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Bone Id Needed


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I'm thinking rib of a rather big animal, rhino or mammoth?

However, comparing does not lead to results. What do you think?

It's heavily fossilized and from the Pleistocene of the North sea. Netherlands




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Can you give a picture of the broken end, end on so we can see the cross section?

Two possibilities:

1. A proximal left femur, elephant - but a little too small maybe.

2 A rib head of an elephant - but maybe a little too big. The back side (thumbnail on the left) looks rib-like.

Edited by RichW9090

The plural of "anecdote" is not "evidence".

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Forget that! Scale is cm not inches. Rib head, almost for certain. Of what I do not know.

Edited by RichW9090

The plural of "anecdote" is not "evidence".

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