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Cretaceous Algae


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This was wet when I saw it in the Cretaceous of North Sulphur River and I assumed it would be very slimy and bad-smelling, but curiosity overcame hygiene and sure enough the whole thing was rock-hard. I've seen pictures of similar looking alga posted here and wondered if anyone has a genus or even family name for my notes.

post-4419-0-35558400-1361303812_thumb.jpg post-4419-0-63861400-1361303844_thumb.jpg

Edited by BobWill
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Bob---Can see why one would be a little leery about laying hands on it. i have hunted the river for over 25 years when I lived in Texas and off and on when vacationing there and haven't handled anything like it, hope you get an ID----Tom

Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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Can you show other similar examples that lead you to believe this is algae? I would have guessed it's some sort of lava/pumice or else maybe an eroded septarian nodule, but I have been wrong before. Algae has a way of going undetected.

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It looks like boxwork to me, but I'll check my calcareous algae book for Cretaceous forms when I get home.

Context is critical.

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I forgot about boxwork. Mine looks more like that than what I was looking at. Under "Show us your algae" you posted a weathered Calico Rock on page 2, post 24, but it's not as intricate as this and looks more like the modern algae that appears in warm creeks than mine.

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It looks like boxwork to me, but I'll check my calcareous algae book for Cretaceous forms when I get home.

You have a Calcareous Algae book?

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It looks like boxwork to me, but I'll check my calcareous algae book for Cretaceous forms when I get home.

I thumbed through the chapter covering Cretaceous forms, but I didn't find anything that resembled the sheets in your piece.

Context is critical.

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I have three. :)

- Calcareous Algae and Stromatolites (R. Riding) - http://www.amazon.com/Calcareous-Algae-Stromatolites-R-Riding/dp/0387523731

- Calcareous Algae (John L. Wray) - http://www.amazon.ca/Calcareous-Algae-John-L-Wray/dp/044441536X

- Limestone-Building Algae and Algal Limestones (J. Harlan Johnson) - http://www.amazon.com/Limestone-Building-Algae-Limestones-Harlan-Johnson/dp/091806211X

Context is critical.

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I thumbed through the chapter covering Cretaceous forms, but I didn't find anything that resembled the sheets in your piece.

Thanks. Looking at some photos of boxwork has me convinced you're right.

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