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Is This A Sharks Head ?


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post-11322-0-96191800-1363015482_thumb.jpgNot my field at all but am interested. Driving off road and wheels came to a halt and guess what !

Picked it up as it looked interesting but I was not sure what it was. Washed it when I got back home and noticed the even patterns can anyone help me ID this before I give it to the local museum ?

It measures about 14 inches by 8 wide and 8 deep. Grey colour on surface.


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Unfortunately not but those parallel lines are interesting... They do look like gill lines... I can see where your coming from... Nice rock for the garden...

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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It looks like a chunk of limestone with a partial ammonite/nautiloid in it.

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Without any age or geology or anything, I don't know if we could actually speculate on subclass or order, but the lnes do remind me of some very large cephalopods I found in Michigan.



scale in avatar is millimeters


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Thank you all - :)

I am more fascinated by the minute, I shall go back and see what else I can find out.

It is set in limestone and I found it near the sea in Qatar.

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I would definitely say a chunk of cephalopod. It looks like there is a small piece of another one under the main one. Nice find. We find them here in Illinois.

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I would agree with large staight shelled cephalopod.

post-2411-0-58682500-1363083593_thumb.jpg post-2411-0-04134600-1363083596_thumb.jpg

Finding my way through life; one fossil at a time.

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