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Third Texas Hunt


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Let me start by saying folks that have lived in Florida for the past 12 years don't do cold like those north of us. We are more into flip-flops, shorts and t-shirts not into cold weather gear of which there is little need of on the beach. The weather change for the worse Christmas day, snow, 20 degree weather and winds of 20-30 miles an hour, had forgotten how Texas weather can change so rapidly. The temp didn't get above 30 for almost a week so it put a stop to fossil hunting plans until after the new year.

post-3940-0-30426200-1358614917_thumb.jpgMost people, a White Cristmas is no big deal, this is my second, was a pretty change but not great for hunting fossils

post-3940-0-41085300-1358615165_thumb.jpgGrabbed my rubber boots and cold weather jacket and headed for my Blossom Sand site to hunt Ptychodus and ammonites. I was met with black clay mud which grew on my boot soles with every step then mixed with leaves and twigs made walking a challenge. Finally reached the creek to find more water than expected which was covered with a layer of ice, O-Joy, at least wouldn't have to worry about snakes

post-3940-0-82795800-1358615501_thumb.jpgThought I had found my first Ptychodus latissimus in some matrix but disappoint set in realizing it was a clam fragment----bummer

post-3940-0-01232900-1358615763_thumb.jpgCame across an area with a small gravel bar and saw the root side up of a Ptychodus mortoni, they are one of my favorite sharks, teeth of some species are hard to find

post-3940-0-56233600-1358615948_thumb.jpgCan't say anything bad about this tooth, colors and detail are fantasticpost-3940-0-31041100-1358626709_thumb.jpg

post-3940-0-91100600-1358616311_thumb.jpgSometimes you find a fossil that is less than perfect but takes on an appearance of being very interesting as this calcite filled Placenticeras, think it will be one of my display pieces---different for sure.

High water, ice and an abundance of fallen leaves put an end to my third hunt---will hunt it again------Tom

Edited by Foshunter

Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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post-3940-0-56233600-1358615948_thumb.jpCan't say anything bad about this tooth, colors and detail are fantastic

post-3940-0-91100600-1358616311_thumb.jpSometimes you find a fossil that is less than perfect but takes on an appearance of being very interesting as this calcite filled Placenticeras, think it will be one of my display pieces---different for sure...

Man, those are nice!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Nice finds Tom! The mortini is amazing. That one is new to me, never seen one before. Thanks for sharing the pic's and finds.

Process of identification "mistakes create wisdom".

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Beautiful finds.

Bulldozers and dirt Bulldozers and dirt
behind the trailer, my desert
Them red clay piles are heaven on earth
I get my rocks off, bulldozers and dirt

Patterson Hood; Drive-By Truckers


image.png.0c956e87cee523facebb6947cb34e842.png May 2016  MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png.a47e14d65deb3f8b242019b3a81d8160.png.b42a25e3438348310ba19ce6852f50c1.png May 2012 IPFOTM5.png.fb4f2a268e315c58c5980ed865b39e1f.png.1721b8912c45105152ac70b0ae8303c3.png.2b6263683ee32421d97e7fa481bd418a.pngAug 2013, May 2016, Apr 2020 VFOTM.png.f1b09c78bf88298b009b0da14ef44cf0.png.af5065d0585e85f4accd8b291bf0cc2e.png.72a83362710033c9bdc8510be7454b66.png.9171036128e7f95de57b6a0f03c491da.png Oct 2022

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great find Tom! I found a big hunk of petrified wood and a few ptychodus last time I hit that spot. The big piece of wood came as a surprise and was quite different than the usual pieces of wood I find in other places around here.

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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Thanks Hieronymus, Ptychodus are one of my favorite shark teeth, the colors on this one differ from my others-----Tom

Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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Great find Tom! I found a big hunk of petrified wood and a few ptychodus last time I hit that spot. The big piece of wood came as a surprise and was quite different than the usual pieces of wood I find in other places around here.

Hey Girl----When you have time post some pictures, this place just facinates me at the diversity of fossil material----Tom

Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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Here it is. When I first found it I thought it was just a piece of coral but when I cleaned it up I saw that it was definitely wood. The pictures don't do it justice. Definitely the best piece of pet wood I've found around this area. You're right this place produces surprises all the time!




In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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