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Jaw Bone Found On Beach


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I found this jaw bone on the beach in Cape Hatteras...I don't think it's a fossil but appears very old and is heavy for it's size. Anyone have a clue what it could be? I apologize if the pics are too small...I'm limited with what I can do on my phone.




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Well, that's what I thought at first but it doesn't look anything like what comes up when you google dolphin or porpoise jaw bone.

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You are probably thinking lower jaw. It is in fact the upper jaw - the maxilla. Boesse can weigh in with an ID.

Edited by RichW9090

The plural of "anecdote" is not "evidence".

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Oh I see it now! I was thinking lower jaw. Sorry to waste y'alls time with a non-fossil ID! Thanks everyone

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Yup, partial rostrum of a delphinid dolphin, probably Stenella or Delphinus - it's the left maxilla and premaxilla. These two bones fuse to gether in adults, but do not fuse well to the rest of the skull, and as a consequence max/premax pairs are frequently found in the fossil record.

Try the match flame method of testing for collagen to see if it's fossil or modern. That'd be an interesting find if it's fossil. Thanks for the heads up, Rich.

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