piranha Posted January 4, 2013 Posted January 4, 2013 Hot off the presses.... Follow this link to the new starting point for this thread: 1993–2021 Trilobite Papers We will eventually return to the top as we work our way back through the decades. Please excuse the appearance while this thread is under construction ... 7
Caleb Posted October 21, 2013 Posted October 21, 2013 Here is Curtis Congreve's recently accepted PhD Thesis just published online including many excellent new cheirurid species. Enjoy! OPEN ACCESS PDF Congreve, C.R. (2013) Evolutionary Patterns of Trilobites Across the End Ordovician Mass Extinction. The University of Kansas - Department of Geology PhD Thesis, 255 pp. Well this will teach me to skip looking at this post for a week! 1 Caleb Midwestpaleo.com
piranha Posted November 23, 2013 Author Posted November 23, 2013 Adrain, J.M. 1993 Systematics of Silurian trilobites from northern Laurentia. PhD Thesis, University of Alberta, 502 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Chatterton, B.D.E. 1993 A new rorringtoniid trilobite from the Ludlow of Arctic Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 30(8):1634-1643 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ahlberg, P., Bergström, J. 1993 The Trilobite Calodiscus lobatus from the Lower Cambrian of Scania, Sweden. Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm Förhandlingar, 115(4):331-334 OPEN ACCESS PDF Becker, R.T., Schreiber, G. 1993 Zur Trilobiten-Stratigraphie im Letmather Famennium {nördliches Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). [On the trilobite stratigraphy in Letmather Famennium {Northern Rhenish Slate Mountains).] Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 13:369-387 OPEN ACCESS PDF Boyce, W.D., Ash, J.S., Colman-Sadd, S.P. 1993 Trilobite-based age determination of the Riches Island Formation [Baie Despoir Group] in the St Albans map area [NTS 1M/13]. Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, Geological Survey Branch, Current Research Report, 1993-1:181-185 OPEN ACCESS PDF Brauckmann, C., Chlupáč, I., Feist, R. 1993 Trilobites at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique, 115(2):507-518 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D. 1993 A revision of the Devonian dalmanitid Trilobite Gamonedaspis. Revista Técnica de Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos, 13-14:161-166 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D. 1993 Silurian Acastacean Trilobites of the Americas. Journal of Paleontology, 67(4):535-548 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D., Chatterton, B.D.E. 1993 Silurian (Wenlock-Ludlow) Encrinurine Trilobites from the Mackenzie Mountains, Canada, and Related Species. Palaeontographica Abt.A, 229:75-112 OPEN ACCESS PDF Feist, R. 1993 A paedomorphocline in Late Devonian phacopine trilobites. Evolution 93. Fourth Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Abstracts Volume, p.129 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fordyce, D., Cronin, T.W. 1993 Trilobite vision: a comparison of schizochroal and holochroal eyes with the compound eyes of modern arthropods. Paleobiology, 19(3):288-303 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gozalo, R., Álvaro, J., Liñán, E., Sdzuy, K., Truyols, J. 1993 La distribución de Paradoxides (Acadoparadoxides) mureroensis Sdzuy, 1958 (Cámbrico Medio basal) y sus implicaciones paleobiogeográficas. [The distribution of Paradoxides (Acadoparadoxides) mureroensis SDZUY, 1958 (earliest Middle Cambrian) and its palaeobiogeographical consequences.] Cuadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe, 18:217-230 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gozalo, R., Liñán, E., Álvaro, J.J. 1993 Bioestratigrafía del Cámbrico Medio de Villafeliche (prov. Zaragoza, España). [Biostratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian of Villafeliche (province of Zaragoza, Spain).] Revista Española de Paleontologia, 8(Extraordinario):49-57 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hall, C.P. 1993 Biometric and Taxonomic Analysis of the Genus Isotelus (Trilobita) from Cincinnatian (Upper Ordovician) Rocks of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. BSc Thesis, Ohio State University, 36 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Holloway, D.J., Sandford, A. 1993 An Early Silurian trilobite fauna from Tasmania. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 15:85-102 OPEN ACCESS PDF Jaanusson, V., Ramsköld, L. 1993 Pterygometopine Trilobites from the Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Palaeontology, 36(4):743-769 OPEN ACCESS PDF Konstantinenko, .I. 1993 ТРИЛОБИТЫ (PROETIDAE, CALYMENIDAE) И БИОСТРАТИГРАФИЯ СИЛУРА ПОДОЛИИ. [Trilobites (Proetidae, Calymenidae) and biostratigraphy of Silurian Podolia.] Honors Thesis, University of Kiev, Ukraine, 22 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Král, J., Pek, I. 1993 Trilobites of the Carboniferous Limestone facies from boreholes in North Moravia (Czech Republic). Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 38(3-4):215-217 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lenz, A.C., Jin, J., McCracken, A.O., Utting, J., Westrop, S.R. 1993 PALEOSCENE 15. Paleozoic biostratigraphy. Trilobites. Geoscience Canada, 20:41-73 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lin, T., Jago, J.B. 1993 Xystridura and other early Middle Cambrian trilobites from Yaxian, Hainan Province, China. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 117:141-152 OPEN ACCESS PDF Liñán, E., Fernández-Nieto, C., Gámez, J.A., Gozalo, R., Mayoral, E., Moreno-Eiris, E., Palacios, T., Perejón, A. 1993 Problemática del límite Cámbrico Inferior-Medio en Murero (Cadenas Ibéricas, España). [Problems of the Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary in Murero (Iberian Chains, Spain).] Revista Española de Paleontologia, 8(Extraordinario):26-39 OPEN ACCESS PDF Månsson, K. 1993 Trilobites and stratigraphy of the Middle Ordovician Killeröd Formation, Scania, Sweden. Lunds Universitet - Examensarbeten i Geologi - Historisk Geologi och Paleontologi, 50:1-22 OPEN ACCESS PDF McKinzie, M.G. 1993 Future Trilobite Collecting Potential of the Bromide Formation (Middle Ordovician) in the Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma. MAPS Digest, 16(9):3-7 OPEN ACCESS PDF Melzak, A. 1993 Trilobites of the Upper Cambrian (Marjuman) Pika formation of the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains. MSc. Thesis, Brock University, 108 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Moore, G.D. 1993 Multivariate analysis of Middle Cambrian trilobite biogeography. BSc. Thesis. Ohio State University, 24 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Palmer, A.R., Repina, L.N. 1993 Through a Glass Darkly: Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Biostratigraphy of the Olenellina. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, New Series, 3:1-35 OPEN ACCESS PDF Pillola, G.L. 1993 The Lower Cambrian Trilobite Bigotina and allied genera. Palaeontology, 36(4):855-881 OPEN ACCESS PDF Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Robardet, M. 1993 Upper Silurian Trilobites of Bohemian affinities from the West Asturian-Leonese Zone (NW Spain). Geobios, 26(3):361-376 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ramsköld, L., Edgecombe, G.D. 1993 Silurian (Ludlow) acastid trilobites from Gotland and Scania, Sweden. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 67(3):261-285 OPEN ACCESS PDF Romano, M., Owen, A.W. 1993 Early Caradoc Trilobites of Eastern Ireland and Their Palaeographical Significance. Palaeontology, 36(3):681-720 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ross, R.J., Hintze, L.F., Ethington, R.L., Miller, J.F., Taylor, M.E., Repetski, J.E. 1993 The Ibexian Series (Lower Ordovician), a replacement for "Canadian Series" in North American chronostratigraphy. USGS Open-File Report, 93-0598:1-75 OPEN ACCESS PDF Rudolph, F. 1993 Bestimmungshilfen für Geschiebesammler; Trilobiten, 19. Glyptagnostus reticulatus (Angelin, 1851). [Identification aids for Geschiebe collectors: Trilobites. 19. Glyptagnostus reticulatus (Angelin, 1851).] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 9(2):51-52 OPEN ACCESS PDF Tompkins, S.L. 1993 Niagaran (Silurian) Trilobites from Ohio. BSc. Thesis, Ohio State University, 20 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Tomczykowa, E. 1993 Upper Ludlow trilobites from the southern part of the Holy Cross Mts. Geological Quarterly, 37(3):359-384 OPEN ACCESS PDF Tortello, M.F., Aceñolaza, G.F. 1993 Trilobites Agnóstidos del límite Cámbrico-Ordovícico de la Formación Lampazar, Sierra de Cajas, Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina. [Agnostid Trilobites of the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary of the Lampazar Formation, Sierra de Cajas, Province of Jujuy, Argentina.] Revista Española de Paleontología, 8(2):177-184 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vaccari, N.E., Benedeto, J.L., Waisfeld, B.G., Sanchez, T.M. 1993 La fauna de Neseuretus en la Formación Suri (Oeste de Argentina). [The Neseuretus fauna in the Suri Formation (West of Argentina).] Revista Española de Paleontología, 8(2):185-190 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vaccari, N.E., Bordonaro O. 1993 Trilobites en los olistolitos cambricos de la formacion los sombreros (Ordovicico), Precordillera de San Juan, Argentina. [Trilobites from the Cambrian olistolites of the Los Sombreros Formation (Ordovician), Precordillera of San Juan, Argentina.] Ameghiniana, 30(4):383-393 READ ONLINE Vaccari, N.E. 1993 El genero Annamitella mansuy, 1920 (Trilobita, Leiostegiidae) en el Ordovicico de la Precordillera Argentina. [The genus Annamitella Mansuy, 1920 (Trilobita, Leiostegiidae) in the Ordovician of Argentine Precordillera.] Ameghiniana, 30(4):395-405 READ ONLINE Waisfeld, B., Sanchez, T.M. 1993 Trilobites silúricos de la Formación Lipeón en el noroeste Argentino (Sierra de Zapla, Provincia de Jujuy). [Silurian Trilobites in the Formation Lipeón of northwestern Argentina, Sierra de Zapla, Jujuy Province.] Ameghiniana, 30(1):77-90 READ ONLINE Wang, K., Chatterton, B.D.E., Attrep, M., Orth, C.J. 1993 Late Ordovician mass extinction in the Selwyn Basin, northwestern Canada: geochemical, sedimentological, and paleontological evidence. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 30(9):1870-1880 OPEN ACCESS PDF Westrop, S.R., Knox, L.A., Landing, E. 1993 Lower Ordovician (Ibexian) trilobites from the Tribes Hill Formation, central Mohawk Valley, New York State. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 30(8):1618-1633 OPEN ACCESS PDF Whittington, H.B. 1993 Anatomy of the Ordovician Trilobite Placoparia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B 339:109-118 OPEN ACCESS PDF Zhang, X., Clarkson, E.N.K. 1993 Ontogeny of the Eodiscid Trilobite Shizhudiscus Longquanensis from the Lower Cambrian of China. Palaeontology 36(4):785-806 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Chatterton, B.D.E. 1994 The aulacopleurid Trilobite Otarion, with new Species from the Silurian of Northwestern Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 68(2):305-323 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M. 1994 The lichid Trilobite Borealarges n.gen., with species from the Silurian of Arctic Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 68(5):1081-1099 OPEN ACCESS PDF Bordonaro, O., Liñán, E. 1994 Some Middle Cambrian agnostoids from the Precordillera Argentina. Revista Española de Paleontología, 9(1):105-114 OPEN ACCESS PDF Campbell, M.J. 1994 Systematics of Silurian lichid trilobites from the Mackenzie Mountains, Canada. MSc. Thesis, University of Alberta, 197 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Chatterton, B.D.E., Edgecombe, G.D., Speyer, S.E., Hunt, A.S., Fortey, R.A. 1994 Ontogeny and Relationships of Trinucleoidea (Trilobita). Journal of Paleontology, 68(3):523-540 OPEN ACCESS PDF Dean, W.T., Ozgul, N. 1994 Cambrian rocks and faunas, Hüdai area, Taurus Mountains, southwestern Turkey. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 64:5-20 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D. 1994 Earliest Devonian phacopide trilobites from central Bolivia. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 68(3/4):397-410 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D. 1994 Calmoniid trilobites from the Devonian Fox Bay Formation, Falkland Islands: systematics and biogeography. Bulletin of the New York State Museum, 481:55-68 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D. 1994 New Lower Silurian (Llandovery) encrinurine Trilobites From the Mackenzie Mountains, Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 68(4):824-837 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D., Waisfeld, B.G., Vaccari, N.E. 1994 Andinacaste (Trilobita) from the earliest Devonian of Argentina. Journal of Paleontology, 68(4):837-841 OPEN ACCESS PDF Feist, R., Schindler, E. 1994 Trilobites during the Frasnian Kellwasser Crisis in European Late Devonian cephalopod limestones. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 169:195-223 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fortey, R.A., Theron, J.N. 1994 A new Ordovician arthropod, Soomaspis, and the Agnostid problem. Palaeontology, 37(4):841-861 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gozalo, R., Liñán, E., Álvaro, J. 1994 Trilobites de la Subfamilia Solenopleuropsinae Thoral, 1947 del Cámbrico Medio de la Unidad de Alconera (Zona de Ossa-Morena, SO de España). [Trilobites of the Subfamily Solenopleuropsinae Thoral, 1947 from the Middle Cambrian of the Alconera Unit (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW of Spain).] Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Sección Geológica, 89(1-4):43-54 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rábano, I., Sarmiento, G.N. 1994 Los materiales del Ordovícico medio y superior del Sinclinorio de Corral de Calatrava (Ciudad Real). [The materials of the middle and upper Ordovician of the Sincline of the Corral of Calatrava (Ciudad Real).] pp.221-227 In: X Jornadas de Paleontología, Madrid, 3, 4 y 5 de Noviembre de 1994 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hahn, G., Hahn, R., Kratz, R. 1994 Trilobiten aus dem Karbon des Kronhof-Grabens (Karnische Alpen, Österreich). [Trilobites from the Carboniferous of the Kronhof Graben (Carnic Alps, Austria).] Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 137(4):617-642 OPEN ACCESS PDF Havlíček, V., Vaněk, J., Fatka, O. 1994 Perunica Microcontinent in the Ordovician (its position within the Mediterranean province, series division, benthic and pelagic associations). Sborník Geologických Vĕd, Geologie, 46:23-56 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hickerson, W. 1994 Silurian, Devonian, And Pennsylvanian Trilobites From Rock Island County, Illinois. pp. 23-30 In: Paleozoic Stratigraphy of the Quad-Cities region, east-central Iowa, northwestern Illinois. Geological Society of Iowa Guidebook, 59:1-115 OPEN ACCESS PDF Holloway, D.J. 1994 Early Silurian trilobites from the Broken River area, north Queensland. Memoirs of the National Museum Victoria, 54:243-269 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hughes, N.C. 1994 Ontogeny, instraspecific variation, and systematics of the Late Cambrian Trilobite Dikelocephalus. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, 79:1-89 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koch, L., Lemke, U. 1994 Waldminia spinigera n. g., n. sp., ein neuer Trilobit aus dem Ordovizium des Ebbe-Sattels. [Waldminia spinigera n. g., n. sp., a new trilobite from the Ordovician of the Ebbe Anticline.] Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 28:67-74 OPEN ACCESS PDF Labandeira, C.C., Hughes, N.C. 1994 Biometry of the Late Cambrian Trilobite genus Dikelocephalus and its Implications for Trilobite Systematics. Journal of Paleontology, 68(3):492-517 OPEN ACCESS PDF Leuschner, K. 1994 Trilobiten aus dem Devon/Karbon-Grenzbereich und der Gattendorfia-Stufe des Profiles NF/G von Drewer (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). [Trilobites from the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary area and the Gattendorfia level of Profiles NF/G of Drewer (Rhenish Slate Mountains).] Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen, 29:149-175 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lieberman, B.S. 1994 Evolution of the Trilobite subfamily Proetinae Salter, 1864, and the origin, diversification, evolutionary affinity, and extinction of the Middle Devonian proetid fauna of Eastern North America. American Museum of Natural History Bulletin, 223:1-176 OPEN ACCESS PDF Linsley, D.M. 1994 Devonian Paleontology of New York. Paleontological Research Institution, Special Publication, 21:1-472 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ludvigsen, R., Tuffnell, P.A. 1994 The last olenacean trilobite: Triarthrus in the Whitby Formation (Upper Ordovician) of southern Ontario. Bulletin of the New York State Museum, 481:183-212 OPEN ACCESS PDF Mikulic, D., Hickerson, W. 1994 Trilobites of the Silurian Racine Formation of Northwestern Illinois. pp.17-21 In: Paleozoic Stratigraphy of the Quad-Cities region, east-central Iowa, northwestern Illinois. Geological Society of Iowa Guidebook, 59:1-115 OPEN ACCESS PDF Miller, R.F. 1994 William Diller Matthew's early years in New Brunswick and the Giant Trilobite. Geoscience Canada, 21:153-157 OPEN ACCESS PDF Norford, B.S. 1994 Biostratigraphy and trilobite fauna of the Lower Silurian Tegart Formation, southeastern British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin, 479:13-47 OPEN ACCESS PDF Owens, R.M. 1994 The Trilobites of the Bristol district. Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society, 54:67-84 OPEN ACCESS PDF Polkowsky, S. 1994 Eine Atractopyge revaliensis (Schmidt, 1881) aus Nileuskalk. [An Atractopyge revaliensis (Schmidt, 1881) from Nileus limestone.] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 10(4):109-110 OPEN ACCESS PDF Polkowsky, S. 1994 Ein weiteres Exemplar des mittelordovizischen Geschiebetrilobiten Ruegenometopus heinrichi Krueger, 1993. [Another example of the Middle-Dordonian triebobite Ruegenometopus heinrichi Krueger, 1993.] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 10(4):111-113 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ramsköld, L., Adrain, J.M., Edgecombe, G.D., Siveter, D.J. 1994 Silurian calymenid Trilobite Alcymene n.gen., with new species from the Ludlow of Gotland, Sweden. Journal of Paleontology, 68(3):556-569 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ramsköld, L., Edgecombe, G.D. 1994 Revision of the Silurian encrinurine trilobite Wallacia Lamont 1978, with species from Gotland and Canada. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 68(1/2):89-115 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ramsköld, L. 1994 A Middle Llandovery shelly fauna from Motala in Östergötland, south central Sweden. 1.Trilobita. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 68(3/4):377-395 OPEN ACCESS PDF Rudkin, D.M., Tripp, R.P., Ludvigsen, R. 1994 The Ordovician trilobite genus Hemiarges (Lichidae: Trochurinae) from North America and Greenland. Bulletin of the New York State Museum, 481:289-306 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sandford, A. 1994 Melbourne's Silurian Environment - The Trilobite Evidence. The Fossil Collector Bulletin, 43:7-9 OPEN ACCESS PDF Spencer, T. 1994 Some Cambrian faunas of North-west Queensland. The Fossil Collector Bulletin, 42:28-31 OPEN ACCESS PDF Stitt, J.H. 1994 Collier Shale and Trilobites at Marble Church Locality. In: Guidebook to Paleozoic rocks in the Eastern Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas. Geological Society of America Guidebook for Field Trip 1, Arkansas Geological Commission Guidebook, 94-1:29-35 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sundberg, F.A. 1994 Corynexochida and Ptychopariida (Trilobita, Arthropoda) of the Ehmaniella Biozone (Middle Cambrian), Utah and Nevada. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County - Contributions in Science, 446:1-137 OPEN ACCESS PDF Tetreault, D.K. 1994 Brachiopod and trilobite biofacies of the Rochester Shale (Silurian, Wenlockian Series) in western New York. Bulletin of the New York State Museum, 481:347-361 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vaccari, N.E., Waisfeld, B.G. 1994 Nuevos trilobites de la Formación Suri (Ordovícico Temprano) en la región de Chaschuil, Provincia de Catamarca. Implicancias bioestratigráficas. [New trilobites from Suri Formation (Lower Ordovician) from Chaschuil region, Catamarca Province. Biostratigraphic implications.] Ameghiniana, 31(1):73-86 READ ONLINE Whittington, H.B. 1994 Burlingiids: Small Proparian Cambrian Trilobites of Enigmatic Origin. Palaeontology, 37(1):1-16 OPEN ACCESS PDF Young, T., Martin, F., Dean, W.T., Rushton, A.W.A. 1994 Cambrian stratigraphy of St Tudwal's Peninsula, Gwynedd, northwest Wales. Geological Magazine, 131(3):335-360 OPEN ACCESS PDF Zhou, Zhiyi, McNamara, K.J., Yuan, W., Zhang, T. 1994 Cyclopygid Trilobites from the Ordovician of Northeastern Tarim, Xinjiang, Northwest China. Records of the Western Australian Museum, 16(4):593-622 OPEN ACCESS PDF Aceñolaza, G.F. 1995 Nuevo registro del olénido Jujuyaspis keideli (Trilobita) la Quebrada de Humahuaca, Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina. Su importancia bioestratigráfica. [New record of the olénido Jujuyaspis keideli (Trilobita) the Quebrada de Humahuaca, Province of Jujuy, Argentina. Its biostratigraphic importance.] pp.13-15 In: XI Jornadas de Paleontología, 26-29 de Octubre de 1995 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Chatterton, B.D.E. 1995 The otarionine Trilobites Harpidella and Maurotarion, with species from northwestern Canada, the United States, and Australia. Journal of Paleontology, 69(2):307-326 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Chatterton, B.D.E. 1995 Aulacopleurine Trilobites From the Llandovery of Northwestern Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 69(2):326-340 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Chatterton, B.D.E., Blodgett, R.B. 1995 Silurian Trilobites From Southwestern Alaska. Journal of Paleontology, 69(4):723-736 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Edgecombe, G.D. 1995 Balizoma and the new genera Aegrotocatellus and Perirehaedulus: Encrinurid Trilobites from the Douro Formation (Silurian, Ludlow) of the Central Canadian Arctic. Journal of Paleontology, 69(4):736-752 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ahlberg, P. 1995 Telephinid trilobites from the Ordovician of the East Baltic. Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar, 117(1):49-52 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ahlberg, P. 1995 Telephinid Trilobites from the Ordovician of Sweden. Palaeontology, 38(2):259-285 OPEN ACCESS PDF Babcock, L.E., St.John, J. 1995 Granularaspis, new name for Granularia Poletaeva in Lermontova, 1951, not Granularia Pomel, 1849; Type Genus of Granularaspidae (Trilobita), new name. Journal of Paleontology, 69(3):609 READ ONLINE Becq-Giraudon, J.F., Pillevuit, A. 1995 Trilobites du Permien supérieur (Murghabien/Midien) du Nord de l'Oman. [Trilobites of the Upper Permian from Northern Oman.] Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 88(3):761-775 OPEN ACCESS PDF Boyce, W.D. 1995 Computer-aided reclassification of the trilobite superfamilies Ptychopariacea, Conocoryphacea, Nepeacea, and Solenopleuridae ...... or blind trilobites could use some C.A.R.R.O.T.S.! Atlantic Geology, 31:119-121 OPEN ACCESS PDF Brandt, D.S., Meyer, D.L., Lask, P.B. 1995 Isotelus (Trilobita) "hunting burrow" from Upper Ordovician strata, Ohio. Journal of Paleontology, 69(6):1079-1083 OPEN ACCESS PDF Budil, P., Saric R. 1995 Cemented epibionts on the exoskeleton of the odontopleurid trilobite Selenopeltis vultuosa tenyl Šnajdr, 1984. Věstník Českého Geologického Ústavu, 70(1):29-31 OPEN ACCESS PDF Choi, D.K., Lee, J.G. 1995 Occurrence of Glyptagnostus stolidotus Öpik, 1961 (Trilobita, Late Cambrian) in the Machari Formation of Korea. Journal of Paleontology, 69(3):590-594 OPEN ACCESS PDF Curtis, N.J. 1995 The Llandovery trilobites of England and Wales. PhD Thesis, University of Keele, 242 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Darrough, G. 1995 Trilobite Babies. MAPS Digest, 18(9):5-6 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D., Fortey, R.A. 1995 Brianurus new Genus, a replacement name for Briania Chasen and Kloss, 1930(Aves) [Pro Briania Edgecombe, 1994 (Trilobita), preoccupied.] Journal of Paleontology, 69(3):615 READ ONLINE Feist, R. 1995 Chapter 11. Effect of Paedomorphosis in Eye Reduction on Patterns of Evolution and Extinction in Trilobites. In: K. McNamara [ed.] Evolutionary Change and Heterochrony. pp. 225-244, John Wiley, Sons, Publishing OPEN ACCESS PDF Feist, R., Petersen, M.S. 1995 Origin and spread of Pudoproetus, a survivor of the Late Devonian Trilobite Crisis. Journal of Paleontology, 69(1):99-109 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gaba, Z., Pek, I. 1995 Fauna eines Grossgeschiebes von Rollsteinkalk. [Fauna from a large pebble in a carbonaceous erratic.] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 11(1):15-18 OPEN ACCESS PDF García-Alcalde, J.L. 1995 L'évolution paléogéographique pré-varisque de la zone cantabrique septentrionale (Espagne). [The pre-Variscan paleogeographic evolution of the northern Cantabrian zone (Spain).] Revista Española de Paleontología, 10(1):9-29 OPEN ACCESS PDF Geyer, G., Elicki, O. 1995 The Lower Cambrian trilobites from the Görlitz Synclinorium (Germany) - review and new results. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 69(1/2):87-119 OPEN ACCESS PDF Geyer, G., Landing, E. 1995 The Cambrian of the Moroccan Atlas regions. In: Geyer & Landing (Eds.) MOROCCO '95 - the Lower-Middle Cambrian standard of western Gondwana. Beringeria Special Issue, 2:7-46 OPEN ACCESS PDF Geyer, G., Landing, E., Heldmaier, W. 1995 Faunas and depositional environments of the Moroccan Atlas regions. Beringeria Special Issue, 2:47-119 OPEN ACCESS PDF Geyer, G., Heldmaier, W., Landing, E. 1995 Arthropod traces in the Middle Cambrian of Morocco. Beringeria Special Issue, 2:254 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hahn, G., Rábano, I. 1995 Trilobites Carboníferos de la Sierra de San Pedro (Cáceres). [Carboniferous trilobites of the Sierra de San Pedro (Cáceres).] p.101 In: XI Jornadas de Paleontología, 26-29 de Octubre de 1995 OPEN ACCESS PDF Holloway, D.J. 1995 Newly Described Early Silurian Trilobites from North Queensland. The Fossil Collector Bulletin, 46:11-16 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hughes, N.C., Chapman, R.E. 1995 Growth and variation in the Silurian proetide trilobite Aulacopleura konincki and its implications for trilobite palaeobiology. Lethaia, 28(4):333-353 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koch, L. 1995 Das Prädevon des Ebbe-Sattels. [The pre-Devonian of the low tide saddles.] Klassische Fundstellen der Paläontologie, 3:15-26 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koch, L., Lemke, U. 1995 Neue Trilobiten- und Graptolithen-Funde aus dem Unteren Tonschiefer (Unteres Ordovizium) von Kiesbert (Ebbe-Sattel). [New trilobite and graptolite finds from the lower clay slate (lower Ordovician) of Kiesbert (Ebbe Anticline).] Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 29:7-19 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koch, L., Lemke, U. 1995 Trilobiten aus dem Unteren Tonschiefer (Unteres Llanvirn, Ordovizium) von Kiesbert (Ebbe-Sattel, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge), Teil 1. [Trilobites from the Lower Tonschiefer (Lower Llanvirn, Ordovician) by Kiesbert (Ebbe Anticline, Rhenish slate mountains), part 1.] Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen, 39:15-55 OPEN ACCESS PDF Kowalczewski, Z. 1995 Fundamental stratigraphic problem of the Cambrian in the Holy Cross Mts. Geological Quarterly, 39(4):449-470 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lee, D.C. 1995 Comparative ontogeny and phylogenetic studies of the Lower Ordovician silicified trilobites from southern Idaho, U.S.A. MSc. Thesis, University of Alberta, 265 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Liñán, E., Álvaro, J.J., Gozalo, R., Gámez-Vintaned, J.J., Palacios, T. 1995 El Cámbrico medio de la Sierra de Córdoba (Ossa-Morena, S de España): Trilobites y Paleoícnología. Implicaciones Bioestratigráfica y Paleoambientales. [The Middle Cambrian of the Sierra de Córdoba (Ossa-Morena, S of Spain): Trilobites and Palaeo-Technology. Biostratigraphic and Paleoenvironmental Implications.] Revista Española de Paleontología, 10(2):219-238 OPEN ACCESS PDF Loi, A., Pillola, G.L., Leone, F. 1995 The Cambrian and Early Ordovician of southwestern Sardinia. In: A. Cherchi (ed.) Sardinia 95, 6th Paleobenthos International Symposium, Guidebook. Rediconti del Seminario della Facoltà di Scienze dell'Università di. Cagliari, Supplemento, 65:63-81 OPEN ACCESS PDF McCormick, T. 1995 Patterns and Implications of Stasis in Trilobites. PhD. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 334 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Mikulic, D.G. 1995 Trilobites of the Silurian Racine Formation of Northwestern Illinois. MAPS Digest, 18(8):3-7 OPEN ACCESS PDF Nedin, C. 1995 The palaeontology and palaeo-environment of the Early Cambrian Emu Bay Shale, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. PhD Thesis, Univesity of Adelaide, Australia, 363 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Nielsen, A.T. 1995 Trilobite systematics, biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Lower Ordovician Komstad Limestone and Huk Formations, southern Scandinavia. Fossils and Strata, 38:1-374 OPEN ACCESS PDF Pålsson, C. 1995 Middle-Upper Ordovician trilobites and stratigraphy along the Kyrkbäcken rivulet in the Röstånga area, southern Sweden. Lunds Universitet - Examensarbeten i Geologi - Historisk Geologi och Paleontologi, 63:1-27 OPEN ACCESS PDF Pegel, T.V., Gogin, I.Y. 1995 ВЕРХНЕКЕМБРИЙСКИЕ ТРИЛОБИТЫ ЮЖНОГО ВЕРХОЯНЬЯ [Upper Cambrian Trilobites from Southern Verkhoyan'e.] Palaeontologicheskii Zhurnal, 1995(4):67-74 OPEN ACCESS PDF Pillola, G.L., Leone, F., Loi, A. 1995 The Lower Cambrian Nebida Group of Sardinia. Rendiconti del Seminario della Facoltà di Scienze dell'Univeristà di Cagliari, 65(suppl.):27-60 OPEN ACCESS PDF Shah, S.K., Parcha, S.K., Raina, A.K. 1995 Additional agnostid trilobites from the Middle Cambrian of Kashmir. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 45:217-227 OPEN ACCESS PDF Shergold, J.H., Bordonaro, O., Liñán, E. 1995 Late Cambrian Agnostoid Trilobites from Argentina. Palaeontology, 38(2):241-257 OPEN ACCESS PDF Schöning, H. 1995 Einige Larval- und Jugendstadien altpaläozoischer Trilobiten aus Geschieben. [Some larval and juvenile stages of ancient Paleozoic trilobites from Geschiebe.] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 11(2):37-48 OPEN ACCESS PDF Shu, D., Geyer, G., Chen, L., Zhang, X. 1995 Redlichiacean trilobites with preserved soft-parts from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna (South China). Beringeria Special Issue, 2:203-241 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sundberg, F.A. 1995 Arthropod pattern theory and Cambrian trilobites. Bijdragen tot Dierkunde, 64:193-213 OPEN ACCESS PDF Westrop, S.R., Tremblay, J.V., Landing, E. 1995 Declining importance of trilobites in Ordovician nearshore paleocommunities: dilution or displacement? Palaios, 10(1):75-79 OPEN ACCESS PDF Whittington H.B. 1995 Oryctocephalid Trilobites from the Cambrian of North America. Palaeontology, 38(3):543-562 OPEN ACCESS PDF Yuan, J., Li, Y.X. 1995 Lowest Carboniferous Trilobites from Jiguanshan (The Comb Hill) Southeastern Guilin, Guangxi, South China. Bulletin of National Museum of Natural Science, 6:1-53 OPEN ACCESS PDF Zhuravlev, A.Y. 1995 Preliminary Suggestions on the global early Cambrian zonation. Beringeria Special Issue, 2:147-160 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M. 1996 A new otarionine trilobite from the Henryhouse Formation (Silurian, Ludlow) of Oklahoma. Journal of Paleontology, 70(4):611-614 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Chatterton, B.D.E. 1996 The otarionine trilobite Cyphaspis, with new species from the Silurian of Northwestern Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 70(1):100-110 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., MacDonald, E.W. 1996 Phacopid Trilobites from the Silurian of Arctic Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 70(6):1091-1094 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M. 1996 Trilobites, phylogenetic context, and the Palaeozoic Evolutionary Fauna. The Palaeontological Association 40th Annual Meeting 1996 - Abstracts. OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Edgecombe, G.D. 1996 Devonian Aulacopleurid Trilobites of the Malvinokaffric Realm. Geobios, 29(4):417-436 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Ramsköld, L. 1996 The Lichid trilobite Radiolichas in the Silurian of Arctic Canada and Gotland, Sweden. Geological Magazine 133(2):147-158 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ahlgren, J., Ahlberg, P. 1996 Olenus henningsmoeni, a new trilobite from the upper Cambrian of Västergötland, Sweden. Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar, 118(1):73-77 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ahlberg, P. & Ahlgren, J. 1996. Agnostids from the Upper Cambrian of Västergötland, Sweden. Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar, 118(3):129-140 OPEN ACCESS PDF Álvaro, J.J. 1996 Nuevos trilobites del Cámbrico Medio de las Cadenas Ibéricas (NE España). [New trilobites from the Middle Cambrian of the Iberian Chains (NE Spain).] Revista Española de Paleontología, 11(1):75-82 OPEN ACCESS PDF Arbizu, M., Rábano, I., Truyols, J. 1996 Trilobites del Museo Geominero: II. Las colecciones antiguas del Devónico de la Cordillera Cantábrica (N. España). [Trilobites of the Geominero Museum: II. The ancient collections of the Devonian of the Cantabrian Mountains (N. Spain).] Boletín Geológico y Minero, 107(1):3-13 OPEN ACCESS PDF Basse, M., Lemke, U. 1996 Trilobiten aus mittleren Givetium (Mittel-Devon) des nördlichen Rechtsrheinischen Schiefergebirges. [Trilobites from middle Givetian (Middle Devonian) of the northern right bank of the Rhine Slate Mountains.] Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen, 46:1-65 OPEN ACCESS PDF Blaker, M.R., Nelson,C.A., Peel, J.S. 1996 Perissopyge, a new trilobite from the Lower Cambrian of Greenland and North America. Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 41(3-4):209-216 OPEN ACCESS PDF Brezinski, D.K. 1996 Stratigraphy of the Elbrook Formation (Middle to Upper Cambrian) in Maryland and adjacent states. Maryland Geological Survey, Special Publication, 3:165-186 OPEN ACCESS PDF Budil, P. 1996 Pygidium of the trilobite Delops dermolac Šnajdr from the collections of the National Museum in Prague. Časopis Národního Muzea v Praze, Řada přírodovědná, 165(1-4):79-80 OPEN ACCESS PDF Budil, P. 1996 Representatives of genera Mucronaspis and Songxites (Trilobita) from the Bohemian Upper Ordovician. Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 41(1-2):63-75 OPEN ACCESS PDF Cooper, R.A., Jago, J.B., Begg, J.G. 1996 Cambrian trilobites from Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, and their stratigraphic implications. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 39(3):363-387 OPEN ACCESS PDF Cuggy, M.B. 1996 Patterns of faunal change at an upper Cambrian trilobite extinction event, Nolichucky Formation, Tennessee and Virginia. MSc. Thesis, Brock University, 142 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Esteban, S.B. 1996 Los primeros trilobites ciclopigidos en el Ordovicico de Argentina (Formacion Volcancito, Sistema de Famatina). [First Ordovician cyclopygid trilobites from Argentina; Volcancito Formation, Famatina System.] Ameghiniana, 33(1):57-64 READ ONLINE Geyer, G. 1996 The Moroccan fallotaspidid trilobites revisited. Beringeria, 18:89-199 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gozalo, R., Liñán, E. 1996 Nueva Especie de Conocoryphidae (Trilobita). Cámbrio Medio de las Cadenas ibéricas (NE de España). [New Species of Conocoryphidae (Trilobita). Middle Cambrian of the Iberian Chains (NE of Spain).] Revista Española de Paleontología, 11(2):247-250 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gozalo, R., Liñán, E. 1996 Bioestratigrafía del Leoniense (Cámbrico Medio bajo) en la Península Ibérica. Relaciones paleobiogeográficas. [Biostratigraphy of the Leonian (Lower Middle Cambrian) in the Iberian Peninsula. Paleobiogeographical relations.] pp.60-62 In: XII Jornadas de Paleontología, Badajoz, 30 de Octubre - 2 de Noviembre de 1996 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gozalo, R., Palacios, T. 1996 Problemática del límite Cámbrico Inferior-Medio. Su posición en las series españolas. [Problems of the Cambrian Lower-Middle limit. Its position in the Spanish series.] pp.62-65 In: XII Jornadas de Paleontología, Badajoz, 30 de Octubre - 2 de Noviembre de 1996 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Albaní, R., Aramburu, C., Arbizu, M., Babin, C., García-Ramos, J.C., Méndez-Bedia, I., Rábano, I., Truyols, J., Vannier, J., Villas, E. 1996 Bioestratigrafía de la Formación Piza rras del Sueve (Ordovícico Medio) en el sector septentrional de la escama de Laviana-Sueve (Zona Cantábri ca, Norte de España). [Biostratigraphy of the Sueve Shale Formation (Middle Ordovician) in the northern part of the Laviana Sueve thrust-sheet (Cantabrian Zone, N Spain).] Revista Española de Paleontología, 11(1):48-74 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hahn, G., Hahn, R., Muller, P. 1996 100 Jahre Trilobiten-Forschung in den Erdbacher Kalken (Unter-Karbon) - Zusammenstellung bisheriger Ergebnisse und Beschreibung neuer Taxa. [100 years trilobite research in the Erdbacher limestones (Lower Carboniferous) - Compilation past results and description of new taxa.] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 30:147-193 OPEN ACCESS PDF Havlíček, V., Vaněk, J., Vokáč, V. 1996 Discovery of the fossiliferous Middle Berounian Vinice Formation at Cekov (Ordovician, western part of the Prague Basin). Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 41(1-2):55-61 OPEN ACCESS PDF Holloway, D.J. 1996 New early Devonian styginid trilobites from Victoria, Australia, with revision of some spinose styginids. Journal of Paleontology, 70(3):428-438 OPEN ACCESS PDF Horváth, G. 1996 The lower lens unit in schizochroal trilobite eyes reduces reflectivity: On the possible optical function of the intralensar bowl. Historical Biology 12(2):83-92 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koch, L., Lemke, U. 1996 Trilobiten aus dem Unteren Tonschiefer (Unteres Llanvirn, Ordovizium) von Kiesbert (Ebbe-Sattel, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge), Teil 2. [Trilobites from the Lower Tonschiefer (Lower Llanvirn, Ordovician) by Kiesbert (Ebbe Anticline, Rhenish slate mountains), part 2.] Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen, 42:27-59 OPEN ACCESS PDF Landing, E., Westrop, S.R. 1996 Upper Lower Cambrian depositional sequence in Avalonian New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 33(3):404-417 OPEN ACCESS PDF Laurie, J.R., Shergold, J.H. 1996 Early Ordovician trilobite taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the Emanuel Formation, Canning Basin, western Australia. Part 1. Palaeontographica Abt.A, 240:65-103 OPEN ACCESS PDF Laurie, J.R., Shergold, J.H. 1996 Early Ordovician trilobite taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the Emanuel Formation, Canning Basin, western Australia. Part 2. Palaeontographica Abt.A, 240:105-144 OPEN ACCESS PDF Liñán, E. 1996 Los trilobites. [The trilobites.] Boletín de la SEA, 16:45-56 OPEN ACCESS PDF Liñán, E., Villas, E., Gámez Vintaned, J.A., Álvaro, J., Gozalo, R., Palacios, T. y Sdzuy, K. 1996 Síntesis paleontológica del Cámbrico y Ordovícico del Sistema Ibérico (Cadenas Ibéricas y Cadenas Hespéricas). [Paleontological synthesis of Cambrian and Ordovician systems from lberian Range (lberian Chains and Hesperic chains).] Revista Española de Paleontología, 11(Extraordinario):21-32 OPEN ACCESS PDF Liñán, E., Gamez Vintaned, J.A., Gozalo, R. 1996 II Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Groups. International Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy. Spain, 13–21 September 1996. Field Trip Guide and Abstracts. Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza. 129 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Loi, A., Pillola, G.L., Leone, F. 1996 La limite Cambrien-Ordovicien dans le SW de la Sardaigne: relations avec des événements eustatiques globaux. [The Cambrian-Ordovician bo undary in SW Sardinia: relationships with global eustatic events.] Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série 2, Stratigraphie, Géologie, 323(10):881-888 OPEN ACCESS PDF Martínez-Montero, O. 1996 Trilobites del Cámbrico Aragonés: Taxonomía y bioestratigrafía. [Trilobites of the Aragonese Cambrian: Taxonomy and biostratigraphy.] Boletín de la SEA, 16:57-66 OPEN ACCESS PDF Nielsen, A.T. 1996 Iltmangel, sort slam og trilobiter ‒ en kambrisk Cocktail. [Oxygen deficiency, black sludge and trilobites - a Cambrian cocktail.] Varv, 1996(1):3-40 OPEN ACCESS PDF Owen, A.W., Romano, M. 1996 A deep shelf trilobite fauna from the Ashgill of eastern Ireland and its palaeobiogeographical significance. The Palaeontological Association 40th Annual Meeting 1996 - Abstracts. OPEN ACCESS PDF Owens, R.M., Thomas A.T. 1996 Opinion Case 1846. Eophacops Delo, 1935 and Acernaspis Campbell, 1967 (Trilobita): conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 53(3):205-206 OPEN ACCESS PDF Palacios, A.G., Rábano, I. 1996 Hallazgo de Trilobites en Pizarras Negras Graptolíticas del Silúrico inferior (Telychiense, Llandovery) de la Zona Centroibérica (España). [Occurrence of Silurian trilobites in graptolitic black shales (Telychian, Llandovery) from the Central Iberian Zone (Spain).] Geogaceta, 20(1):239-241 OPEN ACCESS PDF Pardo, A. 1996 Trilobites: cuando los artrópodos dominaban la Tierra. [Trilobites: when the arthropods dominated the Earth.] Boletín de la SEA, 14:31-33 OPEN ACCESS PDF Pegel, T.V. & Gogin, I.Ya. 1996 ВЕРХНЕКЕМБРИЙСКИЕ ТРИЛОБИТЫ ЮЖНОГО ВЕРХОЯНЬЯ Upper Cambrian Trilobites from Southern Verkhoyan'e. Palaeontologicheskii Zhurnal Paleontological Journal, 30(3):304-309 Pillola, G.L. 1996 The trilobite Giordanella Bornemann, 1891 from Lower Cambrian of Sardinia, (Italy): a discussion on its morphology and possible mode of life. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Special Volume, 3:145-158 OPEN ACCESS PDF Popp, M.B., Coimbra, J.C., Hauch, A. 1996 Revisão do Género Paracalmonia Struve, 1958 (Pro Proboloides Clarke, 1913) Trilobita - Um Ensaio em Sistemática Filogenética. [Revision of the genus Paracalmonia Struve, 1958 (pro Proboloides Clarke, 1913), Trilobita - an essay in phylogenetic systematics.] Gaia, 12:19-32 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ramsköld, L., Edgecombe, G.D. 1996 Trilobite appendage structure - Eoredlichia reconsidered. Alcheringa, 20(4):269-276 OPEN ACCESS PDF Schraut, G. 1996 Die Arthropoden aus dem Unterkarbon von Nötsch (Kärnten/Österreich). [Arthropoda from the Carboniferous of Nötsch (Kärnten/Austria).] Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 51:1-193 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sdzuy, K., Liñán, E. 1996 Cornucoryphe schirmi n.gen. n.sp. an unusual conocoryphid trilobite from the Middle Cambrian of Spain. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 70(3/4):433-438 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sun, X. 1996 Sequence Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Biostratigraphy and Palaeontology of the Western Warburton Basin (Palaeozoic), South Australia. PhD. Thesis, University of Adelaide, vol. 1:159 pp., vol. 2:184 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Sundberg, F.A. 1996 Morphological diversification of Ptychopariida (Trilobita) from the Marjumiid Biomere (Middle and Upper Cambrian). Paleobiology, 22(1):49-65 OPEN ACCESS PDF Taylor, J.F., Repetski, J.E., Roebuck, C.A. 1996 Stratigraphic significance of trilobite and conodont faunas from Cambrian-Ordovician shelfbreak facies in the Frederick Valley, Maryland. Maryland Geological Survey, Special Publication, 3:141-163 OPEN ACCESS PDF Tortello, M.F., Aceñolaza, G.F., Muruaga, C.M. 1996 Presencia del genero Pseudokainella (Trilobita, Remopleuridacea) en el Cambrico-Ordovicio de la Sierra de La Candelaria, Salta, Argentina. [Occurrence of Pseudokainella (Trilobita, Remopleuridacea) in the Cambrian-Ordovician of the Sierra La Candelaria, Salta, Argentina.] Ameghiniana, 33(1):99-102 READ ONLINE Tremblay, J.V. 1996 Trilobites and strata of the Lower and Middle Cambrian Peyto, Mount Whyte and Naiset Formations, Alberta and British Columbia. PhD Thesis, McMaster University, 331 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Vaccari, N.E. 1996 Trilobites de la Formacion La Flecha (Cambrico superior), Precordillera Argentina; su importancia bioestratigrafica. [Trilobites from the La Flecha Formation (Upper Cambrian), Argentine Precordillera; their biostratigraphic importance.] Ameghiniana, 33(2):233 READ ONLINE Vokáč, V. 1996 On some abnormities of trilobite exoskeletons from Central Bohemian Paleozoikum.] Palaeontologia Bohemiae, 2:20-22 OPEN ACCESS PDF Waisfeld, B.G., Vaccari, N.E. 1996 Trilobites de la Formacion Suri (Arenigiano), Sierra de Famatina, Provincia de La Rioja. [Trilobites from the Suri Formation (Arenigian), Sierra de Famatina, La Rioja Province.] Ameghiniana, 33(2):233-234 READ ONLINE Whittington H.B. 1996 Sphaeroidal enrolment and thoracic characters in Beltella depressa and other olenid trilobites. Palaeontology, 39(2):377-388 OPEN ACCESS PDF Aceñolaza, G.F. & Albanesi, G.L. 1997 Conodont-trilobite biostratigraphy of the Santa Rosita Formation (Tremadoc) from Chucalezna, Cordillera Oriental, Northern Argentina. Ameghiniana, 34(1):113 READ ONLINE Adrain, J.M. 1997 Proetid Trilobites from the Silurian (Wenlock-Ludlow) of the Cape Phillips Formation, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Palaeontographia Italica, 84:1-91 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Edgecombe, G.D. 1997 Silurian encrinurine trilobites from the central Canadian Arctic. Palaeontographica Canadiana, 14:1-109 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Edgecombe, G.D. 1997 Characters and Parsimony. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Adrain, J.M., Edgecombe, G.D. 1997 Silurian (Wenlock) calymenid trilobites from the Cape Phillips Formation, central Canadian Arctic. Journal of Paleontology, 71(4):657-682 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Fortey, R.A. 1997 Ordovician trilobites from the Tourmakeady Limestone, western Ireland. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology Series, 53(2):79-115 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Kloc, G.J. 1997 Lower Devonian aulacopleuroidean trilobites from Oklahoma. Journal of Paleontology, 71(4):703-712 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Ramsköld, L. 1997 Silurian Odontopleurinae (Trilobita) from the Cape Phillips Formation, Arctic Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 71(2):237-261 OPEN ACCESS PDF Albanesi, G.L., Ortega, G., Tortello, M.F., Aceñolaza, G.F. 1997 Conodontes, graptolitos y trilobites de la Formacion Parcha en la Cordillera Oriental de Salta, R. Argentina. [Conodontes, graptolites and trilobites of the Parcha Formation in the Eastern Cordillera of Salta, Argentina.] Ameghiniana, 34(1):114 READ ONLINE Álvaro, J.J., Vizcaïno, D. 1997 Révision des Trilobites Solenopleuropsinae du Cambrien Moyen de la Montagne Noire (France). [Revision of the Solenopleuropsinae Middle Cambrian trilobites from the Montagne Noire (France).] Geobios, 30(4):541-561 OPEN ACCESS PDF Arbizu, M., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Liñán, E., Rábano, I. 1997 Fósiles del Paleozoico inferior del manto de Mondoñédo (Lugo). [Fossils of the lower Paleozoic of the mantle of Mondoñedo (Lugo).] pp.333-352 In: XIII Jornadas de Paleontología, España-Portugal, 12-18 de Octubre de 1997 OPEN ACCESS PDF Bohach, L.L. 1997 Systematics and biostratigraphy of Lower Cambrian trilobites of western Laurentia. Ph.D. thesis, University of Victoria, British Columbia 491 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Boyce, W.D. 1997 Early to Middle Ordovician trilobite-based biostratigraphic zonation of the Autochthon and Parautochthon, western Newfoundland, Canada. