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Possible Poc Trip 3/14/13!


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Thinking about goin up north to my favorite creek for some shark teeth!! Well, my spouse really wants to go. We'll be there around noonish if anyone else wants to go!!! Id appreciate it if anyone wants to tag along because im not familiar with the wild animals here. Im not hard to spot, i have pink hair lololol and as long as you can handle my weird friends! I am ptychodus hunting!!! I know its corny and amatuerish to look for shark teeth but im a sucker for ptychodus and sqauli teeth lol. I am still concerned about the snakes, but luckily ive done enough research to distinguish venomous species. Just curious if they will be out this time of year yet with it being in the 60s-70s but as aleays, I would be very cautious and bring emergency stuff. Thinking about brining some boots and a bucket :) I havnt been there in years, but I know theres plenty of fossils there. Any tips for this time of the year would be awesome!!!

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^Lol well, its just that i notice a lot of people in my area are going after larger cretaceous specimen like mosasaurs, ammonites, and bones but i myself personally love going after shark teeth!!! There might be awesome stuff there im not noticing like verts or echinoids but i havnt seen one yet. Hey, has anyone seen anything else there besides oysters and teeth? (Besides random stuff like bottles or litter lol) Talkin like ammonites, echs, verts, etc.

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Unfortunately, I am not on a joint trip, but I am glad hearing from you, Larsa!

Have a fun and nice time!!!!

Astrinos P. Damianakis

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OMG hi!!! Yay and thank you!!!! Seriously, if anyone wants to come along- your more than welcome to hang with us!!! :) i know its a weird day of the week for most people lol idk love to meet people from the forum sometime!!! I will def keep you guys updated on what i find :) Oo gosh i forgot to go to the Heard Museum last wednesday!!! I wanted to see if they had fossils from the Shetman area because I was gonna donate if they didnt have something cool I find >-<

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Hope you have a great hunt, post your finds----Tom

Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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Don't worry about what wild animals you might see. In my many hunts at POC, rarely do I encounter anything other than a snake or two, turtles, and fish. The water should be clear enough that if you pay attention you will see any snakes that are in your surrounding area.

I would stop and say hi, but I am planning for another trip that weekend and won't have the time. Good luck though!


Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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I've been wanting to go there for awhile so maybe I can break away. I haven't been seeing any snakes other places in the area yet but some days have been pretty warm so they could be out soon at this latitude. It's all too close to a populated area for anything else to be concerned about. About the only other thing people get from there are septarian nodules and they're starting to get scarce, but the site just keeps on giving up some great teeth.

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Good catch. As someone mentioned on your other post, the scroll-over feature doesn't work on topic titles :)
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Yay so glad to hear that snakes will be at a min, thanks everyone!! Im not super scared of snakes, i dont want to put my man in danger. I really think we will be fine but i like to be prepared!!! Omg i forgot arrowheads can be found there too!!! (Randomly hit me!) This is gonna be sooo fun, its been years since ive been excited like this and it feels so good!!!! x3 even if i dont find squat i will still have an amazing time, it so much better than being cooped up at home. The weather is supposed to be nice that day, and yay it finally rained hard today!! Hopefully theres plenty of new stuff exposed!!! :)

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Dang it, so i just heard from my friend in Anna, just south of Sherman, that the creeks are badly flooded. Here in Mckinney, the creeks and even the pond right next to my apt is totally flooded over almost into the main street! x( i am predicting that POC is flooded or at least high level too, darn it!!! I dont know how fast it will go down, but my promising tooth spot is actually in the water, and thats when it was super low already!! I will watch the creeks here in Mckinney and depending on if they are still flooded or not, may have to wait a while. I am honestly more scared of rising water and currents than anything, even in small creeks!! Worst comes to worst, I wanted to visit the Heard Museum anyway soon!!

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I've been tromping around in the creeks a lot the last two months and so far no snakes. It's been warm enough several times. On the cool but sunny days watch out for snakes sunning themselves. If the larger rocks are warm to the touch its warm enough for snakes. Snakes like to lay on the rocks and absorb the radiant heat. The thing with snakes is to always look before you step and only put your hands where you can see. A good long walking stick is a big help for poking around where you intend to step. My vision is not as good as it once was. I wear glasses and there is a distance of poor focus. I've caught myself sticking my face into places that I can't see until eyes can focus. Pretty much a bad idea. For the most part snakes will try to retreat and shy away from people if they can. Happy hunting.

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Hey Lar, I just heard from a friend that they were down there Sunday which would have been the day after the rains, and were able to hunt the gravel bars already then. Maybe there wasn't much rain upstream in that watershed or it runs off very fast. He did say the water was 2 or 3 feet deep in places but that is pretty normal most of the time. So, it may still be worth a try. Bob

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Having been to POC many times, I would think this would be a great time to go.

Let us know what you find!!

Good Luck!

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I live about 2 minutes from POC, and it will flood one day and be completely down the next day, provided the rain stops. Feel free to always send me a PM if you want me to check the water levels for you. As far as heading to the creek; there will always be people there especially after a good rain- it seems to drive them out of their caves to search for the cool finds. Don't let that stop you from coming. I can walk over peoples tracks and still find cool fossils.

Being just down in the creek (probably not in an area you will be in) yesterday, I saw nothing but little minnows. You should at least find a ptychodus or two :).

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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I've been wanting to go there for awhile so maybe I can break away. I haven't been seeing any snakes other places in the area yet but some days have been pretty warm so they could be out soon at this latitude. It's all too close to a populated area for anything else to be concerned about. About the only other thing people get from there are septarian nodules and they're starting to get scarce, but the site just keeps on giving up some great teeth.

There are places where the nodules are plentiful- you just have to carry them out lol. I know places where they are at least 50-100lbs- of course, I'm not carrying! B)

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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There are places where the nodules are plentiful- you just have to carry them out lol. I know places where they are at least 50-100lbs- of course, I'm not carrying! B)

I know a place where there used to be 50-100lb ones. Yeah I'm OK with my 10 pound nodule...anyway, it's not even a fossil!
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I know a place where there used to be 50-100lb ones. Yeah I'm OK with my 10 pound nodule...anyway, it's not even a fossil!

Me either! Guess that's why they are still so plentiful! B)

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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