. So far it seemed to stop the decay.


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Joe....Ive just donated a couple of yellowing Echioceras to the wheelie bin... If its a rare one maybe its worth trying to save it... What is it exactly?

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Thank you Everhardus, and Steve,

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated, although I don't understand the entire article, Everhardus - I can make sense of the general methods used. It looks as if I may be heading down that route...

Steve; well, now you've asked the question! I'm not 100% sure, but it's a Crucilobiceras from Charmouth - I don't think it is densinodulum or ornatilobatum though - so it's obviously quite a rare one. Have you many species of Crucilobiceras from the Jurassic Coast?

Best wishes,


Kind regards,


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Joe.... I think I may have one Crucilobiceras although I cant remember where it came from... I havent looked for pyrites for many years....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Steve; there's a fantastic selection to be found if you ever fancied a break from the straining work of the giant ammonites. The only problem with them is you can't guarantee how long the specimen will remain in your collection for.

Everhardus; thank you for the link - it looks like I may be purchasing some.

Best wishes,


Edited by Ammojoe

Kind regards,


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Steve; there's a fantastic selection to be found


I bet there is Joe... especially after these rains we been having.... :)

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm, that stabilizer looks interesting, but yes, expensive... I only have a few pyritized items and don't plant to acquire any more unless someone sends them to me in a trade so it wouldn't be economical to buy a bottle... maybe someone else is in the same boat, and maybe we could team up on a purchase and share the stuff?

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I keep my Arkona pyritized goniatites in Johnson's Baby Oil = Mineral Oil.... seems to stabilize pyrite rot.

Have you actually had trouble with pyrite rot in your Arkona specimens? I haven't done anything to protect mine, and haven't seen any sign of pyrite disease, and I've had some specimens for 30 years.


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  • 2 weeks later...

My reciepe is to clean properly the sample with alcool and dry them very carefully,after that you put them in hot paraffin oil,and let few hours :) this advice was given to me and works pretty well ;)

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