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Boyce, W.D. 1997 The utility of the Canadian Series and a proposed trilobite-defined base for the Cassinian Stage. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Boyce, W.D. 1997 Late Canadian (Latest Jeffersonian to Cassinian) trilobite biofacies of the St. George Group, western Newfoundland, Canada. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Boyce, W.D., Stouge, S. 1997 Trilobite and conodont biostratigraphy of the St. George Group, Eddies Cove west area, western Newfoundland. Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, Geological Survey, Current Research Report, 1997-1:183-200 OPEN ACCESS PDF Brandt, D. 1997 Exuviation and extinction. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Brett, C.E. 1997 The Walcott-Rust Quarry: A Middle Ordovician trilobite Konservat-Lagerstatte. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Brezinski, D.K. 1997 Macroevolutionary patterns of Late Paleozoic trilobites of the United States. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Brezinski, D.K. 1997 A note on the trilobite genus Dixiphopyge. Annals of Carnegie Museum, 66(l):83-87 OPEN ACCESS PDF Brooks, D.R. 1997 Phylogenetics: A Primer of Phylogenetic Procedures. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Bruton, D.L. 1997 Functional morphology of Phacopinae and the mechanics of enrollment. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Campbell, M., Chatterton, B.D.E. 1997 The Ontogeny and Phylogeny of Lichids. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Carvalho, M.D.G.P., Edgecombe, G.D., Lieberman, B.S. 1997 Devonian calmoniid trilobites from the Parnaiba Basin, Piauí State, Brazil. American Museum Novitates, 3192:1-11 OPEN ACCESS PDF Chatterton, B.D.E. 1997 Proetida, an orderly or disorderly order of trilobites: evidence from the larvae. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Chatterton, B.D.E., Edgecombe, G.D., Vaccari, N.E., Waisfeld, B.G. 1997 Ontogeny and relationships of the Ordovician odontopleurid trilobite Ceratocara, with new species from Argentina and New York. Journal of Paleontology, 71(1):108-125 OPEN ACCESS PDF Chen, J., Zhou, G. 1997 Biology of the Chengjiang fauna. Bulletin of National Museum of Natural Science, 10:11-106 OPEN ACCESS PDF Choi, D.K., Kim, D.H. 1997 Stratigraphy and Trilobite faunas of the Mungog Formation (Lower Ordovician), Yeongweol, Korea. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Clarkson, E.N.K., Taylor, C. 1997 Evolutionary dynamics of olenid trilobites in the upper Cambrian of southern Sweden. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Crônier, C., Feist, R. 1997 Morphologie et évolution ontogénétique de Trimerocephalus lelievrei nov. sp., premier trilobite phacopidé aveugle du Famennien Nord-Africain. [Morphology and ontogeny of Trimerocephalus lelievrei nov. sp., first blind phacopid trilobite from the Famennian of North Africa.] Geobios, 30(Supplement 1):161-170 OPEN ACCESS PDF Cronier, C., Renaud, S. 1997 Ontogenetic development in Late Devonian phacopids. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Cuggy, M.B., Westrop, S.R. 1997 Comparative paleoecology of Cambrian trilobite extinctions. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Dalingwater, J.E. 1997 The ultrastructure of homalonotid trilobite cuticle. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Edgecombe, G.D. 1997 Cladistic methods in biogeography: applications to palaeontology. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Edgecombe, G.D., Edgecombe, G.D., Vaccari, N.E., Waisfeld, B.G. 1997 Ontogeny of the Proetoid Trilobite Stenoblepharum, and Relationships of a new Species of the Upper Ordovician of Argentina. Journal of Paleontology, 71(3):419-433 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D., Ramskšold, L. 1997 Phylogenetic relationships of trilobite-allied Arachnata. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Eldredge, N. 1997 Trilobites, Species, Higher Taxa--and the "Sloshing Bucket" Model of Evolution. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Feist, R. 1997 Trilobite extinctions and recovery at the Late Devonian Kellwasser and Hangenberg crises. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Feist, R., Becker, T. 1997 Discovery of Famennian trilobites in Australia (Late Devonian, Canning Basin, NW Australia). Geobios, 30(Supplement 1):231-242 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fortey, R.A. 1997 Phylogenetic concepts in the history of trilobite classification. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Fortey, R.A. 1997 Late Ordovician trilobites from southern Thailand. Palaeontology, 40(2):397-449 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fortey, R.A., Droser, M.L. 1997 Trilobites and correlation of the base of the type Whiterockian (Middle Ordovician). 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Fortey, R.A., Owens, R.M. 1997 Bubble-headed trilobites, and a new olenid example. Palaeontology, 40(2):451-459 OPEN ACCESS PDF Geyer, G. 1997 New data on the fallotaspidids and their bearing on olenelloid phylogeny. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Gozalo, R. 1997 Revision of the genus Onaraspis Öpik 1968 and its biostratigraphic and biogeographic significance. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Gozalo, R., Liñan, E. 1997 Revisión del género Onaraspis Öpik 1968 (Trilobita) y sus implicaciones bioestratigráficas y paleobiogeografícas para el Bilbiliense (Cámbrico Inferior). [Review of the genus Onaraspis Öpik 1968 (Trilobita) and its biostratigraphic implications and paleobiogeography for Bilbiliense (Lower Cambrian).] pp.75-76 In: XIII Jornadas de Paleontología, España-Portugal, 12-18 de Octubre de 1997 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hahn, G., Hahn, R., Muller, P. 1997 Drevermanniinae (Trilobita) aus dem Aprathium (Unter-Karbon) von Menorca (Balearen, Spanien). [Drevermanniinae (trilobita) from the Aprathium (Lower Carboniferous) of Menorca (Balearic Islands, Spain).] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 31:153-178 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hollingsworth, J.S. 1997 Cambrian Trilobite Extinctions, Biomeres, and Stages. MAPS Digest, 20(4):17-27 OPEN ACCESS PDF Horváth, G., Clarkson, E.N.K., Pix, W. 1997 Survey of Modern Counterparts of Schizochroal Trilobite Eyes: Structural and Functional Similarities and Differences. Historical Biology, 12(3-4):229-263 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hou, X., Bergström, J. 1997 Arthropods of the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna, Southwest China. Fossils and Strata 45:1-116 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hughes, N.C. 1997 Cambrian Trilobite biostratigraphy for the Himalaya. Current Science, 73(9):736-737 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hughes, N.C., Chapman, R.E. 1997 Morphometric Approaches to Trilobite Paleobiology. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Hughes, N.C., Chapman, R.E. 1997 Phylogenetic versus environmental control of segment production in trilobites: implications for the evolution of developmental programs. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Hunt, G., Chapman, R.E. 1997 Numerical Approaches to the Analysis of Growth and Instar Development in Trilobites. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Jago, J.B., Lin, T., Davidson, G., Stevens, B.P.J., Bentley, C. 1997 A late Early Cambrian trilobite faunule from the Gnalta Group, Mt Wright, NSW. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 121(1-2):67-74 OPEN ACCESS PDF Jago, J.B., Haines, P.W. 1997 Poorly preserved trilobites and brachiopods from the Kanmantoo Group, Fleurieu Peninsula. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 121(1-2):75-77 OPEN ACCESS PDF Jago, J.B., McNeill, A.W. 1997 A late middle Cambrian shallow water trilobite fauna from the Mount Read Volcanics, Northwestern Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 131:85-90 OPEN ACCESS PDF Jell, P.A., Hughes, N.C. 1997 Himalayan Cambrian Trilobites. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 58:1-113 OPEN ACCESS PDF Kácha, P., Petr, V. 1997 Kamufláž a mimikry u barrandienských trilobitů? [Camouflage and mimicry in the Barrandian trilobites?] Český kras, 23:51-54 READ ONLINE Kaesler, R.L. 1997 The Role of Databases in Trilobite Paleontology. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Kloc, G.K. 1997 Epibionts on Dicranurus and some related genera. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Kluessendorf, J., Mikulic, D.G. 1997 Relationship between Silurian trilobite extinctions and oceanic cyclicity. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Koch, L. 1997 Trilobiten aus dem sauerländischen und bergischen Ordovizium. [Trilobites from the Sauerland and Bergisch Ordovician.] Fossilien, 1997(4):248-253 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koch, L., Lemke, U. 1997 Trilobiten aus dem Unteren Tonschiefer (Llanvirn, Ordovizium) von Wupperhof (Remscheider Sattel, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). [Trilobites from Lower Slate (Llanvirn, Ordovician) from Wupperhof (Remscheider Sattel, Rhine shale mountains).] Jahresbericht des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Wuppertal, 50:16-31 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koch, L., Lemke, U. 1997 Corrugatagnostus magnodosus n. sp., ein neuer Trilobit aus dem Unteren Llanvirn (Ordovizium) von Kiesbert (Ebbe-Sattel, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). [Corrugatagnostus magnodosus n. sp., a new trilobite from the Lower Llanvirnian (Ordovician) of Kiesbert (Ebbe Anticline, Rhenish Massif).] Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, 1997(5):297-307 OPEN ACCESS PDF Krueger, H.H. 1997 The Erratencrinurus Group from Baltoscandian geschiebes (glacial erratic boulders). 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Krueger, H.H. 1997 The Erratencrinurus group from Baltoscandian geschiebes (glacial erratic boulders). Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 13(4):126 OPEN ACCESS PDF Laurie, J.R. 1997 Early Ordovician fauna of the Gap Creek Formation, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, 16(5):701-716 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lee, D.C. 1997 The Coding of Inapplicable Characters: Problems and Assumptions. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Lee, D.C., Chatterton, B.D.E. 1997 Garden City Formation Trilobite Larvae and Their Phylogenetic Implications. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Lee, J.G., Sheen, B.C., Choi, D.K. 1997 The Machari fauna: Middle to Late Cambrian trilobites from the Machari Formation, Yeongweol, Korea. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Levman, B.G. 1997 Trilobite evolutionary relationships at the Superfamily level. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Lieberman, B.S. 1997 What is Unique about the Cambrian Radiation? a Probabilistic Analysis. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Lieberman, B.S. 1997 Using phylogenies to analyze the tempo of evolution. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Lieberman, B.S. & Kloc, G.J. 1997 Evolutionary Biogeographic Patterns in the Asteropyginae (Trilobita, Devonian) Delo, 1935. American Museum of Natural History Bulletin, 232:1-127 OPEN ACCESS PDF Loch, J.D., Taylor, J.F. 1997 Trilobite biofacies associated with microbialitic bioherms from the Upper Cambrian Ore Hill Member of the Gatesburg Formation in south-central Pennsylvania. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Loch, J.D., Taylor, J.F. 1997 Reef-associated trilobites in the upper Cambrian of Pennsylvania. Missouri Academy of Science Transactions, 31:72-73 OPEN ACCESS PDF Luttermann, D. 1997 Das Cephalon einer Achatella nieszkowskii aus einem Geschiebe des Münsterländer Hauptkiessandzuges. [The cephalon of a Achatella nieszkowskii from a pebble of the Munsterland Hauptkiessand.] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 13(4):127-130 OPEN ACCESS PDF Månsson, K. 1997 Taxonomy and ontogeny of triarthrinid trilobites from the Middle Ordovician of Jämtland, central Sweden. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME McCormick, T., Fortey, R.A. 1997 A morphometric study of the globally distributed trilobite Carolinites genacinaca Ross. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Mikulic, D.G. 1997 Evolution, paleoecology, and taphonomy of trilobites in Silurian reefs of the central United States. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Morzadec, P. 1997 Trilobites. In: Le Dévonien de l'Ougarta (Sahara Occidental, Algérie) Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, Ser.2, 5:114-115 OPEN ACCESS PDF Nedin, C. 1997 Anomalocaris predation on mineralized and non-mineralized trilobites from the Early Cambrian Emu Bay Shale, South Australia. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Neuman, R.B., Bruton, D.L., Pojeta, J. 1997 Fossils from the Ordovician "Upper Hovin Group" (Caradoc- Ashgill), Trondheim Region, Norway. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse Bulletin, 432:25-58 OPEN ACCESS PDF Nielsen, A.T. 1997 Trilobite ecophenotypes: Examples from the Lower Ordovician of Baltica. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Owens, R.M. 1997 Late Devonian progenetic proetid trilobites. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Palmer, A.R. 1997 Out like a lion: the extinction of the Olenellina and other related issues. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Palmer, A.R. 1997 Laurentia is ready for stages. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Pärnaste, H. 1997 Lower Ordovician (Billingenian) cheiruracean trilobites from the East Baltic. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Parcha, S.K. 1997 Significance of the trilobite genus Hundwarella in the Cambrian sequences of Tethys Himalaya. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Peers, S. 1997 The taxonomy, phylogeny and palaeobiogeography of the trilobite families Pliomeridae and Encrinuridae: reconstructing the Ordovician world using evolving lineages. Ph.D Thesis, Glasgow University, 410 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Pegel, T.V 1997 Development of trilobite biofacial zonation in Cambrian basins of the Siberian Platform. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Peng, S.C. 1997 Candidate stratotype sections in western Hunan, China, for the Middle-Upper Cambrian boundary. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Pillola, G.L., Leone, F. 1997 Lower Ordovician (Arenig) Trilobites from SE Sardinia (Italy): palaeobiogeographical and structural implications. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Pratt, B.R. 1997 Broken Upper Cambrian trilobite exoskeletons: indicator of the ravages and extinction of a soft-bodied predator in deep water. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Ross, R.J., Hintze, L.F., Ethington, R.L., Miller, J.F., Taylor, M.E., Repetski, J.E. 1997 The Ibexian, lowermost series in the North American Ordovician and Early Paleozoic biochronology of the Great Basin, Western United States. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1579:1-50 OPEN ACCESS PDF Rudkin, D.M. 1997 Trilobite taphonomy of a Silurian reef: Attawapiskat Formation, northern Ontario. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Schöning, H. 1997 Ein Fund von Scopelochasmops wrangeli aus einem mittelordovizischen Geschiebe. [A discovery of Scopelochasmops wrangeli (Schmidt, 1881) out of a Middle Ordovician Geschiebe.] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 13(3):75-81 OPEN ACCESS PDF Shergold, J., Feist, R., Vizcaino, D. 1997 Middle-Late Cambrian transition trilobites of Asian aspects in Southern France. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Smith, L.H. 1997 Morphological integration and phenotypic variability in trilobites. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME St. John, J. 1997 Understanding the Search for Affinities: The History of Research on Trilobites from Antiquity to the 1820s. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME St. John, J.M., Babcock, L.E. 1997 Late Middle Cambrian trilobites of Siberian aspect from the Farewell Terrane, Southwestern Alaska. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1574:269-281 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sundberg, F.A., McCollum, L.B. 1997 Oryctocephalids (Corynexochida: Trilobita) from the Lower-Middle Cambrian Boundary Interval from California and Nevada. Journal of Paleontology, 71(6):1065-1090 OPEN ACCESS PDF Taylor, J.F. 1997 Upper Cambrian biomeres and stages, two distinctly different and equally vital stratigraphic units. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Taylor, J.F., Brezinski, D.K., Durika, N.J. 1997 The Lower to Middle Cambrian transition in the central Appalachian region. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Tetreault, D.K. 1997 Trilobite behavior in the Silurian. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Thomas, A.T. 1997 Variation in the eyes of Eophacops and Acaste (Phacopida, Trilobita) and its significance. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Tortello, M.F., Esteban, S.B. 1997 Significado bioestratigrafico de una asociacion de trilobites del tramo basal de la Formacion Volcancito (Sistema de Famatina, La Rioja, Argentina). [Biostratigraphic significance of a trilobite assemblage from the lower part of the Volcancito Formation; Famatina System, La Rioja, Argentina.] Ameghiniana, 34(3):265-270 READ ONLINE Trammer, J., Kaim, A. 1997 Body size and diversity exemplified by three trilobite clades. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 42(1):1-12 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vokáč, V. 1997 Middle cambrian benthic assemblage in the Skryje shale (Jince Formation) at Terešovská Hut' (district of Rokycany, Czech Republic). [Středokambrické bentické společenstvo ve skryjských břidlicích (jinecké souvrství) u Terešovské Huti (okres Rokycany, Čechy).] Palaeontologia Bohemiae, 3(6):15-19 OPEN ACCESS PDF Waisfeld, B.G. 1997 Concentraciones fosilíferas Ordovícicas en las formaciones Acoite y Sepulturas, Cordillera Oriental Juñena. Análisis tafonómico y paleoecologíco. [Ordovician fossil concentrations from the Acoite and Sepulturas formations, Cordillera Oriental, Jujuy Province. Taphonomic and palaeoecologic analysis.] Ameghiniana, 34(3):317-322 READ ONLINE Waisfeld, B.G. 1997 Trilobites calymenaceos de la Formacion Acoite (Arenigiano) en el contrafuerte occidental de la Cordillera Oriental Argentina. [Calymenacean trilobites from the Acoite Formation (Arenigian) on the western flank of the Argentine Eastern Cordillera.] Ameghiniana, 34(3):333-343 OPEN ACCESS PDF Webster, M. 1997 Quantification of compaction-related deformation on the degree of observed variation in fossils: taphonomic overprint in the trilobite Olenellus (Olenellus) gilberti Meek. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Westrop, S.R., Adrain, J.M., Edgecombe, G.D. 1997 Cladistics, Diversity and Taxonomic Turnover. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Whittington, H.B. 1997 Review of the Caradoc (Middle Ordovician) silicified trilobites faunas of Virginia, U.S.A. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Wolfart, R. 1997 A new genus name for an Antarctic trilobite. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 35(1):59 READ ONLINE Yin, G., Yuan, J. 1997 Trilobites from the Early middle Cambrian Yebeiwan Formation, Tongren, Guizhou Province, China. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Yuan, W., Zhou, Z. 1997 Some Ordovician trilobites from the Northern Tarim Basin, Xinjiang. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 36(Supplement):168-181 OPEN ACCESS PDF Zelditch, M. 1997 Phylogenetic analysis of ontogenetic shape transformations. 2nd International Trilobite Conference (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, August 22-24, 1997) ABSTRACTS VOLUME Aceñolaza, G.F. 1998 Observaciones estratigráficas y bioestratigráficas en las unidades Cambro-Ordovícicas de la Provincia de Jujuy, República Argentina. [Stratigraphic and biostratigraphic observations in the Cambrian-Ordovician units of the Province of Jujuy, Argentinian republic.] Geogaceta, 24:3-6 OPEN ACCESS PDF Aceñolaza, G.F. 1998 Graptolites, conodonts and trilobites of uppermost Cambrian and Lower Ordovician age from Jujuy Province, northern Argentina. Proceedings 6th International Graptolite Conference - Geologico-Mineros, 23:145-147 READ ONLINE Adrain, J.M. 1998 Systematics of the Acanthoparyphinae (Trilobita), with species from the Silurian of Arctic Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 72, 698-718 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M.; Fortey, R.A., Westrop, S.R. 1998 Post-Cambrian Trilobite Diversity and Evolutionary Faunas. Science, 280:1922-1925 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ahlberg, P. 1998. IV Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, International Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy, Sweden, 24–31 August 1998: Guide to excursions in Scania and Västergötland, southern Sweden. Lund Publications in Geology, 141:1-48 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ahlberg, P., Eriksson, M., Olsson, I. 1998 IV Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, International Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy, Sweden, 24-31 august 1998. Abstracts. Lund Publications in Geology 142:1-25 OPEN ACCESS PDF Álvaro, J.J., Liñán, E., Vizcaïno, D. 1998 Biostratigraphical significance of the genus Ferralsia (Lower Cambrian, Trilobita). Geobios, 31(4):499-504 OPEN ACCESS PDF Babcock, L.E. 1998 Cambrian Trilobites of Laurentian and Extra-Laurentian Aspect from Shelf-Marginal Lithofacies and Native Terranes: Implications for Palaeogeography, Palaeo-oceanography, Palaeoclimate, and Intercontinental Correlation. Lund Publications in Geology, 142:3-4 OPEN ACCESS PDF Basse, M. & Müller, P. 1998 Devon-Trilobiten aus dem Lahn-Dill-Gebiet. [Devonian trilobites from the Lahn-Dill area.] Fossilien, 1998(1):43-49 OPEN ACCESS PDF Bhargava, O.N., Singh, I., Hans, S.K., Bassi, U.K. 1998 Early Cambrian trace and Trilobite fossils from the Nigali Dhar Syncline (Sirmaur District, Himachal Pradesh) Lithostratigraphic correlation and fossil contents of the Tal Group. Himalayan Geology 19(1):89-108 OPEN ACCESS PDF Chirivella, J., Gozalo, R., Liñán, E., Fernández-Rodríguez, C. 1998 Bioestratigrafía del piso Leoniense (Cámbrico medio bajo) en Jarque (provincia de Zaragoza, cadena Ibérica oriental). [Biostratigraphy of the Leonian floor (lower middle Cambrian) in Jarque (province of Zaragoza, Eastern Iberian chain).] pp.67-68 In: XIV Jornadas de Paleontología, Tenerife 9-11 de Octubre de 1998 OPEN ACCESS PDF Chlupáč, I., Fatka, O., Prokop, R.J., Turěk, V. 1998 Výzkum klasické paleontologické lokality "Luh" ve skryjském kambriu. [Research of the classical paleontological locality "Luh" in the Cambrian of Skryje (Barrandian area, Czech Republic).] Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 43(3):169-173 OPEN ACCESS PDF Choi, D.K. 1998 An Early Ordovician Trilobite Faunule from the Chosen Supergroup, Maepo, Tanyang Area, Korea. Geosciences Journal, 2(4):235-242 OPEN ACCESS PDF Choi, D.K. 1998 Cambrian Trilobite Biostratigraphy of South Korea: Retrospect and Prospect. Lund Publications in Geology, 142:5-6 OPEN ACCESS PDF Crônier, C., Renaud, S., Feist, R., Auffray, J.C 1998 Ontogeny of Trimerocephalus lelievrei (Trilobita, Phacopida), a representative of the Late Devonian phacopine paedomorphocline: a morphometric approach. Paleobiology, 24(3):359-370 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D., Chatterton, B.D.E., Waisfeld, B.G., Vaccari, N.E. 1998 Ordovician (Whiterock) Calymenid and Encrinurid Trilobites from the Precordillera of Argentina. Journal of Paleontology, 72(4):678-697 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gozalo, R. & Liñán, E. 1998 El problema del dimorfismo en trilobites. Nuevos datos del Cámbrico medio de España. [The problem of dimorphism in trilobites. New data on the middle Cambrian of Spain.] pp.93-94 In: XIV Jornadas de Paleontología, Tenerife 9-11 de Octubre de 1998 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gozalo, R. & Liñán, E. 1998 Two cases of dimorphism in Paradoxides species (Trilobita) from Spain. Lund Publications in Geology, 142:8-9 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hahn, G., Hahn, R., Müller, Peter 1998 Trilobiten aus den Erdbacher Kalken (Unter-Karbon) von Steeden in Hessen. [Trilobites from the Erdbacher limestones (Lower Carboniferous) of Steeden in Hessen.] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 32:161-219 OPEN ACCESS PDF Holloway, D.J. & Lane, P.D. 1998 Effaced Styginid Trilobites from the Silurian of New South Wales. Palaeontology, 41(5):853-896 OPEN ACCESS PDF Horváth, G., Clarkson, E.N.K. 1993 Computational reconstruction of the probable change of form of the corneal lens and maturation of optics in the post-ecdysial development of the schizochroal eye of the Devonian Trilobite Phacops rana milleri Stewart 1927. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 160(3):343-373 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koch, L. 1998 Die ältesten Fossilien Westfalens. [The oldest fossils of Westphalia.] Beiträge zur Heimat- und Landeskunde, 1998:26-31 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koch, L. & Lemke, U. 1998 Die Gattungen Girvanopyge Kobayashi 1960 und Waldminia Koch & Lemke 1994 (Remopleurididae, Trilobita) im Unteren Llanvirn (Ordovizium) des Ebbe-Sattels und des Remscheider Sattels (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Deutschland). [The genera Girvanopyge Kobayashi 1960 and Waldminia Koch & Lemke 1994 (Remopleurididae, Trilobita) from the Lower Llanvirnian (Ordovician) of the Ebbe and Remscheid Anticline (Rhenish Massif, Germany).] Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, 1998(8):494-512 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koch, L. & Lemke, U. 1998 Dionide Barrande 1847 und Dionidella Prantl & Přibyl 1949 (Dionididae, Trilobita) aus dem Ordovizium des Ebbe-Sattels (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Deutschland). [Dionide Barrande 1847 and Dionidella Prantl & Přibyl 1949 (Dionididae, Trilobita) from the Ordovician of the Ebbe Anticline, Rhenish Schiefergebirge, Germany.] Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, 1998(10):613-625 OPEN ACCESS PDF Kruse, P.D. 1998 Cambrian palaeontology of the eastern Wiso and western Georgina Basins. Northern Territory Geological Survey Report, 9:1-68 OPEN ACCESS PDF Landing, E. & Westrop, S.R. 1998 Avalon 1997 -- The Cambrian Standard. Bulletin of the New York State Museum, 492:1-92 OPEN ACCESS PDF Leone, Francesco; Ferretti, Annalisa; Liammann, Wolfgang; Loi, Alfredo; Pillola, Gian Luigi; Serpagli, Enrico 1998 Outline of the post-Sardic Ordovician sequence in South-Western Sardinia. Giornale di Geologia, ECOS VII - Sardinia Guidebook, 60:39-56 OPEN ACCESS PDF Liñán, E., Perejón, A., Gozalo, R. 1998 Nuevas propuestas para una división biocronológica del Cámbrico. [New proposals for a biochronological division of the Cambrian.] pp.103-104 In: XIV Jornadas de Paleontología, Tenerife 9-11 de Octubre de 1998 OPEN ACCESS PDF McCormick, T. 1998 Microevolutionary transitions in a lower Ordovician pelagic trilobite lineage. The Palaeontological Association 42nd Annual Meeting 1998 - Abstracts & Programme OPEN ACCESS PDF Mikuláš, R. 1998 Proudem orientované hlavové štíty trilobita Dalmanitina proaeva (Emmr.) na lokalitě Loděnice - Vinice (Zahořanské souvrství, Ordovik Barrandienu). [Current-oriented head shields of Dalmanitina proaeva trilobite (Emmr.) in locality Loděnice - Vinice (The Zahořanské formation, the Ordovician of Barrandien).] Zprávy o Geologických Výzkumech v Roce, 31:102-103 OPEN ACCESS PDF Naimark, E. 1998 Morphology of agnostids in time and space. Lund Publications in Geology, 142:16 OPEN ACCESS PDF Peng, S.C., Zhou, Z., Lin, T. 1998 Late Middle-Late Upper Cambrian chronostratigraphy of China. Lund Publications in Geology, 142:20 OPEN ACCESS PDF Pillola, G.L., Leone, F., Loi, A. 1998 The Cambrian and Early Ordovician of SW Sardinia. Giornale di Geologia, ECOS VII - Sardinia Guidebook, 60:25-38 OPEN ACCESS PDF Rábano, I. & Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 1998 Realaspis? pradoanus (Verneuil y Barrande) (Trilobita, Cámbrico Inferior): revisión de su material tipo e implicaciones taxonómicas. [Realaspis? pradoanus (Verneuil y Barrande) (Trilobita, Lower Cambrian): review of the type material and taxonomic implications.] Geogaceta, 23:127-129 OPEN ACCESS PDF Rao, R.I. & Tortello, M.F. 1998 Tremadoc conodonts and trilobites from the Cardonal Formation, Inacamayo Creek, Salta Province, northwestern Argentina. Palaeontologia Polonica, 58:31-45 OPEN ACCESS PDF Rõõmusoks, A.K. 1998 Trilobites of the genus Toxochasmops from the Ordovician of Estonia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology, 47(3):173-194 READ ONLINE Rowland, S.M., Luchinina, V.A., Korovnikov, I.V., Sipin, D.P., Tarletskov, A.I., Fedoseev, A.V. 1998 Biostratigraphy of the Vendian-Cambrian Sukharikha River section, northwestern Siberian Platform. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 35(4):339-352 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ruston, A.W.A & Powell, J.H. 1998 A review of the stratigraphy and trilobite faunas from the Cambrian Burj Formation in Jordan. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology Series, 54(2):131-146 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sakai, Y. 1998 Biometric analysis of olenellid trilobites from the Pioche Formation (Lower Cambrian), Nevada. Ohio State University. Department of Geological Sciences, Senior Thesis OPEN ACCESS PDF Sandford, A. & Holloway, D.J. 1998 The Effaced Styginid Trilobite Thomastus From the Silurian of Victoria, Australia. Palaeontology, 41(5):913-928 OPEN ACCESS PDF Schöning, H. 1998 Einige Funde von Agerina (Trilobita) aus unterordovizischen Geschieben. [Some finds of Agerina (trilobite) from lower Ordovician Geschiebe.] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 14(4):115-123 OPEN ACCESS PDF Slavícková, J. 1998 Nové poznatky k druhu Ectillaenus katzeri (Barrande, 1856) (Trilobita, šárecké souvrství, spodní darriwilian, pražská pánev). [New remarks on the genus Ectillaenus katzeri Salter, 1867 (Trilobita, Sárka Formation, lower Darriwilian, Prague Basin).] Zprávy o Geologických Výzkumech v Roce, 31:103-104 OPEN ACCESS PDF Timokhin, A.V. 1998 Trilobites and biostratigraphy of the nizhnerodovik deposits in the south-east Siberian platform. Dissertation Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy of the SB-RAS, 25 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Thomas, A.T. 1998 Variation in the Eyes of the Silurian Trilobites Eophacops and Acaste and its Significance. Palaeontology, 41(5):897-911 OPEN ACCESS PDF Toro, B.A. & Waisfeld, Beatriz G. 1998 Graptolite biostratigraphy and trilobite assemblages in the Arenig of the Argentine Cordillera Oriental. Regional implications of an integrated analysis. Proceedings 6th International Graptolite Conference - Geologico-Mineros, 23:268-270 READ ONLINE Tortello, M.F. 1998 Una nueva especie de Leiagnostus (Trilobita, Agnostida) en el Tremadociano superior (Ordovicico inferior) de Salta, Argentina. [A new species of Leiagnostus (Trilobita, Agnostida) from the upper Tremadocian, Lower Ordovician, of Salta, Argentina.] Ameghiniana, 35(1):97-99 READ ONLINE Westrop, S.R. & Adrain, J.M. 1998 Trilobite alpha diversity and the reorganization of Ordovician benthic marine communities. Paleobiology, 24(1):1-16 OPEN ACCESS PDF Westrop, S.R. & Adrain, J.M. 1998 Trilobite diversity and the Ordovician Radiation: a reply to Miller et al. Paleobiology, 24(4):529-533 OPEN ACCESS PDF White, R.D. & Lieberman, B.S. 1998 A Type Catalog of Fossil Invertebrates (Arthropoda: Trilobita) in the Yale Peabody Museum. Postilla, 214:1-152 OPEN ACCESS PDF Yolkin, Y.A. 1998 Silurian-Devonian trilobite evolution and depositional cyclicity in the Altai-Salair region, western Siberia. Bulletin of the New York State Museum, 491:215-226 OPEN ACCESS PDF Yolkin, E.A. Izokh, N. 1998 Rates of evolution in the Emsian (Early Devonian) conodont and trilobite lineages. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 37(2-3):335-338 OPEN ACCESS PDF Yuan, J. & Xiang, L. 1998 Trilobite fauna at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in South China (S-Guizhou and N-Guangxi). National Museum of Natural Science, Special Publication, 8:1-281 OPEN ACCESS PDF Zhou, Z., Dean, W.T., Luo, H. 1998 Early Ordovician Trilobites from Dali, West Yunnan, China, and their Palaeogeographical Significance. Palaeontology, 41(3):429-460 OPEN ACCESS PDF Zhou, Z., Dean, W.T., Yuan, W., Zhou, T. 1998 Ordovician Trilobites from the Dawangou Formation, Kalpin, Xinjiang, Northwest China. Palaeontology, 41(4):693-735 OPEN ACCESS PDF Laurie, J.R. 1999 Revision of the type species of Phoidagnostus Whitehouse, 1936, (Middle Cambrian, Agnostida). Alcheringa, 23(4):229-234 OPEN ACCESS PDF Dies, M.E., Gozalo, R., Liñán, E. 1999 Presencia de Kingaspis campbelli (King, 1923) (Trilobita) en el Bilbiliense (Cámbrico Inferior) de Murero (Zaragoza). [Presence of Kingaspis campbelli (King, 1923) (Trilobita) in the Bilbiliense (Lower Cambrian) of Murero (Zaragoza).] XV Jornadas de Paleontología, Madrid 1999. Temas Geológico-Mineros ITGE 26:223-225 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sender, L.M., Gozalo, R., Liñán, E., Dies, M.E., Martín, E. 1999 Trilobites del Cámbrico Medio de Monforte de Moyuela (Teruel). [Trilobites of the Middle Cambrian of Monforte de Moyuela (Teruel).] XV Jornadas de Paleontología, Madrid 1999. Temas Geológico-Mineros ITGE 26:344-349 OPEN ACCESS PDF Arbizu, M., Méndez-Bedia, I., Aramburu, C., Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 1999 Diversidad taxonómica de Invertebrados en el Ordovícico Medio del noroeste de España. [Taxonomic diversity of Invertebrates in the Middle Ordovician of northwest Spain.] XV Jornadas de Paleontología, Madrid 1999. Temas Geológico-Mineros ITGE 26:527-532 OPEN ACCESS PDF Budil, P., Mikulás, R. 1999 Associations of body-fossils and ichnofossils from the Letná Formation (Ordovician, Berounian) in the north-eastern part of the Prague Basin, Czech Republic. XV Jornadas de Paleontología, Madrid 1999. Temas Geológico-Mineros ITGE 26:533-540 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hammann, W., Harper, D.A.T., Villas, E. 1999 Los braquiópodos de la fauna de Foliomena y sus trilobites asociados en el Ordovícico tardío de Cerdeña. [The brachiopods of the Foliomena fauna and their associated trilobites in the Late Ordovician of Sardinia.] XV Jornadas de Paleontología, Madrid 1999. Temas Geológico-Mineros ITGE 26:556 OPEN ACCESS PDF Tortello, M.F., Aceñolaza, G.F. 1999 Trilobites agnóstidos del Ordovícico basal en la localidad de Purmamarca, Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina. [Agnostid trilobites of the basal Ordovician in the locality of Purmamarca, Province of Jujuy, Argentina.] XV Jornadas de Paleontología, Madrid 1999. Temas Geológico-Mineros ITGE 26:585-588 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D., Banks, M.R. & Banks, D. 1999 Upper Ordovician Phacopida (Trilobita) from Tasmania. Alcheringa, 23(4):235-257 OPEN ACCESS PDF Feist, R. 1999 First Mid-Devonian Trilobites from the Carnic Alps. [Erste mitteldevonische Trilobiten aus den Karnischen Alpen.] Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 54:295-302 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sdzuy, K., Liñán, E., Gozalo, R. 1999 The Leonian Stage (early Middle Cambrian): a unit for Cambrian correlation in the Mediterranean subprovince. Geological Magazine, 136(1):39-48 OPEN ACCESS PDF Holloway, D.J. & Lane, P.D. 1999 A Replacement Name for the Trilobite Lalax Holloway and Lane non Hamilton. Palaeontology, 42(2):375 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fortey, R.A. & Owens, R.M. 1999 Feeding Habits in Trilobites. Palaeontology, 42(3):429-465 OPEN ACCESS PDF Yuan, J. & Yin, G. 1999 Origin and early evolution of Ceratopygidae Linnarson, 1869 (Trilobita). Acta Palaeontologica Sinica. 38(2):168-182 OPEN ACCESS PDF Yuan, J. & Li, Y. 1999 Lower-Middle Cambrian Boundary and Trilobite Fauna At Laoyingshan, Huainan, Anhui. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 38(4):407-422 OPEN ACCESS PDF Yuan, J., Zhao, Y.L., Guo, Q.J. 1999 On the Kaili Formation. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 38(Supplement):15-27 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lieberman, B.S. 1999 Systematic Revision of the Olenelloidea (Trilobita, Cambrian). Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University Bulletin, 45:1-150 OPEN ACCESS PDF Budil, P. 1999 A review of the stratigraphic distribution of the family Dalmanitidae Vodges, 1880 in the Ordovician of the Prague Basin (Barrandian, central Bohemia). Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Geologica, 43(1-2):369-371 OPEN ACCESS PDF Budil, P. 1999 Some comments on the genus Ormathops Delo from the Bohemian Ordovician. Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Geologica, 43(1-2):373-376 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fatka, O. & Pek, I. 1999 Ordovician agnostid trilobites of the Prague Basin (Barrandian area, Czech Republic). Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Geologica, 43(1-2):381-384 OPEN ACCESS PDF Slavícková, J. 1999 Remarks to the palaeobiology and taphonomy of illaenid trilobites (Ordovician, Barrandian area, Czech Republic). Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 44(1-4):93-96 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vokáč, V. 1999 Kosovopeltis lacerata n.sp., the latest species of Kosovopeltis Šnajdr in the Silurian from the Prague Basin. Palaeontologia Bohemiae, 5(1):1-4 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vokáč, V. 1999 On some species of the genus Trochurus Beyrich, 1845 (Trilobita, Lichidae) from the Wenlockian in the Prague Basin (Czech Republic). Palaeontologia Bohemiae, 5(3):21-26 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vaněk, J., Valícek, J., Vokáč, V. 1999 Plutonides hicksi (Salter) from the Middle Cambrian of Skryje-Týřovice area (Czech Republic). Palaeontologia Bohemiae, 5(6):36-38 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hughes, N.C., Chapman, R.E., Adrain, J.M. 1999 The stability of thoracic segmentation in trilobites: A case study in developmental and ecological constraints. Evolution and Development, 1:24-35 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ebbestad, J.O.R.1999 Trilobites of the Tremadoc Bjørkåsholmen Formation in the Oslo region, Norway. Fossils and Strata, 47:1-118 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hughes N.C. & Jell P.A. 1999 Biostratigraphy and biogeography of Himalayan Cambrian trilobites. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 328:109-116 READ ONLINE Pierard, S., Franchimont, C., Pierard, G. 1999 Morphotypes et postures de vie et de mort chez les trilobites. [Morphotypes and postures of life and death in trilobites.] Revue Verviétoise d'Histoire Naturelle, 56:19-28 OPEN ACCESS PDF Crônier, C. 1999 Modalités d'évolution phylétique sous contrôle du milieu chez quelques phacopinés (trilobites) néodévoniens. [Modalities of phyletic evolution of some Neodevonian phacopines (trilobites) under environmental constraints.] Geobios, 32(2):187-192 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hunda, B. 1999 Upper Ordovician trilobites from the southern Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada. MSc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Canada, 192 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Peng, S.C., Geyer, G. & Hamdi, B. 1999 Trilobites from the Shahmirzad section, Alborz Mountains, Iran: their taxonomy, biostratigraphy and bearing for international correlation. Beringeria, 25:3-66 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koch, L. 1999 Corrugatagnostus (Metagnostidae, Trilobita) aus dem Ordovizium des Ebbe-Sattels (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Deutschland). [Corrugatagnostus (Metagnostidae, Trilobita) from the Ordovician of the Ebbe Anticline (Rhenish Slate Mountains, Germany).] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 33:9-19 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hahn, G., Hahn, R., Müller, P. 1999 Neue Trilobiten mit geblähten Wangen-Stacheln aus dem Unter-Karbon von Steeden (Hessen, Deutschland). [New trilobites with distended genal spines from the Lower Carboniferous of Steeden (Hessen, Germany).] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 33:117-155 OPEN ACCESS PDF Müller, P. 1999 Neue Ergebnisse über Carbonocoryphe (Winterbergia) amphiro (Trilobita; Unter-Karbon). [New results on Carbonocoryphe (Winterberg) amphiro (trilobita; Lower Carboniferous).] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 33:157-165 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koch, L. 1999 Die Familie Cyclopygidae (Trilobita) im Ordovizium des Ebbe- und Remscheider Sattels (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Deutschland). [The family Cyclopygidae (Trilobita) from the Ordovician of the Ebbe and Remscheid Anticline (Rhenish Massif, Germany).] Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 213(3):375-431 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gál, J., Gábor, H., Clarkson, E.N.K., Ottó, H. 1999 Bifokális szemek és szemüvegek. A trilobidák szemétõl a szemlencseprotézisig. [Bifocal eyes and eyeglasses. From Trilobites to Eyelid Prostheses.] Természet Világa, 130(5):218-223 READ ONLINE Mikulic, D.G. & Kluessendorf, J. 1999 The Classic Silurian Reefs of the Chicago Area. Illinois State Geological Survey, Guidebook Series 29:1-42 OPEN ACCESS PDF Zhang, X.G., & Pratt, B.R. 1999 Early Cambrian Trilobite Larvae and Ontogeny of Ichangia ichangensis Chang, 1957 (Protolenidae) from Henan, China. Journal of Paleontology, 73(1):117-128 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M. & Westrop, S.R. 1999 Trilobite Paleobiology: Past, Present, and Future. Journal of Paleontology, 73, 161-163 OPEN ACCESS PDF Chatterton, B.D.E., Edgecombe, G.D., Vaccari, N.E., Waisfeld, B.G. 1999 Ontogenies of Some Ordovician Telephinidae From Argentina, and Larval Patterns in the Proetida (Trilobita). Journal of Paleontology, 73(2):219-239 OPEN ACCESS PDF Crônier, C., Bartzsch, K., Weyer, D., & Feist, R. 1999 Larval Morphology and Ontogeny of a Late Devonian Phacopid with Reduced Sight from Thuringia, Germany. Journal of Paleontology, 73(2):240-255 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D. & Ramsköld, L. 1999 Relationships of Cambrian Arachnata and the Systematic Position of Trilobita. Journal of Paleontology, 73(2):263-287 OPEN ACCESS PDF Brett, C.E., Whiteley, T.E., Allison, P.A. & Yochelson, E.L. 1999 The Walcott-Rust Quarry: Middle Ordovician Trilobite Konservat-Lagerstatten. Journal of Paleontology, 73(2):288-305 OPEN ACCESS PDF McCollum, L.B. 1999 New name for a middle Cambrian Trilobite and a figure correction. Journal of Paleontology, 73(4):723 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gass, K.C. 1999 Mackenziurus emielityi New Species: A New Encrinurine (Trilobita) from the Silurian (Wenlock-Ludlow) of Wisconsin and Illinois. Journal of Paleontology, 73(5):977-978 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sundberg, F.A. 1999 Redescription of Alokistocare subcoronatum (Hall and Whitfield, 1877), the Type Species of Alokistocare, and the Status of Alokistocaridae Resser, 1939B (Ptychopariida: Trilobita, Middle Cambrian). Journal of Paleontology, 73(6):1126-1143 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D., Chatterton, B.D.E., Waisfeld, B.G. & Vaccari, N.E. 1999 Ordovician Pliomerid and Prosopiscid Trilobites from Argentina. Journal of Paleontology, 73(6):1144-1154 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D., Chatterton, B.D.E., Vaccari, N.E. & Waisfeld, B.G. 1999 Ordovician Cheirurid Trilobites from the Argentine Precordillera. Journal of Paleontology, 73(6):1155-1175 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lee, D.C. & Choi, D.K. 1999 Ontogenetic changes of bacculae in Korean asaphid trilobites and their taxonomic implications. Journal of Paleontology, 73:1210-1213 OPEN ACCESS PDF Saltzman, M.R. 1999 Upper Cambrian carbonate platform evolution, Elvinia and Taenicephalus zones (Pterocephaliid-Ptychaspid biomere boundary), Northwestern Wyoming. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 69(4):926-938 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lee, J.G. & Choi, D.K. 1999 Ontogeny of the Late Cambrian trilobite Olenus asiaticus Kobayashi, 1944 from the Machari Formation of Korea. Geosciences Journal, 3(4):225-231 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hoel, O.A. 1999 Trilobites of the Hagastrand Member (Tøyen Formation, lowermost Arenig) from the Oslo Region, Norway. Part I: Asaphidae. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 79:179-204 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hoel, O.A. 1999 Trilobites of the Hagastrand Member (Tøyen Formation, lowermost Arenig) from the Oslo Region, Norway. Part II: Remaining non-asaphid groups. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 79:259-280 OPEN ACCESS PDF Álvaro, J.J., Vizcaïno, D., Vennin, E. 1999 Trilobite diversity patterns in the Middle Cambrian of southwestern Europe: a comparative study. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 151(4):241-254 OPEN ACCESS PDF Waisfeld, B.G., Sanchez, T.M., Carrera, M.G. 1999 Biodiversification patterns in Early Ordovician of Argentina. Palaios, 14:198-214 OPEN ACCESS PDF Westrop, S.R. & Rudkin, D.M. 1999 Trilobite taphonomy of a Silurian reef: Attawapiskat Formation, Northern Ontario. Palaios, 14:389-397 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ivantsov, A.Y. 1999 Trilobite-like arthropod from the Lower Cambrian of the Siberian Platform. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 44(4):455-466 OPEN ACCESS PDF Guedes, A.M. 1999 A Fauna Fóssil de Canelas (Arouca) - As Trilobites. [The Fossil Fauna of Canelas (Arouca) - The Trilobites.] Associação da Defesa do Património Arouquense, 18 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Korovnikov, I.V. 1999 Morphological features of Lower Cambrian ellipsocephalidae (trilobites) in the northeastern part of the Siberian Platform (Khorbusuonka River). Russian Geology and Geophysics, 40(10):1383-1388 OPEN ACCESS PDF Korovnikov, I.V. 1999 The Trilobite Assemblages and Biostratigraphy of the Lower Cambrian Section on the Khorbosuonka River (Olenek Uplift, northeastern Siberian Platform). Russian Geology and Geophysics, 39:1378-1392 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Aramburu, C., Arbizu, M., Bernárdez, E., Hacar-Rodríguez, M.P., Méndez-Bedia, I., Montesinos-López, R., Rábano, I., Truyols, J., Villas, E.1999 Revisión bioestratigráfica de las pizarras del Ordovícico Medio en el noroeste de España (zonas Cantábrica, Asturoccidental-leonesa y Centroibérica septentrional). [Biostratigraphic review of the Middle Ordovician slate in northwestern Spain (Cantabrian areas, Western Asturias-Leon and northern Central Iberia).] Acta Geológica Hispánica, 34(1):3-87 OPEN ACCESS PDF Tortello, M.F., Aceñolaza, F.G., Rao, R.I., Rábano, I. 1999 Los trilobites de la transición Cámbrico-Ordovicico en la quebrada Amarilla (Sierra de Cajas, Jujuy, Argentina). 