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Fossil Prep For Fun At Home?


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I'm a volunteer fossil preparator at a local institution and i absolutely love it. It's the quiet (air scribes not withstanding) meditative time of my week I look forward to and enjoy. I would really like to be able to work on small personal projects at home as well and build a collection. But I'm very limited in regards to being able to go out hunting. If I want to purchase unprepared pieces for my own enjoyment, where do I look?

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to answer :)

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Welcome to the Forum from Connecticut. :)

Ebay is one place - I found some unprepped lebanese fish (3) for rarely cheap - I think it was with shipping, about $50.00.

Also Check Google - Like HERE, and HERE.


Another option would be to, once you are allowed to post in the Member's sale and trade area, would be to trade your services for some unprepped fossils.

Lots of people here do not have the tools to be able to prep their own.

You need to establish yourself as a actively contributing member to be able topost there - I would suggest posting a bunch of your work under member collections to reach the target number. We always welcome any knowledge you would care to share about prepping in the prep section. :)

Hope this is helpful.


Edited by Fossildude19


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"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

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Being a very frequent Ebay fossil buyer, I can tell you that un-prepared fossils do come up on there occasionally, sometimes even in lots, but its not a regular occurence and sometimes it can be hard to find them. Sometimes they are listed as unprepared or prep needed, but more often you just have to dig through items and find raw peices that the seller found and basically just rinsed off in the sink, and someone with your skill could do a lot more with.

I saw guy on thier recently thats selling multiple lots with various slabs of slate containing trilobites and brachs that are only partially exposed for cheap. Around 15-25 dollars for a box plus another 10 for shipping. If you keep an eye out on there you can probally keep yourself busy, but you will spend a lot of time digging through items.

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I'd love to post pics of items I've worked, but they aren't my personal collection - they're from my volunteer gig. Think that's acceptable to do in the "collections" forum if I am clear that they aren't mine?

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I'd love to post pics of items I've worked, but they aren't my personal collection - they're from my volunteer gig. Think that's acceptable to do in the "collections" forum if I am clear that they aren't mine?

Heck yeah! :)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

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"Fossil preparation" covers a lot of ground. Are you preparing trilobites or other hard-rock specimens? Are you adept with a micro-blaster? Are you good at rebuilding bones with epoxy? Be more specific about your skills and about what sort of prep you enjoy. That may trigger some responses or offers.

Your images of your work on fossils that don't belong to you seems reasonable for posting in the Gallery.



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Look on eBay for crab nodules or concreations there are a few on there as well look on the forums sales and trades when you're able to buy and trade on the forum PM me i have a few things I could offer u for all the prep u want! ;)

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I've been doing fossil prep at a museum for 4.5 years, so I am comfortable with air scribes, epoxy and all the manual techniques. I've worked on crocs, hadrosaur, ankylosar, aetosaur, coelophysus, and a few others. Lots of osteoderms, a croc jaw with teeth. One of my bones is actually part of a museum display, which makes me giddy everything I see it. I love all of it :)

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I'd really like to try some ammonites. I haven't worked on those yet, but I'd like to start my personal collection there. I like really gritty prep. Lots of matrix = lots of fun for me :)

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It sounds like youve had a very good grounding in prep... I'm pretty sure you could tackle almost anything... confidence is the key knowing when to use your different techniques... I bet it is great seeing your work on display... post some photos... In this thread would be ok to....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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