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Exposed at the Mensch und Natur Museum in Münich. This piece had no label at all, or I was unable to find it during my visit.

It looks like to have a crest like Dsunganipterus but it have teeth in all the mandible, including the tip.



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  • 6 years later...

Oh god, this is very old but I still feel like answering this. This is Ardeadactylus

Edited by Sassy PaleoNerd
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Yes, quite old. Desperated by having a photo of such a spectacular piece unidentified, I've contacted pterosaur experts. Said expert consulted more experts and although he didn't replied me directly, I've found casually the conversation in next year here, where Christopher Bennett identified to species level already in june 2013. That allowed me to publish, in same year, the species factsheet in the forum where I publish each one of my species photographed.


Anyway, thanks for take your time in replying and old, apparently unresolved, thread. Sometimes this is very helpful. Some of my fossil photos are still unidentified since long, such as a dragonfly, a cricket and a hoverfly which I'm stucked with.

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