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Palaeoworld, 13:226-235 OPEN ACCESS PDF Axheimer, N., & Ahlberg, P. 2001 Middle Cambrian biostratigraphy of the Almbacken drill-core, Scania, Sweden. Palaeoworld, 13:245-246 OPEN ACCESS PDF Babcock, L.E. & Peng, S.C. 2001 New occurrence of exceptionally preserved fossils in the Middle Cambrian of Hunan, China: significance with respect to global correlation. Palaeoworld, 13:247-249 OPEN ACCESS PDF Babcock, L.E. & Peng S.C. 2001 Malformed agnostoid trilobite from the Middle Cambrian of northwestern Hunan, China. Palaeoworld, 13:250-251 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ergaliev, G.K. & Ergaliev, F.G. 2001 Middle Cambrian trilobites and stages of the Maly Karatau Ridge southern Kazakhstan. Palaeoworld, 13:256 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fletcher, T. P. 2001 Arthricocephalus chauveaui Bergeron - a key species for the correlation of a global Cambrian stage boundary. Palaeoworld, 13:257-260 OPEN ACCESS PDF Jago, J.B. & Cooper, R.A. 2001 A Glyptagnostus stolidotus fauna from northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Palaeoworld, 13:263-265 OPEN ACCESS PDF Kang, I., Hong, P., Lee, J.G., Choi, D.K. 2001 Cambrian Stratigraphy of the Taebaeksan Basin, Korea and its Correlation with China and Australia. Palaeoworld, 13:266-269 OPEN ACCESS PDF Korovnikov, L.V. 2001 Lower and middle Cambrian boundary and trilobites from northeast Siberian Platform. Palaeoworld, 13:270-275 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lazarenko, N.P. & Pegel, T.V. 2001 Upper Cambrian Levels of Biostratigraphical Correlation in the Khos-Nelege River Reference Section (Northeastern Flank of the Siberian Platform). Palaeoworld, 13:276-279 OPEN ACCESS PDF Luo, K. 2001 Competitive candidate sections for the Middle-Upper Cambrian boundary stratotype in eastern Liaoning, North China. Palaeoworld, 13:288-290 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ngân, P.K. 2001 On the Cambrian sediments in North Vietnam. Palaeoworld, 13:297 OPEN ACCESS PDF Robison, R.A. 2001 Subdividing the upper part of the Cambrian System: a suggestion. Palaeoworld, 13:298 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sohn, J.W., Lee S.B., Kim, D.H., Choi, D.K. 2001 Trilobite faunal successions across the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary interval in Korea. Palaeoworld, 13:300-303 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ebach, M.C. & Ahyong, S.T.2001 Phylogeny of the Trilobite Subgenus Acanthopyge (Lobopyge). Cladistics, 17(1):1-10 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M. & Westrop, S.R. 2001 The 'cryptogenesis' problem and higher trilobite phylogeny. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Álvaro, J.J. & Vizcaïno, D. 2001 Why the one-eyed are not necessarily the kings in the 'kingdom' of blind trilobites? in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Boyce, W.D. 2001 Preliminary trilobite-based biostratigraphic zonation of Cambrian sequences, West Newfoundland, Canada. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Brett, K.D. & Chatterton, B.D.E. 2001 Parabolops, a new asteropygine trilobite from southern Morocco with an unusual trident-like anterior cephalic frontal process. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Brezinski, D.K. 2001 Evolutionary, palaeozoogeographical and palaeoecological significance of phylogenetic analysis of the Late Palaeozoic trilobite genus Paladin. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Briggs, D.E.G., Wills, M.A., Bartels, C. 2001 Non-trilobite arthropods from the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate of Germany. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Bruton, D.L. & Haas, W. 2001 The puzzling eye of Phacops. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Bruton, D.L. & Haas, W. 2001 Making Phacops come alive. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Budil, P. 2001 The dalmanitid and acastid trilobites of the Ordovician and Silurian of the Prague Basin (Czech Republic). in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Chatterton, B.D.E. 2001 Cryptic behaviour in trilobites. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Choi, D.K. 2001 Early Palaeozoic trilobite faunas and palaeogeography of the Korean Peninsula. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Clarkson, E.N.K., Taylor, C.M., Ahlgren, J. 2001 Spiny olenid trilobites from the upper Cambrian of Sweden. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Collins, D. 2001 Three new onychophorans from the Burgess Shale of British Columbia. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Crônier, C. 2001 Upper Devonian phacopine trilobites. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Cuggy, M.B. 2001 The problem of trilobite species stability in taxonomy. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Ebach, M.C. 2001 Plate tectonics and palaeobiogeography. An area cladistic example using harpetid trilobites. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Edgecombe, G.D. & Giribet, G. 2001 Phylogeny of the extant Arthropoda: combining eight molecular loca and morphology. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Fedoseev, A.V. 2001 Middle Cambrian agnostids of the northeastern part of the Siberian Platform. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Feist, R. 2001 Clustered trilobite assemblages formed under shelter: case studies of palaeoecological behaviour. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Fletcher, T.P. 2001 On the correlation of olenellid and paradoxidid sequences. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Fortey, R.A. 2001 Feeding habits in trilobites: progress and problems. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS García-Bellido, D.C. & Collins, D. 2001 A new study of Marrella splendens from the Burgess Shale, British Columbia, Canada. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Hammer, Ø. 2001 Models for the developmental genetics of lateral inhibition in trilobites – cuticular and ommatidial patterning. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Henderson, W.G. & Hughes, N.C. 2001 Saukiid-dikelocephalid trilobites and their implications for Late Cambrian palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Hollingsworth, J.S. 2001 Early Cambrian Holmiidae and related trilobites in Nevada: evolutionary trends and possible correlations. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Hughes, N.C., Fusco, G., Minelli, A. 2001 The dynamics of post-cephalic segment accretion in trilobites. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Hughes, N.C., Peng, S.C., Bhargava, O.N., Parcha, S.K. 2001 The oldest and the youngest Cambrian trilobites known from the Himalaya. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Hunda, B.R. & Hughes, N.C. 2001 Event-bed deposition in the Cincinnatian Series: implications for taphonomic processes and assessing microevolutionary changes within Flexicalymene. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Ingham, J.K. 2001 Ellipsotaphrus and its allies. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Jell, P.A. 2001 Phylogeny of Early and Middle Cambrian trilobites. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Jell, P.A. 2001 History of erecting generic names for Cambrian trilobites. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Karim, T.S. & Westrop, S.R. 2001 Taphonomy and palaeoecology of the Ordovician isoteline trilobite 'Homotelus' bromidensis. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Kluessendorf, J. & Mikulic, D.G. 2001 Hydrodynamic controls on trilobite associations in Silurian reefs. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Korovnikov, I.V. 2001 Evolutionary patterns of Protolenidae from the Siberian Platform. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Krueger, H.H. 2001 Development of the hypostome in Asaphus (A.), Asaphus (Neoasaphus) and Asaphas (Postasaphus). in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Lee, D.C. & Chatterton, B.D.E. 2001 Taxonomy of the Hystricuridae. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Lieberman, B.S. 2001 Using phylogenetic palaeobiogeography of trilobites to study Cambrian global change. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Loch, J.D. 2001 Canyon narrows: implications for a proposed boundary stratotype for the Middle Ordovician Series. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS McNamara, K.J., Yu, F., Zhou, Z.Y. 2001 Heterochrony and homoeotic evolution in the oryctocephalid trilobite Arthricocephalus from the Early Cambrian of China. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Mikulic, D.G. & Kluessendorf, J. 2001 Moulting behaviour and disarticulation patterns of Silurian calymenids: implications for interpreting trilobite ecology and taphonomy. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Minelli, A., Fusco, G., Hughes, N.C., Webster, M. 2001 Tagmata and segment specification in trilobites. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Ngan, P.K. 2001 New data on trilobites from Late Cambrian sediments in Vietnam and neighbouring areas. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Owen, A.W. & McCormick, T. 2001 Ordovician trilobite biodiversity change in the British Isles. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Pärnaste, H. 2001 On the systematic position of cyrtometopinine (Cheiruridae) trilobites. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Peng, S.C., Babcock, L.E., Lin, H. 2001 Cambrian shumardiid trilobites from western Hunan, China. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Robison, R.A. 2001 Abrupt interspecific variation in Ptychagnostus (Cambrian Trilobita): a case for hybridisation. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Rudkin, D.M., Young, G.A., Elias, R.I., Dobrzanski, E.P. 2001 The world's biggest trilobite: a giant among arthropods. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Sandford, A.C. 2001 Homalonotid trilobites from the Silurian and Early Devonian of southeastern Australia and New Zealand. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Simonetta, A.M., Pacini, M., Tinalli, L. 2001 Trilobita, Crustacea, Chelicerata, Myriapoda and Insecta? in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Siveter, D.J., Briggs, D.E.G., Siveter, D.J., Sutton, M.D. 2001 Arthropods from the Herefordshire Lagerstätte, UK. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Slavícková, J. 2001 Exuviation of selected Bohemian trilobites. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Sutton, M.D., Briggs, D.E.G., Siveter, D.J., Siveter, D.J. 2001 The Silurian arthropod Offacolus: a three-dimensional exploration. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Taylor, J.F. 2001 Uppermost Cambrian inner shelf faunas of the western United States. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Turvey, S.T. 2001 Arenig to Llanvirn trilobite palaeoecology of the South China plate. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Webster, M. 2001 Allometric patterning in trilobite ontogeny: testing for heterochrony in Nephrolenellus. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Yuan W., Zhou Z.Y., Zhou Z. 2001 On the ontogeny of Ovalocephalus primitivus. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Westrop, S.R. & Landing, E. 2001 Environmental patterns in the Early Cambrian diversification of trilobites. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Zhou Z.Y., Zhou Z., Yuan, W. 2001 Latest Llanvirn to early Caradoc trilobites and biofacies of southwest Shaanxi, China. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Bowdler, A. 2001 Poster: Taxonomy of the Marrolithinae (Trinucleidae). in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Brown, A.M. 2001 Poster: The development of cuticular sensory structures through ontogeny in Paladin mylonicus and Baliothyreus cheilos. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Brown, A.M. 2001 Poster: Internal and external cuticular sensory structures of Ctenocephalus exsulans. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Carvalho, M.D.G.P., Maisey, J.G., Borghi, L., Edwards, E. 2001 Poster: Preliminary report on the trilobites of the Falkland Islands, collected during the American Museum of Natural History expedition, February 2000. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Fletcher, T.P. & Theokritoff, G. 2001 Poster: Growth stages of Acadoparadoxides harlani. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Gal, J., Horvath, G., Clarkson, E.N.K., Haiman, O. 2001 Poster: Calcite 'bifocals' enabled a trilobite to see simultaneously both near and far. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Ghilardi, R.P. & Simões, M.G. 2001 Poster: Taphonomy of the Devonian trilobites (Paraná Basin, Brazil) in a sequence stratigraphy framework: some preliminary observations. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Gozalo, R., Liñán, E., Dies, M.E. 2001 Poster: Dimorphism in the evolutionary trends of paradoxidids from Murero (Spain). in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Hoel, O.A. 2001 Poster: A review of the Cambrian trilobites of southern Norway. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Holloway, D.J. 2001 Poster: The trilobite subfamily Monorakinae (Pterygometopidae). in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Hong, P., Lee, J.G., Choi, D.K. 2001 Evolution of Irvingella from the Machari Formation, Korea. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Iwasaki, Y. 2001 Poster: Revision of Viaphacops species from the Devonian of Bolivia. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Lazarenko, N.P. & Pegel, T.V. 2001 Poster: Agnostoids from the uppermost Middle and Upper Cambrian of the Khos-Nelege River reference section (northeastern flank of the Siberian Platform). in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Lee, D.C. & Chatterton, B.D.E. 2001 Poster: Protaspides of Cambrian trilobites. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Lee, S.B. & Choi, D.K. 2001 Poster: Occurrence of Yosimuraspis (Trilobita, Early Ordovician) in the Taebaek Group of Korea: biostratigraphic and palaeogeographic significance. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Månsson, K. 2001 Poster: Trilobite associations from the Middle and Upper Ordovician Anderson Shale Formation in Jämtland, central Sweden. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Sandford, A.C. 2001 Poster: A revision of Nephranomma (Phacopidae), with new species from Victoria, Australia. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Slavícková, J. & Kraft, P. 2001 Poster: Pellets associated with Bohemian Ordovician trilobites: preliminary report. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Taylor, J.F., Brezinski, D.K., Sell, B.K. 2001 Poster: Trilobite faunas in Upper Cambrian peritidal bank facies in the Appalachians. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Tortello, M.F. & Esteban, S.B. 2001 Poster: Lower Ordovician stratigraphy and trilobite faunas from the Southern Famatina Range, La Rioja, Argentina. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Turvey, S.T. 2001 Poster: Phylogeny and biogeography of the Reedocalymeninae. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Vidal, M. & Loi, A. 2001 Poster: Trilobites and sedimentary structures from the Kermeur Formation (Caradoc; Crozon Peninsula, France): a protected marine environment. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Vizcaïno, D. & Álvaro, J.J. 2001 Poster: Early Ordovician sedimentary rocks and trilobite diversity patterns in the southern Montagne Noire (Languedoc, France). in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Windberg, A.B. 2001 Poster: Trilobites alive! The art of scientifically accurate reconstructions of fossils and palaeoenvironments. in: International Trilobite Conference 3 (Oxford, U.K., 2001) ABSTRACTS & POSTERS Pärnaste, H. 2001 The Billingen trilobites of the Northern East Baltic. WOGOGOB-2001 Conference Abstract pp. 20-21 OPEN ACCESS PDF Owens, R.M., Servais, T., Koch, L., Fatka, O. 2001 Trilobites from the Llanvirn of the Condroz Ridge, Belgium, and their palaeogeographical significance. Poster. Early Palaeozoic Paleogeographies and Paleobiogeographies of Western Europe and North Africa, Lille, p. 49 OPEN ACCESS PDF Košan, P. 2002 New representatives of Radioscutellum and Cornuscutellum (Trilobita) from the Pragian of the Barrandian area (Lower Devonian, Czech Republic). Bulletin of the Czech Geological Survey, 77(1):45-53 OPEN ACCESS PDF Slavíčková, J. & Kraft, P. 2001 Remarks on the palaeoecology of agnostid trilobites. Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 46(3-4):215-218 OPEN ACCESS PDF Budil, P. 2001 Two Little-Known Trilobites from the Bohemian Upper Ordovician. Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 46(3-4):219-226 OPEN ACCESS PDF GSA_5044 (April 23-24, 2001) -- Schultz, D.B., Adrain, J.M., Westrop, S.R. Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of Late Cambrian (Marjuman) trilobites from the Emigrant Springs Formation, southern Schell Creek Range, Nevada. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 5424 (April 23-24, 2001) -- Bean, J.R. Trilobite Paleoecology and Taphonomy of the Steptoean (Upper Cambrian) Dunderberg Formation, Cherry Creek Range, Nevada. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 21300 (November 5-8, 2001) -- Webster, M. Intraspecific Variation and Morphological Evolution in the Early Cambrian Trilobite Bristolia (Olenelloidea). ABSTRACT LINK GSA 25909 (November 5-8, 2001) -- Adrain, J.M. Early Ordovician Trilobite Diversity, Turnover Rates, and Mass Extinction: High-resolution Biostratigraphy of the House Formation and Correlatives, Great Basin. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 27371 (November 5-8, 2001) -- Kim, K., Mitchell, C.E., Sheets, H.D. Morphological Stabilization in the Deepwater Trilobite, Triarthrus becki (Green): a Test of the Plus Ça Change Model. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 27601 (November 5-8, 2001) -- Gaines, R.R. Middle Cambrian Oxygen-deficient Biofacies: Great Basin, USA. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 27676 (November 5-8, 2001) -- Westrop, S.R., Adrain, J.M. & Bean, J.R. Stratigraphic Context of Late Cambrian Trilobite Extinctions: Evidence From Eastern Nevada. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 29032 (November 5-8, 2001) -- Kaplan, P. Ontogenetic and Evolutionary Dynamics of Shape Disparity in the Trilobite Phacops. ABSTRACT LINK Westrop, S.R. & Adrain, J.M. 2001 Sampling at the species level: Impact of spatial biases on diversity gradients. Geology, 29(10):903-906 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hahn, G., Hahn, R., Müller, P. 2001 Trilobiten aus den Erdbacher Kalken (Unter-Karbon) vom Liebstein und Kramberg (Hessen) - Teil 2. [Trilobites from the Erdbacher Limestones (Lower Carboniferous) of the Liebstein and Kramberg (Hesse) - Part 2.] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 35:81-103 OPEN ACCESS PDF Polkowsky, S. 2001 Mecklenburger Geschiebetrilobitenfunde. [Trilobite discovery in Mecklenburg Geschiebe.] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 17(1):9-13 OPEN ACCESS PDF Popp, A. & Schöning, H. 2001 Shumardia (Conophrys?) calamiformis n.sp. Ein neuer Trilobit aus ordovizischen Geschieben. [Shumardia (Conophrys?) calamiformis n. sp. A New Trilobite from Ordovician Geschiebe.] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 17(2-3):85-91 OPEN ACCESS PDF Mikuláš, R. & Slavícková, J. 2001 Trilobites and minute ovoid pellets in a burrow (Ordovician, llanvirnian, Czech Republic). Ichnos, 8(3):243-249 OPEN ACCESS PDF Geyer, G. & Landing, E. 2001 Middle Cambrian of Avalonian Massachusetts: Stratigraphy and Correlation of the Braintree Trilobites. Journal of Paleontology, 75(1):116-135 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lee, J.G., Choi, D.K., Pratt, B.R. 2001 A teratological pygidium of the Upper Cambrian trilobite Eugonocare (Pseudeugonocare) bispinatum from the Machari Formation, Korea. Journal of Paleontology, 75(1):216-218 OPEN ACCESS PDF Waisfeld, B.G., Vaccari, N.E., Chatterton, B.D.E. & Edgecombe, G.D. 2001 Systematics of Shumardiidae (Trilobita), with new Species from the Ordovician of Argentina. Journal of Paleontology, 75(4):827-859 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Westrop, S.R., Landing, E., Fortey, R.A. 2001 Systematics of the Ordovician Trilobite Ischyrotoma and Dimeropygiella, with Species from the Type Ibexian Area, Western U.S.A. Journal of Paleontology, 75(4):947-971 OPEN ACCESS PDF Davis, R.A. Fraaye, R.H.B., Holland, C.H. 2001 Trilobites within nautiloid cephalopods. Lethaia, 34(1):37-45 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hughes, N.C. & Cooper, D.L. 2001 Paleobiologic and taphonomic aspects of the "granulosa" trilobite cluster, Kope Formation (upper Ordovician Cincinnati region). MAPS Digest, 24(4):1-26 OPEN ACCESS PDF Stone, G.L.H. 2001 Trilobite Tales (pygidia?). MAPS Digest, 24(4):27-30 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hollingsworth, J.S. 2001 Early Cambrian trilobites of western Nevada and California. MAPS Digest, 24(4):31-42 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vogel, W. 2001 An exceptionally well preserved Phacopidae from Ontario. MAPS Digest, 24(4):43-44 OPEN ACCESS PDF McKinzie, M.G. 2001 Fossil Collecting for Trilobites in Texas. MAPS Digest, 24(4):45-51 OPEN ACCESS PDF Russell, A.P. 2001 Paradoxides harlini Green: A Massachusetts' Gem. MAPS Digest, 24(4):52-59 OPEN ACCESS PDF Verdi, A.J. 2001 The philatelic trilobite. MAPS Digest, 24(4):60-61 OPEN ACCESS PDF Dry Dredgers 2001 Trilobite Fragment Identifier. MAPS Digest, 24(4):62-67 OPEN ACCESS PDF Dry Dredgers 2001 Some trilobites of the Cincinnatian. MAPS Digest, 24(4):68-69 OPEN ACCESS PDF Pellerin, J.G. & Séguin, T. 2001 Triarthrus spinosus Billings. MAPS Digest, 24(4):70-71 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gunderson, G.O. & Meyer, R.C. 2001 Trilobites of Wisconsin's Upper Cambrian. MAPS Digest, 24(4):72-76 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hughes, N.C. 2001 Late Cambrian Nearshore Conditions. MAPS Digest, 24(4):73-80 OPEN ACCESS PDF Thomas, G. 2001 I found a Trilobite. MAPS Digest, 24(4):81-85 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gass, K.C. 2001 Trilobites! The Movie* MAPS Digest, 24(4):89 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gass, K.C. 2001 The variolaris Story - The Quest For Its Identity and Stability. MAPS Digest, 24(4):90-91 OPEN ACCESS PDF Coupling, R. 2001 Jingle Stories. The Friskey Trilobite. MAPS Digest, 24(4):92 OPEN ACCESS PDF Heinzl, L. 2001 Outstanding North American trilobites. MAPS Digest, 24(4):93-98 OPEN ACCESS PDF Bissett, D. & Cooper, D. 2001 Flexicalymene from the Ordovician of the Cincinnati Arch. MAPS Digest, 24(4):99-105 OPEN ACCESS PDF Stinchcomb, B.L. 2001 The Potosi mini-lagerstatten. MAPS Digest, 24(4):106-112 OPEN ACCESS PDF Moffitt, J. 2001 Faking Trilobites in the Sahara Desert. MAPS Digest, 24(4):113-119 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hartl, F., Winkler-Prins, C. 2001 Trilobieten in vogelvlucht: de collectie van het Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis. [Trilobites in a nutshell: the collection of the National Natural History Museum Naturalis.] Gea, 34(3):10-16 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hille, P.J. 2001 Trilobietenogen nader bekeken. [Trilobite eyes further examined.] Gea, 34(3):17-19 OPEN ACCESS PDF Leloux, J. 2001 Driekwabdieren in Teylers Museum. [Three-lobed animals in Teylers Museum.] Gea, 34(3):20-21 OPEN ACCESS PDF Südkamp, W.H. 2001 Bundenbach (Hunsrück, BDR): meestal arm, soms rijk. "Softe" buikzijden van trilobieten maken vindplaats wereldberoemd. [Bundenbach (Hunsrück, BDR): mostly poor, sometimes rich. "Soft" abdominal sides of trilobites make the world famous.] Gea, 34(3):22-29 OPEN ACCESS PDF Jagt, J.W.M 2001 Limburgse trilobieten. [Limburg trilobites.] Gea, 34(3):31-35 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hille, P.J. 2001 Trilobieten en ecologie: aanpassing aan de leefomgeving. [Trilobites and ecology: adaptation to the living environment.] Gea, 34(3):36-38 OPEN ACCESS PDF Rhebergen, F. 2001 Trilobieten in noordelijke zwerfstenen in Nederland. [Trilobites in northern boulders in the Netherlands.] Gea, 34(3):39-43 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hille, P.J. 2001 Ontogenie van trilobieten: de ontwikkelingsfasen van larve tot volwassen individu. [Ontogeny of trilobites: the development phases from larva to adult individual.] Gea, 34(3):44-46 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hille, P.J. 2001 Trilobieten op internet. [Trilobites on the internet.] Gea, 34(3):47 OPEN ACCESS PDF Slupik, A.A. 2001 Trilobieten in Polen. [Trilobites in Poland.] Gea, 34(3):50-53 OPEN ACCESS PDF Loch, J. 2001 New Trilobite Occurrences in the Whiterock Narrows Section, Nevada. ABSTRACT LINK Bogolepova, O.K., Gubanov, A.P., Raevskaya, E.G. 2001 The Cambrian of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago, Russia. