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Fellow Fossil Forum Members Hunt Lake Texoma


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Foshunter came to visit and asked it I wanted to hunt Lake Texoma with him yesterday...ABSOLUTELY! Along with him, came his son and granddaughter, and then Texas Fossil Hound joined our hunt as well.

It was a pleasure to finally meet Foshunter, and he brought me some beautiful echinoids from Florida. We casually walked along the beaches combing for fossils, and getting to know each other for most of the day yesterday. I brought a few big tools to carry, and they thought I was funny in bringing them, but I wanted to make sure if anyone found something they really wanted that they could get it out, plus that's what helps keep me in shape (but those big tools on the way back were not so fun to carry :mellow:). All in all, it was a beautiful day for hunting, little things, and big things were found- pretty decent for us not having much rain in the last few months. I really enjoyed everyone's company.

Here are my finds from the trip:

My two favorite teeth for the day: post-4072-0-49718300-1356274733_thumb.jpg post-4072-0-94540700-1356274730_thumb.jpg

The three Foshunter was shaking his head over that I found ;) :post-4072-0-74404900-1356274636_thumb.jpg

The combination of teeth, verts, pyrite ammonites that I brought home: post-4072-0-99330000-1356274639_thumb.jpg post-4072-0-19038900-1356274643_thumb.jpg post-4072-0-79069400-1356274630_thumb.jpg post-4072-0-00882200-1356274628_thumb.jpg post-4072-0-79876000-1356274646_thumb.jpg post-4072-0-15243000-1356274656_thumb.jpg

A few unidentified pieces, including a bone: post-4072-0-06835300-1356274653_thumb.jpg post-4072-0-02379500-1356274650_thumb.jpg post-4072-0-90357900-1356274725_thumb.jpg

The echinoids I brought home: post-4072-0-49869700-1356274633_thumb.jpg

The larger ammonites I brought home: post-4072-0-77094300-1356275167_thumb.jpg.

Foshunter was shaking his head as I walked out with my heavy backpack and large tools and finally understands why my forum title is appropriate :D !

Happy Holidays to all of you!


Edited by fossiladdict

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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Happy Holidays to you L. Glad to see you're still up to your usual high quality (and quantity) collecting results. Gary T. and I were on both sides of Texoma last week and hauled out some nice nautiloids, Eopachydiscus, Idiohamites, etc. I got to looking at all the different formations exposed at Texoma and realized a person could spend a lifetime right there and never get bored. A short Cretaceous list includes:

Pawpaw, Duck Creek, Goodland Limestone w/ Walnut Clay, Antlers Sand, Kiamichi, Ft. Worth Limestone, Grayson Marl, Weno Limestone, and the Dexter Member of the Woodbine.

With the lake down so far the collecting it great even without rain to wash new stuff out but it's getting hard to access some places with new development closing off some old trails. Next time I'm taking a boat.


Edited by BobWill
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Yes, we have a large boat that stays in the slip all year, flat-bottom boat, and canoe as well. Exploring all of it could take years if u ask me.

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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Lyla mentioned that she brought a few BIG TOOLS, I took one look and thought this is going to get into some intense fossil hunting or she is going to build a railroad line to bring her finds out. She carried a FULL sledge hammer and a pry bar that could turn a car over along with a back pack full of countless instruments for any fossil removel situation that could be dreamed of. She has radar vision when it comes to finding micro fossils, she showed Texas Fossil Hound a fish vert the size of a speck of pepper, all I could think after picking my jaw off the ground is Seriously how could she spot something that small, now I know why she finds so many great fossils ----The girl has the eye.

It was a great hunt, enjoyed meeting Lyla, John and a hunt with my son and granddaughter, Forum friends are great and sharing people----Tom

Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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Bahahaha Tom- that might actually be a good idea- build a track and just pull it all out on the track :D . Gotta stay in shape somehow right?!

My husband and I hit POC for a couple hours the next day- here are my finds from it:

post-4072-0-78371900-1356397632_thumb.jpg post-4072-0-50914800-1356397637_thumb.jpg nice vert and those broke big ones that always make you sick: post-4072-0-89315600-1356397640_thumb.jpg

And I'm not sure what this is, crustacean of some type I assume:




Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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Wow, great finds. I would love to make a trip out there one day.

Bulldozers and dirt Bulldozers and dirt
behind the trailer, my desert
Them red clay piles are heaven on earth
I get my rocks off, bulldozers and dirt

Patterson Hood; Drive-By Truckers


image.png.0c956e87cee523facebb6947cb34e842.png May 2016  MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png.a47e14d65deb3f8b242019b3a81d8160.png.b42a25e3438348310ba19ce6852f50c1.png May 2012 IPFOTM5.png.fb4f2a268e315c58c5980ed865b39e1f.png.1721b8912c45105152ac70b0ae8303c3.png.2b6263683ee32421d97e7fa481bd418a.pngAug 2013, May 2016, Apr 2020 VFOTM.png.f1b09c78bf88298b009b0da14ef44cf0.png.af5065d0585e85f4accd8b291bf0cc2e.png.72a83362710033c9bdc8510be7454b66.png.9171036128e7f95de57b6a0f03c491da.png Oct 2022

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Cool finds, especially the crab carapace.

Context is critical.

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Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Might be, looks similar.

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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Thanks for allowing me to tag along! I really enjoyed meeting FosHunter, Sean and his daughter. It was a nice hunt, beautiful day and even though I could not keep up with the caliber of finds from FossilAddict, I did find a few keepers. I will have to post later when I get a chance to soak and clean a bit. I was impressed with the load of tools Fossiladdict carried out and back from the site. Those combined with the load of rocks stuffed into her pack was truly impressive!

It has finally rained (followed by a couple inches of snow) here in TX. Looking forward to a great new year!


"Silence is Golden, but duct tape is Silver."

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Thanks Jon, but it is always a pleasure to have company! Soooo for Christmas, I got a new display case...which means I need to find more fossils :) :) :)!

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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Great finds, it is always great to catch up with other members and enjoy the social aspect.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very nice finds! I think everyone knows about the large ammonites to be found around Texoma. But I am surprised at all the small fossil finds. Especially the small nautiloids. I've never found anything like this in my wondering around the lake. Guess I'm not looking in the right places.

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The crab is Cenomancarcinus vanstraelini. And a tiny one too! I have seem Ceno's up to 6" across. I pulled a 4 incher out of the Britton formation a week ago!

Also, I am head over heels in love with your Paraptychodus teeth. I donated all my Paraptychodus to SMU when they were described by Shawn Hamm a few years ago. I STILL havent found a single one since!!

Great hunt! congrats!

Edited by Boneman007
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While I do enjoy looking at pictures of fossils, a group photo would have been great as well :)

It would be great to have such a good location in my neck of the woods. You are indeed lucky collectors. :envy:


Old Dead Things

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I can't remember if Tom took any pictures or not...I need to buy a cheaper camera- my cameras are all way too expensive to take hunting with me so I rarely take them. Plus they weigh so much that that's just more weight in my pack and as you saw above...I don't need anymore weight to carry around ;) !

I love the small stuff. It thrills me every time I find a nice small ammonite or sharks tooth. I find myself drawn to search for those sometimes when I could be hunting in other areas for other fossils.

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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I carry a Nikon Coolpix ($90) and it weighs 5.6 ounces and is about the size of a pack of cigarettes. Sometimes I find things that are too large to carry and take a picture. Also like to do those in situ pictures. Every now and again someone goes with me and it is always fun to take pictures when they aren't expecting it or I get one of those priceless wildlife shots.


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