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 39(1):73-91 OPEN ACCESS PDF Żylińska, A. 2001 Late Cambrian trilobites from the Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica, 51(4):333-383 OPEN ACCESS PDF Suzuki, Y. 2001 Revision of the late Ordovician trilobite Holotrachelus punctillosus (Toernquist,1884) from Dalarna, Sweden. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 46(3):331-348 OPEN ACCESS PDF Alexander, E.M., Jago, J.B., Rozanov, A.Y. and Zhuravlev, A.Y. (eds) 2001 The Cambrian biostratigraphy of the Stansbury Basin, South Australia. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta, 282:1-344 OPEN ACCESS PDF Koptev, I.I. 2001 Ontogenetic evolution of some trilobites and its significance for their systematics. Izvestiya Tomskogo Polutekhnicheskogo Universiteta, 304:57-65 OPEN ACCESS PDF Senosia, M.A. 2001 Trilobites de la cordillera Cantábrica y eventos geológicos. [Trilobites of the Cantabrian mountain range and geological events.] Boletín de la SEA, 28:1-14 OPEN ACCESS PDF Dies, M.E., Gozalo, R., Liñan, E. 2001 Protolenus (hupeolenus) Geyer 1990 (Trilobita) in the Bilbilian (lower Cambrian) of Jarque (Saragossa, Iberian Chains). [Protolenus (hupeolenus) Geyer 1990 (trilobita) en el bilbiliense (cambrico inferior) de Jarque (Zaragoza, cadenas ibericas).] Publicaciones del Seminario de Paleontología de Zaragoza, 5:301-309 OPEN ACCESS PDF Rábano, I., Sachanski, V.V., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Yanev, S.N. 2001 Placoparia (Trilobita, Cheirurina) en el Ordovícico de Bulgaria. [Placoparia (Trilobita, Cheirurina) in the Ordovician of Bulgaria.] Publicaciones del Seminario de Paleontología de Zaragoza, 5(2):529-534. OPEN ACCESS PDF Sdzuy, K. 2001 La reformación de fósiles deformados demostrado en trilobites del piso Marianiense (Cámbrico inferior) del Sur de la Península Ibérica. [The reformation of deformed fossils demonstrated in trilobites of the Marianian level (Lower Cambrian) of the South of the Iberian Peninsula.] Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Sección Geológica, 96(3-4):85-100 OPEN ACCESS PDF Erlström, M., Ahlberg, P., Löfgren, A. 2001 Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy at Lyby and Tängelsås, central Scania, southern Sweden. Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar, 123(1):7-14 OPEN ACCESS PDF Axheimer, N. 2001 Middle cambrian trilobites and biostratigraphy of the Almbacken core, Scania, Sweden. Lunds Universitet - Examensarbeten i Geologi - Historisk Geologi och Paleontologi, 133:1-23 OPEN ACCESS PDF Holloway, D.J. & Campbell, K.S.W. 2001 Case 3171: Cryphops Richter & Richter, 1926 (Trilobita): proposed conservation. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 58(2):97-99 OPEN ACCESS PDF 1
piranha Posted December 4, 2013 Author Posted December 4, 2013 Sohn, J.W. & Choi, D.K. 2002 An uppermost Cambrian trilobite fauna from the Yongwol Group, Taebaeksan Basin, Korea. Ameghiniana, 39(1):59-76 OPEN ACCESS PDF Tortello, M.F., Esteban S.B., Aceñolaza, G.F. 2002 Trilobites from the Base of the Ordovician System in Northwestern Argentina. INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 16:131-142 OPEN ACCESS PDF Jago, J.B. & Haines, P.W. 2002 Repairs to an injured early Middle Cambrian trilobite, Elkedra area, Northern Territory. Alcheringa, 26(1):19-21 OPEN ACCESS PDF Morzadec, P., Dastanpour, M., Wright, A.J. 2002 Asteropygine trilobites from the Late Devonian of the Kerman region, Iran. Alcheringa, 26(1):143-149 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ebach, M.C. 2002 Lower Devonian trilobites from Cobar, New South Wales. Records of the Western Australian Museum, 20:353-378 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ebach, M.C. & McNamara, K.J. 2002 A systematic revision of the family Harpetidae (Trilobita). Records of the Western Australian Museum, 21:235-267 OPEN ACCESS PDF Jago, J.B., Sun X., Zang W.L. 2002. Trilobite biostratigraphy in the Stansbury, Arrowie and Warburton Basins. In: Correlation within early Palaeozoic basins of eastern South Australia. Primary Industries and Resources SA, Report book 2002/033, pp. 7-13 OPEN ACCESS PDF Brown, A., & MacLeod, N. 2002 Variation in trilobite terrace ridge patterns using extended eigenshape analysis. The Palaeontological Association 46th Annual Meeting 2002 - Abstracts 51:84 OPEN ACCESS PDF Holloway, D.J., Campbell, K.S.W. 2002 Opinion Case 3171: Cryphops Richter & Richter, 1926 (Trilobita): conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 59:206-208 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hampton, J. 2002 An Assemblage of the Carboniferous trilobite Paladin mucronatus (M'Coy, 1844). The Palaeontological Association 46th Annual Meeting 2002 - Abstracts 51:126 OPEN ACCESS PDF Clarkson, E.N.K. & Ahlberg, P. 2002 Ontogeny and Structure of a New, Miniaturised and Spiny Olenid Trilobite from Southern Sweden. Palaeontology, 45(1):1-22 OPEN ACCESS PDF McCormick, T. & Fortey, Richard A. 2002 The Ordovician trilobite Carolinites, A Test Case for Microevolution in a Macrofossil Lineage. Palaeontology, 45(2):229-257 OPEN ACCESS PDF Owens, R.M. 2002 Cyclopygid Trilobites from the Ordovician Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, Central Wales. Palaeontology, 45(3):469-485 OPEN ACCESS PDF Bowdler-Hicks, A., Ingham, J.K., Owen, A.W. 2002 The Taxonomy and Stratigraphical Significance of the Anglo-Welsh Cryptolithinae (Trinucleidae, Trilobita). Palaeontology, 45(6):1075-1105 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ebbestad, J.O.R. & Budd, G.E. 2002 Burlingiid Trilobites from Norway, with a Discussion of their Affinities and Relationships. Palaeontology, 45(6):1171-1195 OPEN ACCESS PDF Turvey, S.T. & Zhou Z.Y. 2002 Arenig Trilobite Associations of Daping, Yichang, Hubei. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 41(1):10-18 OPEN ACCESS PDF Chen R. & Zhou Z.Y. 2002. An Ordovician (Early Llanvirn) Trilobite Faunule from Nanzheng, Southern Shaanxi. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 41(2):219-231 OPEN ACCESS PDF Pärnaste, H. 2002 The Lower Ordovician Pilekiidae and Pliomeridae (Trilobita) of Baltoscandia. In: Satkunas, J., Lazauskiene., J. (eds). The Fifth Baltic Stratigraphical Conference. "Basin Stratigraphy - Modern Methods and Problems", Sept. 22-27, Vilnius, Lithuania. Extended Abstracts. Geological Survey of Lithuania, Vilnius. pp.151-153 OPEN ACCESS PDF Košan, P. 2002 New representatives of Radioscutellum and Cornuscutellum (Trilobita) from the Pragian of the Barrandian area (Lower Devonian, Czech Republic). Bulletin of the Czech Geological Survey, 77(1):45-53 OPEN ACCESS PDF GSA 31791 (April 3-5, 2002) -- Webster, M. Stratigraphic Trends in Morphology: the Evolution of Bristolia (Trilobita, Cambrian). ABSTRACT LINK GSA 33002 (April 11-12, 2002) -- Eoff, J.D. Biostratigraphic and Paleoecologic Significance of Late Cambrian (Steptoean) Trilobite Faunas From the Cow Head Group, Western Newfoundland. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 37243 (October 27, 2002) -- Hunda, B.R. Miniaturization of the Trilobite Flexicalymene: Is There Heterochrony in the Cincinnatian Series? ABSTRACT LINK GSA 37756 (October 27-30, 2002) -- Gaines, R.R. Oxygen-controlled Biofacies of the Middle Cambrian Wheeler Shale and Equivalents, Eastern Basin and Range. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 39281 (October 27-30, 2002) -- Amati, L. Paleoecology of Trilobites From the Viola Group of Oklahoma: Implications for Changes in Ordovician Marine Communities. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 39454 (October 27-30, 2002) -- Heim, N.A. Intraspecific Variation in Trilobites From the Tethyan Himalaya and the Cambrian Biogeography of Equatorial Peri-gondwanaland. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 40003 (October 27-30, 2002) -- Schwimmer, D.R. Exceptional Fossil Preservation in the Conasauga Formation, Middle Cambrian of Western Georgia. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 40288 (October 27-30, 2002), -- Babcock, L.E. Anatomy, Paleoecology, and Taphonomy of the Trilobite Buenellus from the Sirius Passet Biota (Cambrian), North Greenland. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 40917 (October 27-30, 2002) -- Sheets, H.D. Combined Landmark and Outline Based Approach to Ontogenetic Shape Change in the Ordovician Trilobite Triarthrus becki. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 41892 (October 27-30, 2002) -- Henderson, W.G. Late Cambrian Trilobites (Saukiidae) and Their Implications for Paleogeography and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 43100 (October 27-30, 2002) -- Westrop, S.R. The Oldest Cambrian Trilobites in the Avalon Terrane, Newfoundland: Stratigraphic, Environmental and Paleoecologic Context. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 43644 (October 27-30, 2002) -- Webster, M. Ontogeny and Paleobiology of Olenelloid Trilobites. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 44516 (October 27-30, 2002) -- Brezinski, D.K. Middle Cambrian to Upper Ordovician Stratigraphy and Paleontology Along the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park, Western Maryland. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 44573 (October 27-30, 2002) -- Loch, J.D. Trilobite Biostratigraphy Across the Base of the Whiterockian Series (Ordovician) for the Proposed Gssp at Whiterock Canyon, Nevada. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 46512 (October 27-30, 2002) -- Langenburg, E.S., Liddell, W.D., Dehler, C.M. Geochemistry and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation: Support for Trilobite Chronostratigraphy. ABSTRACT LINK Hahn, G., Hahn, R., Müller, P., Ramovs, A. 2002 Neue Trilobiten-Funde aus dem Unter-Perm Sloweniens. [New trilobite finds from the Lower Permian of Slovenia.] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 36:99-113 OPEN ACCESS PDF Buchholz, Alfred 2002 Ctenopyge (Ctenopyge?) aculeata n. sp. aus einem Geschiebe der oberkambrischen Stufe 5 (Peltura-Stufe) Vorpommers (Norddeutschland). [Ctenopyge (Ctenopyge?) aculeata n. sp. from a Geschiebe of the Upper Cambrian stage 5 (Peltura Stage) of Western Pomerania (Northern Germany).] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 18(2):49-52 OPEN ACCESS PDF Schöning, Heinrich 2002 Nachtrag zu Funden von Agerina (Trilobita) aus ordovizischen Geschieben. [Postscript to findings of Agerina (Trilobita) from Ordovician Geschiebes.] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 18(4):129-133 OPEN ACCESS PDF Schöning, H. 2002 Trilobiten aus Geschieben des Kies-Sand-Rückens in der Laerheide (Landkreis Osnabrück) - I. Kambrische Trilobiten. [Trilobites from Geschiebe of the gravel-sand ridge in Laerheide (Osnabrück district) - I. Cambrian trilobites.] Osnabrücker Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 28:71-88 OPEN ACCESS PDF Amler, M. & Gereke, M. 2002 Karbon-Korrelationstabelle (KKT). Trilobiten-Zonen. [Carboniferous Correlation Table (CCT). Trilobite Zone.] Senckenbergiana lethaea, 82(2):691-709 OPEN ACCESS PDF Krueger, H.H. 2002 Atractocybeloides, eine kleinwüchsige trilobitengattung aus baltoskandischen geschieben und ihrem anstehenden. [Atractocybeloides, a short-lived trilobite genus from Baltoskandian pushed and their upcoming.] Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, 5:105-120 OPEN ACCESS PDF Suzuki, Y. 2002 Review of researches on trilobites, and history of trilobite diversity under the Palaeozoic environment. Palaeontological Society of Japan, Fossils, 72:21-38 OPEN ACCESS PDF Suzuki, Y. 2002 Systematic position and palaeoecology of a cavity-dwelling trilobite, Ityophorus undulatus Warburg, 1925, from the Upper Ordovician Boda Limestone, Sweden. Palaeontological Society of Japan, Paleontological Research, 6(1):73-83 OPEN ACCESS PDF Owens, R.M. (author trilobite section) 2002 The Permian of Timor: stratigraphy, palaeontology and palaeogeography. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 20(6):719-774 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sundberg, F. & McCollum, L.B. 2002 Kochiella Poulsen, 1927, and Hadrocephalites New Genus (Trilobita: Ptychopariida) from the Early Middle Cambrian of Western North America. Journal of Paleontology, 76(1):76-94 OPEN ACCESS PDF Landing, E., Geyer, G., & Bartowski, K.E. 2002 Latest Early Cambrian Small Shelly Fossils, Trilobites, and Hatch Hill Dysaerobic Interval on the Quebec Continental Slope. Journal of Paleontology, 76(2):287-305 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lieberman, B.S. 2002 Phylogenetic Analysis of some Basal Early Cambrian Trilobites, the Biogeographic Origins of the Eutrilobita, and the Timing of the Cambrian Radiation. Journal of Paleontology, 76(4):692-708 OPEN ACCESS PDF Kim, D.H., Westrop, S.R. & Landing, E. 2002 Middle Cambrian (Acadian Series) Conocoryphid and Paradoxidid Trilobites from the Upper Chamberlain's Brook Formation, Newfoundland and New Brunswick. Journal of Paleontology, 76(5):822-842 OPEN ACCESS PDF Leman, M.S. & Sone, M. 2002 A Permian Phillipsiid trilobite from Peninsular Malaysia. Geosciences Journal, 6(2):125-129 OPEN ACCESS PDF McMenamin, M.A.S. 2002 The Ptychoparioid Trilobite Skehanos gen.nov. from the Middle Cambrian of Avalonian Massachusetts and the Carolina Slate Belt, USA. Northeastern Geology and Environmental Sciences, 24(4):276-281 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hoel, O.A. & Høyberget, M. 2002 The Lower Ordovician trilobite Megistaspis (Rhinoferus) hyorrhina (Leuchtenberg, 1843) (Trilobita) in Norway, with notes on its autecology. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 82(2):45-51 OPEN ACCESS PDF Kim, K., Sheets, H.D., Haney, R.A., Mitchell, C.E. 2002 Morphometric analysis of ontogeny and allometry of the Middle Ordovician trilobite Triarthrus becki. Paleobiology, 28(3):364-377 OPEN ACCESS PDF Żylińska, A. 2002 Stratigraphic and biogeographic significance of Late Cambrian trilobites from Lysogóry (Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica, 52(2):217-238 OPEN ACCESS PDF Feist, R. 2002 Trilobites from the latest Frasnian Kellwasser Crisis in North Africa (Mrirt, central Moroccan Meseta). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 47(2):203-210 OPEN ACCESS PDF Żylińska, A. 2002 Biogeographic significance of Cambrian trilobites from the Holy Cross Mountains. Przegląd Geologiczny, 50:795-796 OPEN ACCESS PDF Żylińska A. & Szczepanik Z. 2002 Correlation between acritarch and trilobites zones in the upper Cambrian of the Holy Cross Mountains – preliminary data. Przegląd Geologiczny, 50:1228-1229 OPEN ACCESS PDF Bowdler-Hicks, A. 2002 The taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of the Marrolithinae (Trinucleidae, Trilobita). Ph.D. thesis. University of Glasgow, 271 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Cotton, T.J. 2002 The phylogeny and morphological evolution of Cambrian trilobites and their relatives. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Bristol, 301pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Svojtka, M. 2002 Die Trilobitensammlung der Universität Wien: eine Revision mit Beiträgen zur Stammesgeschichte der Trilobita. [The trilobite collection of the University of Vienna: a revision contributing to the phylogeny of Trilobita.] Diplom-Arbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades „Magister der Naturwissenschaften“ der Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik der Universität Wien: 225 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Vaccari, N.E. 2003 Trilobites de la Formacion San Juan, Precordillera Argentina: Pliomeridae Raymond, 1913. [Trilobites from the San Juan Formation, Argentine Precordillera: Pliomeridae Raymond, 1913.] Ameghiniana, 40(2):239-248 OPEN ACCESS PDF Aceñolaza, G.F. 2003 Olenidae (Trilobita)-Rusophycus isp.: organismo productor-traza fósil resultante. Ejemplos para el análisis en el Cambro-Ordovícico de la Cordillera Oriental Argentina. [Olenidae (Trilobita)-Rusophycus isp.: Producer organism-fossil trace resulting. Examples for the analysis in the Cambrian-Ordovician of the Eastern Cordillera Argentina.] Ameghiniana, 40(4):573-583 OPEN ACCESS PDF Aceñolaza, F.G. 2003 Pliomeridius sulcatus Leanza and Baldis, 1975 (Trilobita-Pliomeridae) and the Sepulturas Formation in the Cordillera Oriental of Jujuy, Argentina. INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:19-22 READ ONLINE VERSION Lee, S.B. & Choi, D.K. 2003 Trilobite biostratigraphy and correlation of the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary intervals in Korea. INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:89-93 READ ONLINE VERSION Moya, M.C., Malanca, S.; Monteros, J.A. 2003 The Cambrian-Tremadocian units of the Santa Victoria Group (northwestern Argentina): a new correlation scheme. INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:105-111 READ ONLINE VERSION Sá, A.A., Meireles, C., Coke, C., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2003 Reappraisal of the Ordovician stratigraphy and paleontology of Trás-os-Montes (Central-Iberian Zone, NE Portugal). INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:131-136 OPEN ACCESS PDF Bruthansova, J. 2003 Trilobites of the Klabava Formation (Arenig), Prague Basin, Czech Republic: preliminary report. INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:267-269 READ ONLINE VERSION Bruthansová, J. & Budil, P. 2003 Exuviation of the Genus Placoparia Hawle and Corda, 1847 (Trilobita, Ordovician, Prague Basin, Czech Republic). INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:271-274 OPEN ACCESS PDF Budil, P. & Bruthansová, J. 2003 Moulting in the Ordovician dalmanitid and acastid trilobites of the Prague Basin (Czech Republic). INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:275-278 READ ONLINE VERSION Marek, J., Bartzsch, K., Drost, K., Fatka, O., Kraft, P., Linnemann, U. 2003 Revision of trilobites of the Griffelschiefer Formation (Ordovician, Schwarzburg anticline, Germany): preliminary results. INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:321-325 READ ONLINE VERSION Tortello, M.F. & Esteban, S.B. 2003 Occurrence of the Early Ordovician Trilobite Jujuyaspis keideli Kobayashi in the Despensa Formation, Aguilar Range, Northwestern Argentina. INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:333-335 READ ONLINE VERSION Tortello, M.F. & Peralta, S.H. 2003 Trilobites from the Lower Member of the Gualcamayo Formation (Lower Llanvirn) in Cerro La Chilca, Argentine Precordillera: biostratigraphic and paleoecologic implications. INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:337-340 READ ONLINE VERSION Waisfeld, B.G. & Astini, R.A. 2003 Environmental constraints on faunal patterns: an example in Early Ordovician (Arenig) trilobite assemblages from the Argentine Cordillera Oriental. INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:341-345 READ ONLINE VERSION Zhou Z. 2003 Notes on the Ordovician trilobite radiation in the South China Block. INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:355-361 READ ONLINE VERSION Cocks, L.R.M. & Fortey R.A. 2003 Central Asian terranes and biogeography in the Ordovician. INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:511-515 READ ONLINE VERSION Lee, S.B. & Choi D.K. 2003 Early Ordovician paleogeography of the Korean Peninsula. INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 17:519-522 READ ONLINE VERSION Waisfeld, B.G. & Vaccari, N.E. 2003 Trilobites. Chapter 9. pp. 295-409 In: Benedetto, J.L. (ed.) Ordovician Fossils of Argentina. Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad Nacional Córdoba. OPEN ACCESS PDF Jell, P.A. & Adrain, J.M. 2003 Available Generic Names for Trilobites. Queensland Museum, Memoirs, 48(2):331-553 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M., Lee, D.C., Westrop, S.R., Chatterton, B.D.E., Landing, E. 2003 Classification of the Trilobite Subfamilies Hystricurinae and Hintzecurinae Subfam. Nov., with New Genera from the Lower Ordovician (Ibexian) of Idaho and Utah. Queensland Museum Memoirs, 48(2):553-586 OPEN ACCESS PDF Svojtka, M. 2003 Trilobiten Sammeln und Bestimmen. [Trilobite Collecting and Identification.] Kurssaal Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. OPEN ACCESS PDF Hughes, N.C. 2003 Problems and paradigms: Trilobite body patterning and the evolution of arthropod tagmosis. BioEssays, 25(4):386-395 OPEN ACCESS PDF Clarkson E.N.K., Ahlgren J., Taylor, C.M. 2003 Structure, ontogeny, and moulting of the olenid trilobite Ctenopyge (Eoctenopyge) angusta Westergård 1922 from the upper Cambrian of Västergötland, Sweden. Palaeontology, 46(1):1-27 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lee, D.C. & Chatterton, B.D.E. 2003 Protaspides of Leiostegium and their Implications for Membership of the Order Corynexochida. Palaeontology, 46(3):431-445 OPEN ACCESS PDF Whittington, H.B. 2003 The trilobite family Nileidae: morphology and classification. Palaeontology, 46(4):635-646 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sundberg, F.A. & McCollum, L.B. 2003 Early and Mid Cambrian Trilobites from the Outer-Shelf Deposits of Nevada and California, USA. Palaeontology, 46(5):945-986 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ebbestad, J.O.R., Ahlberg, P., Høyberget, M. 2003 Redescription of Holmia inusitata (Trilobita) from the Lower Cambrian of Scandinavia. Palaeontology, 46(5):1039-1054 OPEN ACCESS PDF Bruthansová, J. 2003 The trilobite Family Illaenidae Hawle et Corda, 1847 from the Ordovician of the Prague Basin (Czech Republic). Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 93(2):167-190 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vizcaïno, D. & Álvaro, J.J. 2003 Adequacy of the Early Ordovician trilobite record in the southern Montagne Noire (France): biases for biodiversity documentation. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 93(4):393-401 OPEN ACCESS PDF Minelli, A., Fusco, G., Hughes, N.C. 2003 Tagmata and Segment Specification in Trilobites. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 70:31-43 In: Lane, P.D., Siveter, D.J. Fortey, R.A. (eds.) Trilobites and Their Relatives. Contributions from the Third International Trilobite Conference. OPEN ACCESS PDF Álvaro, J.J. & Vizcaïno, D. 2003 The Conocoryphid Biofacies: A Benthic Assemblage of Normal-Eyed and Blind Trilobites. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 70:127-140 In: Lane, P.D., Siveter, D.J. Fortey, R.A. (eds.) Trilobites and Their Relatives. Contributions from the Third International Trilobite Conference. OPEN ACCESS PDF Hong, P.S., Lee, J.G., Choi, D.K. 2003 The Late Cambrian Trilobite Irvingella from the Machari Formation, Korea. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 70:175-196 In: Lane, P.D., Siveter, D.J. Fortey, R.A. (eds.) Trilobites and Their Relatives. Contributions from the Third International Trilobite Conference. OPEN ACCESS PDF Parnaste, H. 2003 The Lower Ordovician Trilobite Krattaspis: The earliest cyrtometopinid (Cheiruridae) from the Arenig of the East Baltic. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 70:241-257 In: Lane, P.D., Siveter, D.J. Fortey, R.A. (eds.) Trilobites and Their Relatives. Contributions from the Third International Trilobite Conference. OPEN ACCESS PDF Brezinski, D.K. 2003 Evolutionary and Biogeographical Implications of Phylogenetic Analysis of the Late Palaeozoic Trilobite Paladin. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 70:363-375 In: Lane, P.D., Siveter, D.J. Fortey, R.A. (eds.) Trilobites and Their Relatives. Contributions from the Third International Trilobite Conference. OPEN ACCESS PDF Gutiérrez-Marco J.C., Yanev S., Sachanski V., Rábano I., Lakova I. 2003 New findings of trilobites and graptolites in the Ordovician of Bulgaria. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 63(1-3):51-58 OPEN ACCESS PDF Landing, E., Westrop, S.R., Kim, Lee, D.C. 2003 First Middle Ordovician biota from southern New Brunswick: stratigraphic and tectonic implications for the evolution of the Avalon continent. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(5):715-730 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M. 2003 Validity and composition of the Silurian trilobite genera Borealarges and Dicranogmus, with new species from the Canadian Arctic. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(5):749-763 OPEN ACCESS PDF Yang A., Zhu M., Zhang J. 2003 Early Cambrian eodiscoid trilobites of the Yangtze Platform and their stratigraphic implications. Progress in Natural Science, 13(11):861-866 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fatka, O. 2003. Biostratigraphy of the Jince Formation (Middle Cambrian) in the Príbram-Jince Basin: Historical Review. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica, 47(1-4):53-61 OPEN ACCESS PDF Budil, P., Fatka, O.,Bruthansová, J. 2003 Trilobite fauna of the Šárka Formation at Praha - Červený vrch Hill (Ordovician, Barrandian area, Czech Republic). Czech Geological Survey Bulletin of Geosciences, 78(2):113-117 OPEN ACCESS PDF Feist, R. 2003 Biostratigraphy of Devonian tropidocoryphid trilobites from the Montagne Noire (southern France). Czech Geological Survey Bulletin of Geosciences, 78(4):431-446 OPEN ACCESS PDF Horný, R. 2003 Lovec trilobitů v prvohorních mořích: Otomar Pravoslav Novák, žák a pokračovatel Barrandův. [Trilobite hunter in the pristine seas: Otomar Pravoslav Novák, the disciple and follower of Barrandei.] Vesmír, 82(2):77-82 READ ONLINE VERSION Bruthansová, J., Fatka, O., Budil, P., Král, J. 2002 Výzkum trilobitů na území České republiky: historický prehled (18. az 21. století) [Trilobite research on territory of the Czech Republic: a historical review - 18th to the 21st centuries.] 1st International Palaeontological Congress. Sydney. Moravsko-slezské paleozoikum: pp. 5-6 OPEN ACCESS PDF Bergström, J., Zhou Z.Q., Zhou Z.Y. & Yuan W.W. 2003 The Asaphus raniceps problem in the Ordovician of Sweden. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 50:95-104 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hansen, T. & Nielsen, A.T. 2003 Upper Arenig Trilobite biostratigraphy and sea-level changes at Lynna River near Volkhov, Russia. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 50:105-114 OPEN ACCESS PDF Crônier, C., Courville, P. 2003 Variations du rythme du développement chez les trilobites Phacopidae néodévoniens. [Developmental variations in neodevonian phacopide trilobites.] Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2(6):577-585 OPEN ACCESS PDF Feist, R. Yasdi, M. Becker, T.R. 2003 Famennian trilobites from the Shotori Range, E-Iran. [Trilobites Famenniens de la Chaine Shotori en Iran Oriental.] Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, Ser.2, 10(4):285-295 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Destombes, J., Rábano, I., Aceñolaza, G.F., Sarmiento, G.N., San Jose, M.A. 2003 El Ordovícico Medio del Anti-Atlas marroquí; Paleobiodiversidad, actualización bioestratigráfica y correlación. [The Middle Ordovician of the Moroccan anti-atlas; paleobiodiversity, biostratigraphic review and correlation.] Geobios, 36(2):151-177 OPEN ACCESS PDF GSA 63418 (November 2-5, 2003) -- Hamilton, M.M., Derkey, R.E., McCollum, L.B. 2003 Early Middle Cambrian (Glossopleura biozone) trilobites in a steptoe surrounded by Columbia River basalt near Spokane, Washington. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 49823 (March 24-25, 2003) -- Hegna, T.A. Early Silurian Trilobites From Northeastern Missouri. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 50096 (March 24-25, 2003) -- Owen, A.M. & Loch, J.D. A Statistical Examination of the Asaphid Trilobite Aulacoparia Huygenae From the José Formation of Southern New Mexico. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 50228 (March 24-25, 2003) -- Sloan, R.E. Biofacies and Depth of Deposition of the Decorah Shale, Twin Cities Basin. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 52354 (April 1-3, 2003) -- Kingsbury, S.A. Cambrian Trilobites of Siberian Biogeographic Aspect From Southwestern Alaska: Implications for Understanding the Provenance of the Farewell Terrane. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 53279 (May 7-9, 2003) -- Hollingsworth, J.S. Biostratigraphy of the Early Cambrian Montezuman Stage in Western North America. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 57865 (November 2-5, 2003) -- Hanke, B.R. Morphological Changes in Flexicalymene (Trilobita) From the Cincinnatian Series: Geographic Variability and the Effects of Temporal Averaging on Microevolutionary Patterns. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 58446 (November 2-5, 2003) -- Yochelson, E.L. Paleobiology of Trilobites- C.D. Walcott's Studies: 1875-1881. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 58698 (November 2-5, 2003) -- Axheimer, N. The Middle Cambrian Eodiscoid Trilobite Dawsonia oelandica (Westergård, 1936). ABSTRACT LINK GSA 61831 (November 2-5, 2003) -- Karim, T.S., Fortey, R.A., Siveter, D Upper Ordovician Trilobites From Northern Iran and Their Biogeographic Affinities. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 60504 (November 2-5, 2003) -- Sell, Bryan K., Hughes, N.C., Heim, N.A., Myrow, P. Cambrian Trilobites and Stratigraphic Correlations Within Tethyan Himalaya. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 62892 (November 2-5, 2003) -- St. John, J. The Earliest Paleobiological Insights on Trilobites. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 62972 (November 2-5, 2003) -- Lerosey-Aubril, R., Feist, R. Early Ontogeny of Trilobites: Implications for Selectivity of Survivorship at the End-devonian Crisis. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 63418 (November 2-5, 2003) -- Hamilton, M.M. Early Middle Cambrian (Glossopleura Biozone) Trilobites in a Steptoe Surrounded by Columbia River Basalt Near Spokane, Washington. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 64930 (November 2-5, 2003) -- Feist, R., Klapper, G., Lerosey-Aubril, R. Conodont Based Trilobite Biozonation in the Late Devonian Off-shore Realm. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 65100 (November 2-5, 2003) -- Webster, M. Olenelloid Trilobites of the Southern Great Basin, U.s.a., and a Refinement of Uppermost Dyeran Biostratigraphy. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 65931 (November 2-5, 2003) -- Amati, L. Trilobite Biostratigraphy of the Late Ordovician Viola Group in South-central Oklahoma. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 66623 (November 2-5, 2003) -- Fitzke, J.A., Hale, E. Paleontologic Inventory of Mount Holmes and Trilobite Point, Yellowstone National Park. ABSTRACT LINK Gaines, R.R. & Droser, M.L. 2003 Paleoecology of the familiar trilobite Elrathia kingii: An early exaerobic zone inhabitant. Geology, 31(11):941-944 OPEN ACCESS PDF Weyer, D., Feist, R., Girard, C. 2003 Conodonta, Trilobita, and Anthozoa near the Late Frasnian Upper Kellwasser Event of the Geipel Quarry section in Schleiz, Thuringian Mountains (Germany). Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, Geowissenschaftliche Reihe, 6:71-78 OPEN ACCESS PDF Müller, P. 2003 Piltonia (Trilobita) im deutschen Unter-Karbon. [Piltonia (Trilobita) in the German Lower Carboniferous.] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 37:25-31 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hahn, G., Hahn, R., Müller, P. 2003 Trilobiten aus der Erdbacher Kalken (Unter-Karbon) von Steeden in Hessen. Teil 2. [Trilobites from the Erdbacher limestones (Lower Carboniferous) of Steeden in Hessen. Part 2.] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 37:33-75 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hughes, N.C. 2003 Trilobite Tagmosis and Body Patterning from Morphological and Developmental Perspectives. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 43(1):185-206 OPEN ACCESS PDF Rudkin, D.M. Young, G.A. Elias, R.J., Dobrzanski, E.P. 2003 The World's Biggest Trilobite—Isotelus rex new species from the Upper Ordovician of Northern Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 77(1):99-112 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sundberg, F.A. & McCollum, L.B. 2003 Trilobites of the Lower Middle Cambrian Poliella denticulata Biozone (New) of Southeastern Nevada. Journal of Paleontology, 77(2):331-359 OPEN ACCESS PDF Carvalho, M.D.G.P., Edgecombe, G.D., Smith, L. 2003 New Calmoniid Trilobites (Phacopina: Acastoidea) from the Devonian of Bolivia. American Museum Novitates, 3407:1-17 OPEN ACCESS PDF Crônier, C. 2003 Systematic relationships of the blind phacopine trilobite Trimerocephalus, with a new species from Causses-et-Veyran, Montagne Noire. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 48(1):55-70 OPEN ACCESS PDF Terfelt, F. 2003 Upper Cambrian trilobite biostratigraphy and taphonomy at Kakeled on Kinnekulle, Västergötland, Sweden. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 48(3):409-416 OPEN ACCESS PDF Bruthansová, J. & Kraft, P. 2003. Pellets independent of or associated with Bohemian Ordovician body fossils. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 48(3):437-445 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ivantsov, A.Y. 2003 Ordovician trilobites of the subfamily Asaphinae of the Ladoga Glint. Paleontological Journal, 37(S3):229-337 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fortey, R.A. & Chatterton, B.D.E. 2003 A Devonian Trilobite with an Eyeshade. Science, 301:1689 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vela, J.A. 2003 Note about two morphs of Preodontochile batalleri (Hernández, 1944) from Llandovery (Silurian) of Camprodon (Girona, Eastern Spanish Pyrenees). Batalleria, 11:81-92 OPEN ACCESS PDF Tortello, M.F. 2003 Biostratigraphic significance of the latest Cambrian-earliest Ordovician agnostoid trilobites from Northwestern Argentina. Geologica Acta, 1(1):61-72 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gozalo, R., Liñán, E., Palacios, T., Gámez-Vintaned, J.A., Mayoral, E. 2003 The Cambrian of the Iberian Peninsula: An overview. Geologica Acta, 1(1):103-112 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gozalo, R., Mayoral, E., Gámez-Vintaned, J.A., Dies, M.E., Muñiz, F. 2003 A new occurence of the genus Tonkinella in northern Spain and the Middle Cambrian intercontinental correlation. Geologica Acta, 1(1):121-126 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ahlberg, P. 2003 Trilobites and intercontinental tie points in the Upper Cambrian of Scandinavia. Geologica Acta, 1(1):127-134 OPEN ACCESS PDF Peng S.C. 2003 Chronostratigraphic Subdivision of the Cambrian of China. Geologica Acta, 1(1):135-144 OPEN ACCESS PDF Liñán, E., Dies, M.E., Gozalo, R. 2003 A Review of the Genus Kingaspis (Trilobita, Lower Cambrian) from Spain, and its Biostratigraphical Consequences for Correlation in the Mediterranean Subprovince. Revista Española de Paleontología, 18(1):3-14 OPEN ACCESS PDF Chirivella Martorell, J.B.; Gozalo, R., Liñán, E. 2003 Estudio Taxónomico y Biométrico de Badulesia tenera (Hartt in Dawson, 1868), Trilobita, Caesaraugustiense (Cámbrico Medio) de las Cadenas Ibéricas (NE de España). [Taxonomic and Biometric Study of Badulesia tenera (Hartt in Dawson, 1868), Trilobita, Caesaraugustan (Middle Cambrian) of the Iberian Chains (NE of Spain).] Revista Española de Paleontología, 18(1):83-101 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hintze, L.F., & Davis, F.D. (2003) Geology of Millard County, Utah. Utah Geological Survey Bulletin, 133:1-306 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fortey, R.A. 2004 The Lifestyles of the Trilobites. American Scientist 92:446-453 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fusco, G., Hughes, N.C., Webster, M., Minelli, A. 2004 Exploring developmental modes in a fossil arthropod: growth and trunk segmentation of the trilobite Aulacopleura konincki. The American Naturalist, 163:167-183 OPEN ACCESS PDF Tortello M.F., Esteban S.B. 2004 Los Trilobites Agnóstidos del Cámbrico tardío de la sierra de Famatina. Implicaciones bioestratigráficas y paleobiogeográficas de una fauna singular. [The Agnostid Trilobites of the late Cambrian of the Famatina mountain range. Biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographical implications of a singular fauna.] INSUGEO Miscelánea, 13:63-64 OPEN ACCESS PDF Jago, J.B., Bao, J.S., Baillie, P.W. 2004 Late Middle Cambrian Trilobites from St. Valentines Peak and Native Track Tier, northwestern Tasmania. Alcheringa, 28(1):21-52 OPEN ACCESS PDF Paterson, J.R. 2004 Palaeobiogeography of the Ordovician trilobite Prosopiscus, with a new species from western New South Wales. Alcheringa, 28(1):65-76 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D., Banks, M.R. & Banks, D.M. 2004 Late Ordovician trilobites from Tasmania: Styginidae, Asaphidae and Lichidae. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 30:59-77 OPEN ACCESS PDF Paterson, J.R. & Laurie, J.R. 2004 Late Cambrian trilobites from the Dolodrook River limestones, eastern Victoria, Australia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 30:83-111 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sloan, T.R. & Laurie, J.R. 2004 Middle Cambrian trilobites from allochthonous blocks in the Murrawong Creek Formation, N.S.W. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 30:193-206 OPEN ACCESS PDF Laurie, J.R. 2004 Early Middle Cambrian trilobite faunas from NTGS Elkedra 3 corehole, southern Georgina Basin, Northern Territory. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 30:221-260 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D. & Wright, A.J. 2004 Silicified Early Devonian Trilobites from Brogans Creek, New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, (Ser.2), 124:177-188 OPEN ACCESS PDF Svojtka, M. 2004 Diversität und Stammesgeschichte der Trilobita. [Diversity and tribal history of the trilobita.] OPEN ACCESS PDF Juarez, G.H. 2004 Nuevos trilobites de la Formación Iscayachi (Tarija-Bolivia). [New trilobites of the Iscayachi Formation (Tarija-Bolivia).] Memorias del XIX Congreso Geológico Boliviano, 2000(1):123-126 OPEN ACCESS PDF Amati, L. & Westrop, S.R. 2004 A systematic revision of Thaleops (Trilobita: Illaenidae) with new species form the middle and late Ordovician of Oklahoma and New York. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 2(3):207-256 OPEN ACCESS PDF Cherns, L., Wheeley, J.R., Karis, L. 2004 Tunnelling trilobites in Middle Ordovician Thalassinoides. The Palaeontological Association 48th Annual Meeting 2004 - Abstracts 57:117 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lerosey-Aubril, R. 2004 Discovery of Famennian and Early Carboniferous trilobite larvae:implications for the systematics and the evolutionary history of proetoids. The Palaeontological Association 48th Annual Meeting 2004 - Abstracts 57:124 OPEN ACCESS PDF Brenner, C. 2004 The Ontogeny of the Phacopid trilobite Calyptaulax strasburgensis (Ulrich and Delo, 1940) from silicified Middle Ordovician material. The Palaeontological Association 48th Annual Meeting 2004 - Abstracts 57:142 OPEN ACCESS PDF Chatterton, B.D.E., Fortey, R.A., Mellish, C.J.T. 2004 Spiny trilobites from the Devonian of Morocco. The Palaeontological Association 48th Annual Meeting 2004 - Abstracts 57:146 OPEN ACCESS PDF Courville, P., Crônier, C., Dubois, L., Miclot, L. 2004 Biodiversity vs Preservation: example of a trilobite association (Middle Ordovician, Massif Armoricain, France). The Palaeontological Association 48th Annual Meeting 2004 - Abstracts 57:148 OPEN ACCESS PDF Feist, R. 2004 Different modes of spine development in the pygidium of Devonian scutelluine trilobites. The Palaeontological Association 48th Annual Meeting 2004 - Abstracts 57:150 OPEN ACCESS PDF Frisk, A. 2004 The Bjørkåsholmen Formation (Tremadoc): a homogenous distribution of trilobites throughout the Baltoscandian platform. The Palaeontological Association 48th Annual Meeting 2004 - Abstracts 57:152 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ghobadi Pour, M. 2004 New Early to Mid Ordovician trilobite faunas of Iran and their biogeographical significance. The Palaeontological Association 48th Annual Meeting 2004 - Abstracts 57:154 OPEN ACCESS PDF Jakobsen, K.G. & Nielsen, A.T. 2004 Taxonomy, biostratigraphy and ecostratigraphy of Ordovician (Arenigian) megistaspid trilobites from Western Russia. The Palaeontological Association 48th Annual Meeting 2004 - Abstracts 57:160 OPEN ACCESS PDF Pollitt, J.R., Wills, M.A., Fortey, R.A. 2004 The systematics of the trilobite family Lichidae Hawle & Corda, 1847. The Palaeontological Association 48th Annual Meeting 2004 - Abstracts 57:176 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vidal, M., Ghobadi Pour, M., Pillola, G.L. 2004 Occurrence of the trilobite Taihungshania on the North Gondwana margin during Lower Ordovician. The Palaeontological Association 48th Annual Meeting 2004 - Abstracts 57:188 OPEN ACCESS PDF Owens, R.M. 2004 Late Ordovician and early Silurian Proetida (Trilobita) from north-western and central Europe. Palaeontology, 47(3):557-578 OPEN ACCESS PDF Holloway, D.J. 2004 The Trilobite Subfamily Monorakinae (Pterygometopidae). Palaeontology, 47(4):1015-1036 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lane, P. 2004 The Silurian carbonate mound trilobite faunas of central western New South Wales. Palaeontology Newsletter, 56:113-116 OPEN ACCESS PDF Zhu, M.Y., Vannier, J., Van Iten, H., Zhao, Y.L. 2004 Direct evidence for predation on trilobites in the Cambrian. Royal Society of London, Proceedings Series B, 271(Supp.5 to Issue 1):277-280 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lin T. & Peng S.C. 2004 New Material of Palaeolenus (Trilobite, Cambrian) from the Eastern Yangtze Gorge Area, Western Hubei. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 43(1):32-42 OPEN ACCESS PDF Zhou Z., Zhou Z.Y., Yuan W.W. 2004 New Material of the Trilobite Genus Hexacopyge from the Ordovician of the Upper Yangtze Region. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 43(1):43-52 OPEN ACCESS PDF Zhu X.J. & Peng S.C. 2004 Ontogeny of Cambrian Trilobite Cheiruroides primigenius. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 43(1):53-62 OPEN ACCESS PDF Luo, H. & Zhou Z.Y. 2004 New Material of Ordovician Trilobite Omeipsis zhenxiongensis Luo, 1974. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 43(3):420-423 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lin T., Peng, S.C. & Zhu, X.J. 2004 Restudy on the Eodiscoids from the Shuijingtuo Formation (Early Cambrian) in eastern Yangtze Gorge area, western Hubei. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 43(4):502-514 OPEN ACCESS PDF Boyce, W.D. & Johnson, S. 2004 Early Cambrian Trilobites from the Hanford Brook Formation, Public Landing, southern New Brunswick, Canada. In: Canadian Paleontology Conference (CPC-2004) September 23-26, 2004. Huntsman Marine Science Centre, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. Canadian Paleontology Conference Proceedings, No.2 :14 OPEN ACCESS PDF Bassett, M.G., Dastanpour, M., Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E. 2004 Early Ordovician faunas from the Tabas and Damghan regions, Iran and their biogeographical significance. WOGOGOB-2004 Conference Abstract, pp.16-17 OPEN ACCESS PDF Frisk, Å. 2004 Trilobite biostratigraphy of the Tremadoc Bjørkåsholmen Formation on Öland, Sweden. WOGOGOB-2004 Conference Abstract, pp.34-35 OPEN ACCESS PDF Jakobsen, K.G. & Nielsen, A.T. 2004 New data on the Volkhovian megistaspid trilobites from Putilovo, western Russia. WOGOGOB-2004 Conference Abstract, pp. 49-50 OPEN ACCESS PDF Nielsen, A.T. 2004 Reinvestigation of the Volkhov and lower Kunda in Estonia and western Russia: preliminary biostratigraphic results. WOGOGOB-2004 Conference Abstract, p. 69 OPEN ACCESS PDF Pärnaste, H. 2004 The trilobite zonation of the Billingen Stage in the East Baltic. WOGOGOB-2004 Conference Abstract, pp. 81-82 OPEN ACCESS PDF Budil, P. 2004 Pravděpodobně nejstarší dochovaný popsaný exemplář trilobita z území České republiky. [Probably the oldest described trilobite specimen from the territory of the Czech Republic.] Český kras, 30:63 OPEN READ LINK Fatka, O., Herynk, J., Najman, P. 2004 New finds of agnostid trilobites in the Skryje-Týřovice area (Middle Cambrian, Barrandian area, Czech Republic). [Nové nálezy agnostidních trilobitů ze skryjsko-týřovické oblasti (střední kambrium, Barrandien, Česká republika).] Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 49(1-2):75-80 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fatka, O. 2004 Association of Fossils and History of Research at Týřovice - "Pod Hruskou" locality (Middle Cambrian, Skryje-Týřovice Basin, Barrandian Area). [Společenstvo fosílií a historie výzkumu na lokalitě̀ Týřovice - "Pod Hrušškou" (střední kambrium, skryjsko-týřovická pánev, barrandienská oblast).] Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 49(3-4):107-117 OPEN ACCESS PDF Doubrava, M. & Vokáč, V. 2004 Ectillaenus aff. advena (Barrande, 1872) (Trilobita) from the Arenigian (Klabava Formation, Lower Ordovician) of the Prague Basin (Barrandian, Bohemia). [Ectillaenus aff. advena (Barrande, 1872), (Trilobita) z klabavského souvrství (arenig, spodní ordovik) pražské pánve (Barrandien, Č̀echy).] Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 49(3-4):125-126 OPEN ACCESS PDF Budil, P. & Kolar, P. 2004 Kainops chlupaci sp. n. from the Lower Devonian (Zlichovian stage) of the Prague Basin. [Kainops chlupaci sp. n. ze spodního devonu (stupeò Zlíchov) pražské pánve.] Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 49(3-4):141-145 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vaněk, J. & Vokáč, V. 2004 Trilobite community coral Horizon (Kopanina Formation, Silurian, Ludlow) from "Kourící" quarry (Praha Basin, Czech Republic). [Trilobitové společenstvo korálových poloh (kopaninské souvrství, ludlow, silur) v "Kouřícím" lomu u Mořiny (Pražská pánev, Barrandien, Čechy).] Palaeontologia Bohemiae, 9(1):1-8 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vaněk, J. & Vokáč, V. 2004 Kosovopeltis stulta sp. n. (Styginidae, Trilobita) from lower Ludlow of Prague Basin (Ludfordian, Kopanina Formation, Czech Republic) [Kosovopeltis stulta sp. n. (Styginidae, Trilobita) ze spodního ludlowu Pražské pánve (Ludfordian, Kopaninské souvrství, Česká republika).] Palaeontologia Bohemiae, 9(2):9-12 OPEN ACCESS PDF Vokáč, V. & Micka, V. 2004 New finds from Jince Formation (Middle Cambrian) on the locality Terešovská Hut' U vily (Príbram-Jince Basin, Barrandian, Bohemia). [Nové nálezy v jineckém souvrství (střední kambrium) na lokalitě (Terešovská huť U vily (příbramsko-jinecká pánev, Barrandien, Čechy).] Palaeontologia Bohemiae, 9(3):13-14 OPEN ACCESS PDF Weidner, T.R., Ahlberg, P., Axheimer, N. & Clarkson, E.N.K. 2004 The Middle Cambrian Ptychagnostus punctuosus and Goniagnostus nathorsti zones in Västergötland, Sweden. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 51:39-45 OPEN ACCESS PDF Pärnaste, H. 2004 Revision of the Ordovician cheirurid trilobite genus Reraspis with the description of the earliest representative. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Geology, 53(2):125-138 OPEN ACCESS PDF Dubois, L., Crônier, C., Courville, P. 2004 Biodiversité et biodisparité: les associations de trilobites Ordoviciens de Manche. [Biodiversity and biodisparity; Ordovician Trilobita associations in Manche.] Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, Ser.2, 11(3):113-115 OPEN ACCESS PDF Clausen, S. 2004 Pædomorphic patterns of the Cambrian genus Alueva (Trilobita, Ellipsocephalidae) from the Iberian Chains (NE Spain). Geobios, 37(3):336-345 OPEN ACCESS PDF GSA 72301 (3-5, 2004) Session No. 41--booth# 42 -- Campbell, V. Occurrence of the Trilobite Ditomopyge scitula (Meek and Worthen) in the Lower Bird Spring Formation, Arrow Canyon (GSSP), Clark County, Nevada. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 72759 (3-5, 2004) Session No. 41 -- Beck, J.D. Instar Determination of an Early Cambrian Trilobite, Elrathia kingii. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 73186 (7-10, 2004) Paper No. 39-6 -- Key, M.M. Trilobites as a Hard Substrate for Episkeletozoans From the Upper Ordovician of the Cincinnati, Ohio Area. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 78505 (7-10, 2004) Paper No. 162-12 -- Hagadorn, J.W., Buck, M.M. Digital Paleobiology and Taphonomy of an Ordovician Lagerstätte: Beecher's Trilobite Bed. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 78554 (7-10, 2004) Paper No. 226-15 -- Simpson, A.G., Hughes, N.C., Kopaska-Merkel, D. Transitory Pygidia in Hintzeia sp. Nov. And the Dynamics of the Posterior 'tagma' in Trilobites. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 79274 (7-10, 2004) Paper No. 227-2 -- Westrop, S.R. Rapid Turnover of Trilobite Faunas Related to Stratigraphic Condensation in a Lower Ordovician "Biomere". ABSTRACT LINK GSA 79614 (7-10, 2004) Paper No. 22-5 -- Amati, L. Lithofacies and Trilobite Biofacies on a Late Ordovician Carbonate Ramp: Bromide Formation, Southern Oklahoma. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 80114 (7-10, 2004) Paper No. 69-3 -- Hegna, T.A. Reduced Biofacies Differentiation in Silurian Trilobite Faunas of Laurentia. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 80143 (7-10, 2004) Paper No. 153-2 -- Ng, T.W. Upper Marjuman (Upper Cambrian) Shallow Water Trilobite Faunas, Great Basin, Western Usa. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 80159 (7-10, 2004) Paper No. 152-3 -- Loch, J.D., Taylor, J.F., Ripperdan, R.L., Myrow, P.M., Ethington, R.L., Repetski, J.E., Owen, A. Trilobite Faunas of the Lower Ordovician Jose Member (Hitt Canyon Formation, El Paso Group) In Southern New Mexico and West Texas. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 80351 (7-10, 2004) Paper No. 153-3 -- Karim, T.S. Lower Ordovician Trilobites of the Cow Head Group, Western Newfoundland, Canada. ABSTRACT LINK Krueger, H.H. 2004 Die Gattung Erratencrinurus Krueger, 1971 (Trilobita Ordovizium) aus baltoskandischen Geschieben. [The genus Erratencrinurus Krueger, 1971 (Trilobita, Ordovician) from Baltic settlements.] Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, Geowissenschaftliche Reihe, 7:69-132 OPEN ACCESS PDF Müller, P. 2004 Eine Trilobiten-Assoziation aus den Erdbach-Kalken (Unter-Karbon) vom Liebstein (Hessen). [A trilobite association from Erdbach-limestones (Lower Carboniferous) from Liebstein (Hessen).] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 38:57-83 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hahn, G., Hahn, R., Müller, P. 2004 Eine blinde Trilobiten-Fauna aus dem Balvium (Unter-Karbon) des Sauerlandes (Deutschland). [A blind trilobite fauna from the Balvian (Lower Carboniferous) of Sauerland (Germany).] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 38:85-117 OPEN ACCESS PDF Buchholz, A. & Mischnik, W. 2004 Einige Neufunde seltener Trilobiten in Geschieben der oberkambrischen Stufe 5 (Peltura-Stufe) aus West-Mecklenburg und Ost-Holstein (Norddeutschland). [Some new finds of rare trilobites in erratics of the Upper Cambrian Stage 5 (Peltura Stage) from western Mecklenburg and eastern Holstein (northern Germany).] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 20(2-3):43-48 OPEN ACCESS PDF Buchholz, A. 2004 Seltene Konglomerat-Geschiebe des Mittelkambriums von Rügen/Vorpommern. [Rare conglomerate Geschiebe of the Middle Cambrian of Rügen/Western Pomerania.] Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 20(2-3):81-82 OPEN ACCESS PDF Rudolph, F. 2004 Zur Biologie einiger Stinkkalk-Trilobiten. [On the biology of some calcareous trilobites.] Geschiebekunde aktuell, 20(2-3):82-83 OPEN ACCESS PDF Krueger, H.H. 2004 Die Keila-Stufe in baltoskandischen Geschieben mit einigen Beispielen aus ihrer besonderen Fauna. [The Keila stage in Baltic-Scandinavian boulders with some examples from their special fauna.] Geschiebekunde aktuell, 20(2-3):83 OPEN ACCESS PDF Flick, H., Flick, U., Moe, A., Pröve, A. 2004 Ein verdrückter "Phacops" aff. major aus dem Wasenbachtal, südwestliche Lahnmulde (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). [A deformed "Phacops" aff. major from the Wasenbachtal, southwestern Lahnmulde (Rhenish Slate Mountains).] Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 32:55-62 OPEN ACCESS PDF Bruton, D.L., Wright, A.J., Hamedi, M.A. 2004 Ordovician Trilobites from Iran. Palaeontographica Abt.A 271:111-149 OPEN ACCESS PDF Elicki, O., Pillola, GL.. 2004 Cambrian microfauna and palaeoecology of the Campo Pisano Formation at Gutturu Pala (Iglesiente, SW Sardinia, Italy). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 43(3):383-401 OPEN ACCESS PDF Suzuki, Y. 2004 Diversity of trilobite morphotypes based on their body sizes: functional morphology of relevant homplacious characters. Palaeontological Society of Japan, 75:38-45 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sundberg, F.A. 2004 Cladistic analysis of Early–Middle Cambrian kochaspid trilobites (Ptychopariida). Journal of Paleontology, 78(5):920-940 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lieberman, B.S. 2004 Revised biostratigraphy, systematics, and paleobiogeography of the trilobites from the Middle Cambrian Nelson Limestone, Antarctica. University of Kansas, Paleontological Contributions, New Series, 14:1-23 OPEN ACCESS PDF Choi, D.K., Chough, S.K., Kwon, Y.K., Lee, S.B., Woo, J., Kang, I., Lee, H.S., Lee, S.M., Sohn, J.W., Shinn, Y.J., Lee, D.J. 2004 Taebaek Group (Cambrian-Ordovician) in the Seokgaejae section, Taebaeksan Basin: a refined lower Paleozoic stratigraphy in Korea. Geosciences Journal, 8(2):125-151 OPEN ACCESS PDF Choi, D.K. 2004 History of Trilobite Studies in Korea. Journal of the Paleontological Society of Korea, 20:265-284 OPEN ACCESS PDF Peng S.C., Babcock, L.E., Robison, R.A., Lin Hnling; Rees, M.N., Saltzman, M.R. 2004 Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) of the Furongian Series and Paibian Stage (Cambrian). Lethaia, 37(4):365-379 OPEN ACCESS PDF Van Viersen, A.P. 2004 De trilobiet Walliserops trifurcatus en zijn drietand. [The trilobite Walliserops trifurcatus and its trident.] Gea, 37(3):97-98 OPEN ACCESS PDF Van Viersen, A.P., Hille, P. 2004 Trilobietenvervalsingen. [Trilobite forgeries.] Gea, 37(4):132-135 OPEN ACCESS PDF Van Viersen, A.P. 2004 De mythe van Phacops latifrons. [The myth of Phacops latifrons.] Grondboor & Hamer 58(3/4):66-68 OPEN ACCESS PDF Kues, B.S. 2004 Pennsylvanian Trilobites from the Sangre de Cristo and Jemez Mountains, North-central New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 55th Field Conference, Geology of the Taos Region, 55:326-334 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M. & Westrop, S.R. 2004 A Late Cambrian (Sunwaptan) silicified trilobite fauna from Nevada. Bulletins of American Paleontology, 365:1-56 OPEN ACCESS PDF Crônier, C., Feist, R., Auffray, J.C. 2004 Variation in the eye of Acuticryphops (Phacopina, Trilobita) and its evolutionary significance: a biometric and morphometric approach. Paleobiology, 30(3):471-481 OPEN ACCESS PDF Naimark, E.B. 2004 Biogeographic events in the middle and upper Cambrian, using the example of the agnostida (Trilobita) and Brachiopoda. Paleontological Journal, 38(2):123-133 OPEN ACCESS PDF Krylov, A.V. 2004 New types of Ordovician trilobites in the Leningrad region. Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta. Seriya 7: Geologiya-Geografiya, 2004(3):22-25 OPEN ACCESS PDF Ivantsov, A.Y. 2004 Opredelitel' ordovikskih trilobitov azafidnogo oblika okrestnostej Sankt-Peterburga. [Determining Ordovician Asaphid trilobite species by shape in the vicinity of Saint Petersburg.] Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 60 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF McMenamin, M.A.S. & Weaver, P.G. 2004 Middle Cambrian polymeroid trilobites and correlation of the Carolina and Augusta terranes. Southeastern Geology, 43:21-38 OPEN ACCESS PDF Tortello, M.F., Peralta, S. 2004 Trilobites del miembro inferior de la Formación Gualcamayo (Llanvirniano temprano) en el cerro La Chicla, Precordillera de San Juan, Argentina. [Trilobites of the lower member of the Gualcamayo Formation (early Llanvirnian) in the hill La Chicla, Precordillera de San Juan, Argentina.] Boletín Geológico y Minero, 115(4):665-681 OPEN ACCESS PDF Dies, M.E. & Gozalo, R. 2004 Agnostida (Trilobita) de la Formación Valdemiedes (Leoniense: Cámbrico Medio basal) de las Cadenas Ibéricas (NE de España). [Agnostida (Trilobita) from the Valdemiedes Formation (Leonian: low Middle Cambrian) of the Iberian Chains (NE Spain).] Boletín Geológico y Minero, 115(4):683-697 OPEN ACCESS PDF Dies, M.E., Gozalo, R., Liñán, E. 2004 Presencia de Protolenus pisidianus Dean en Dean y Özgül, 1994 en las cadenas Ibéricas (Murero y Ateca). [Presence of Protolenus pisidianus Dean in Dean and Özgül, 1994 in the Iberian chains (Murero and Ateca).] pp.59-60 In: XX Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Alcalá de Henares, 20 - 23 de Octubre de 2004 OPEN ACCESS PDF Gozalo, R., Liñán, E., Chirivella Martorell, J.B. 2004 Bailiaspis cf. tuberculata Lake, 1940 (Trilobita) de la formación Mansilla (Cámbrico medio) de las cadenas Ibéricas (prov. Zaragoza). [Bailiaspis cf. tuberculata Lake, 1940 (Trilobita) of the Mansilla Formation (Middle Cambrian) of the Iberian chains (province of Zaragoza).] pp.85-86 In: XX Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Alcalá de Henares, 20 - 23 de Octubre de 2004 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sheets, H.D., Kim, K., Mitchele, C.E. 2004 A combined landmark and outline-based approach to ontogenetic shape change in the Ordovician trilobite Triarthrus becki. pp.67-82 In: Elewa, Ashraf M.T. (Editor) Morphometries: Applications in Biology and Paleontology. Springer Scientific Publishing OPEN ACCESS PDF Amati, L. 2004 Systematics and paleoecology of trilobites from the Late Ordovician Viola Group, south-central Oklahoma. Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Oklahoma, 526 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Corrêa de Barros, R. 2004 Morfologia Funcional e Hábitos de Vida de Trilobita da Formação Ponta Grossa (Devoniano), Paraná, Brasil. [Functional Morphology and Life Habits of Trilobite of the Ponta Grossa (Devonian) Formation, Paraná, Brazil.] Monografia apresentada para obtenção do Título de Bacharel no Curso de Ciências Biológicas, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná. 35 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Ghilardi, R.P. 2004 Tafonomia comparada e paleoecologia dos macroinvertebrados em trilobites, da Formação Ponta Grossa (Devoniano, Sub-bacia Apucarana), Estado do Paraná. [Comparative taphonomy and paleoecology of macroinvertebrates in trilobites, from the Ponta Grossa Formation (Devonian, Apucarana Sub-basin), State of Paraná.] Tese de Doutorado. Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo, 113 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Pärnaste, H. 2004 Early Ordovician Trilobites of the Suborder Cheirurina in Estonia and Russia: Systematics, Evolution and Distribution. PhD Dissertation, Institute of Geology, University of Tartu, Estonia, 137 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Rak, Š. 2004 Trilobitová fauna hraničních vrstev tournai – visé z Mokré u. Brna. [Trilobite fauna of the border layers of the tournai - Visean of Mokré at Brna.] M.S. Thesis, Masarykova Universita v Brne Prirodovedecka Fakulta, Ustav geologickych ved, 84 pp. OPEN ACCESS PDF Bruton, D.L., Wright, A.J., Hamedi, M.A. 2004 Ordovician Trilobites from Iran. Palaeontographica Abt.A, 271:111-149 OPEN ACCESS PDF Zeballo, F.J. & Tortello, M.F. 2005 Trilobites del Cámbrico tardío-Ordovícico temprano del área de Alfarcito, Tilcara, Cordillera Oriental de Jujuy, Argentina. [Late Cambrian - Early Ordovician Trilobites from the Alfarcito area, Tilcara, Oriental Cordillera, Jujuy, Argentina.] Ameghiniana, 42(1):127-142 OPEN ACCESS PDF Tortello, M.F. & Esteban, S.B. 2005 Trilobites agnóstidos del Cámbrico Tardío de la Sierra de Famatina (La Rioja, Argentina). Significado bioestratigráfico y paleoambiental. [Agnostid trilobites of the Late Cambrian of the Sierra de Famatina (La Rioja, Argentina). Biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental significance.] INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica, 19:157-168 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sohn, J.W. & Choi, D.K. 2005 The Late Cambrian trilobite Hamashania from Korea. Alcheringa, 29(2):195-203 OPEN ACCESS PDF Paterson, J.R. 2005 Revision of Discomesites and Estaingia (Trilobita) from the Lower Cambrian Cymbric Vale Formation, western New South Wales: taxonomic, biostratigraphic and biogeographic implications. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, (Ser.2), 126:81-93 OPEN ACCESS PDF Sandford, A.C. 2005 Homalonotid trilobites from the Silurian and Lower Devonian of south-eastern Australia and New Zealand (Arthropoda: Trilobita: Homalonotidae). Memoirs of the National Museum Victoria, 62(1):1-66 OPEN ACCESS PDF Magrean, B. & Van Viersen, A.P. 2005 A revision of Devonian trilobites from Belgium - Part 1. The genera Cornuproetus and Radiaspis. Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 75:87-93 OPEN ACCESS PDF Van Viersen, A.P. 2005 Devonian trilobites from the Ardennes and Linksrheinische Schiefergebirge - a joint Rhenohercynian perspective. Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting, Alden Biesen, p.20 OPEN ACCESS PDF Silva, C.F.D. & Fonseca, V.M.M.D. 2005 Hábitos de vida dos trilobitas das formações Maecuru e Ererê, Devoniano da bacia do Amazonas, Brasil. [Devonian paleoenvironmental habitat of trilobites in the Maecuru and Erere formations, Amazonas Basin, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 8(1):73-82 OPEN ACCESS PDF Carvalho, M.D.G.P. 2005 First occurrence of Burmeisterella (Trilobita, Homalonotidae) from the Devonian of Brazil (Parecis Basin), with description of a new species. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 63(3):451-458 OPEN ACCESS PDF Knell, R.J. & Fortey, R.A. 2005 Trilobite spines and beetle horns: sexual selection in the Palaeozoic? Biology Letters, 1(2):196-199 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hughes, N.C., Peng, S., Bhargava, O.N., Ahluwalia, A.D., Walia, S., Myrow, P.M. & Parcha, S.K. 2005 Cambrian biostratigraphy of the Tal Group, Lesser Himalaya, India, and early Tsanglangpuan (late early Cambrian) trilobites from the Nigali Dhar syncline. Geological Magazine, 142(1):57-80 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M. & Westrop, S.R. 2005 Late Cambrian ptychaspidid trilobites from western Utah: implications for trilobite systematics and biostratigraphy. Geological Magazine, 142(4):377-398 OPEN ACCESS PDF Paterson, J.R. 2005 Systematics of the Cambrian trilobite family Nepeidae, with a revision of Australian species. Palaeontology, 48(3):479-517 OPEN ACCESS PDF Turvey, S.T. 2005. Early Ordovician (Arenig) trilobite palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography of the South China Plate. Palaeontology, 48(3):519-548 OPEN ACCESS PDF Turvey, S.T. 2005 Reedocalymenine trilobites from the Ordovician of central and eastern Asia, and a review of species assigned to Neseuretus. Palaeontology, 48(3):549-575 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lauridsen, B.W. & Nielsen, A.T. 2005 The Upper Cambrian trilobite Olenus at Andrarum, Sweden: a case study of iterative evolution? Palaeontology, 48(5):1041-1056 OPEN ACCESS PDF Fletcher, T.P. 2005 Holaspid variation in the solenopleurid trilobite Parasolenopleura gregaria (Billings, 1865) from the Cambrian of Newfoundland. Palaeontology 48(5):1075-1089 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lee D.C. & Chatterton, B.D.E. 2005 Protaspides of Upper Cambrian Aphelaspis (Ptychopariida, Trilobita) and related species with their taxonomic implications. Palaeontology, 48(6):1351-1375 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lee, D.C. & Chatterton, B.D.E. 2005 Protaspid ontogeny of Bolaspidella housensis (Order Ptychopariida, Class Trilobita), and other similar Cambrian protaspides. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 96(1):21-41 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M. & Westrop, S.R. 2005 Lower Ordovician trilobites from the Baumann Fiord Formation, Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42:1523-1546 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M. & Tetreault, D.K. 2005 The brachymetopid trilobite Radnoria in the Silurian (Wenlock) of New York State and Arctic Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42(12):2087-2096 OPEN ACCESS PDF Boyce, W.D. & Knight, I. 2005 Cambrian Macrofossils from the Phillips Brook and North Brook Anticlines, Western Newfoundland. Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Current Research, 2005-1:39-62 OPEN ACCESS PDF McCollum, L.B. & Sundberg, F.A. 2005 The use of Oryctocephalus indicus as a "Lower-Middle" Cambrian boundary GSSP: A status report. Abstracts and Short Papers, The Fourth International Symposium on the Cambrian System. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 22(sup.):113-114 OPEN ACCESS PDF Zhu X., Peng S.C. & Qi D.L. 2005 Early Cambrian Trilobite Fauna from Dongzhi, Southern Anhui. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 44(4):556-566 OPEN ACCESS PDF Hughes, N.C. 2005 Trilobite construction: building a bridge across the micro- and macroevolutionary divide. pp.139-158. In: Briggs, D.E.G. (ed) 2005. Evolving form and function: Fossils and development. Special Publication of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, CT. OPEN ACCESS PDF Scholtz, G. & Edgecombe, G.D. 2005 Heads, Hox and the phylogenetic position of trilobites. In: Koenemann, S. & Jenner, R.A., eds. Crustacea and Arthropod Relationships. Crustacean Issues, 16:139-165 OPEN ACCESS PDF Moravec, J.K. 2005 Druh Ormathops inflatus (Želízko, 1922) (Trilobita) z českého Ordoviku (Dobrotiv, Spodní Beroun) v západni části pražské pánve (Barrandien). [The species Ormathops inflatus (Zelízko, 1922) (Trilobita) from the Bohemian Ordovician (Dobrotivian, Lower Berounian) in the western part of the Prague Basin (Barrandian).] Zprávy o Geologických Výzkumech v Roce, 2004(V.38):82-83 OPEN ACCESS PDF Simpson, A.G., Hughes, N.C., Kopaska-Merkel, D.C., Ludvigsen, R. 2005 Development of the caudal exoskeleton of the pliomerid trilobite Hintzeia plicamarginis new species. Evolution & Development, 7(6):528-541 OPEN ACCESS PDF Liñán, E., Dies, M.E., Vintaned, J.A.G., Gozalo, R., Mayoral, E. & Muñiz, F. 2005 Lower Ovetian (Lower Cambrian) trilobites and biostratigraphy of the Pedroche Formation (Sierra de Córdoba, southern Spain). Geobios, 38(3):365-381 OPEN ACCESS PDF GSA 88456 (August 8-11, 2005) Paper No. 21-3 Kingston, A. Stable-isotope Analysis of Trilobite Cuticle (Pseudogygites Latimarginatus) From Southern Ontario, Canada. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 93821 (October 16-19, 2005) Paper No. 219-11 Webster, M. Did Trilobites Show Declining Intraspecific Variability? ABSTRACT LINK GSA 93872 (October 16-19, 2005) Paper No. 160-23 Eoff, J.D. Marjuman-steptoean (Cambrian) Trilobite Biostratigraphy of the Cow Head Group, Western Newfoundland. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 95659 (October 16-19, 2005) Paper No. 206-12 Adrain, J.M. Evenness and Diversity of Lower Paleozoic Trilobite Faunas of Laurentian North America. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 95900 (October 16-19, 2005) Paper No. 3-4 Finnegan, S. & Droser, M.L. Dilution, Decline, or Different Energetic Structure? Body Size, Trophic Level, and the Ecological Role of Post-cambrian Trilobites. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 96798 (October 16-19, 2005) Paper No. 57-15 Erwin, M. Stratigraphic Correlation and Morphologic Variation of Middle Cambrian Trilobites in the House and Drum Ranges, West-central Utah. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 97416 (October 16-19, 2005) Paper No. 250-8 Brett, C., Desantis, M.K., Allison, P.A., Liddell, W. D. Sequence Stratigraphy and Lagerstätten in the Middle Cambrian, Great Basin, Utah. ABSTRACT LINK GSA 97746 (October 16–19, 2005) Motz, K.J. Burgess Shale-type Biota and Depositional Environment of the Vermilion/Duchesnay Units, Upper Middle Cambrian, SE British Columbia. ABSTRACT LINK Müller, P. 2005 Revision der Gattung Scabrella (Trilobita; Unter-Devon). [Revision of the genus Scabrella (Trilobita; Lower Devonian.] Geologica et Palaeontologica, 39:1-27 OPEN ACCESS PDF Holloway, D.J. 2005 The trilobite genera Eocryphops and Plagiolaria (Phacopidae). Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 79(2):227-239 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lerosey-Aubril, R. & Feist, R. 2005 Post-protaspid ontogeny of the blind cyrtosymboline Helioproetus (Trilobita) from the late Famennian of Thuringia, Germany. Senckenbergiana lethaea, 85(1):119-130 OPEN ACCESS PDF Edgecombe, G.D., Chatterton, B.D.E., Vaccari, N.E. & Waisfeld, B.G. 2005 Triarthrinid trilobites (Olenidae) from the Middle and Upper Ordovician, Precordillera of Argentina. Journal of Paleontology, 79(1):89-109 OPEN ACCESS PDF Adrain, J.M. 2005 Aulacopleurid trilobites from the Upper Ordovician of Virginia. Journal of Paleontology, 79(3):542-563 OPEN ACCESS PDF Lerosey-Aubril, Rudy & Feist, R. 2005 First Carboniferous protaspid larvae (Trilobita). Journal of Paleontology, 79(4):702-718 OPEN ACCESS PDF Peng S.C. & Babcock, L.E. 2005 Two Cambrian agnostoid trilobites, Agnostotes orientalis (Kobayashi, 1935) and Lotagnostus americanus (Billings, 1860): Key species for defining global stages of the Cambrian System. Geosciences Journal, 9(2):107-116 OPEN ACCESS PDF Choi, Duck K. & Chough, S.K. 2005 The Cambrian-Ordovician stratigraphy of the Taebaeksan Basin, Korea: a review. 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(2006) New genus of dimeropygid trilobites from the earliest Ordovician of Laurentia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 51:541-550 OPEN ACCESS PDF Naimark, E.B. (2006) Growth and development of agnostids Pentagnostus proanabarensis Fedoseev, 1999. Paleontological Journal, 40(5):541-552 OPEN ACCESS PDF Álvarez, M.E.D., Gozalo, R., & Liñán, E. (2006) First finding of Alueva hastata, (SDZUY 1958) (Trilobite, early Middle Cambrian) in the Northwest of Spain (Cantabrian Mountains). Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 22:115-116 OPEN ACCESS PDF Álvarez, M.E.D., & Gozalo, R. (2006) The genus Hamatolenus Hupé, 1953 (Lower-Middle Cambrian) from Murero and surrounding areas in the Iberian Chains (NE Spain). Revista Española de Paleontología, 21(1):61-78 OPEN ACCESS PDF Aramburu, C., Arbizu, M., Bernárdez, E., Gozalo, R., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., & Liñán, E. (2006) Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Lower Paleozoic in Los Barrios de Luna. 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