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Split Concretion...


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Living in PA we get the freeze thaw method naturally.... haha! Picked this up a couple weeks ago (it was already cracked) and then disregarded as just a rock inside. Upon further inspection I am now wondering.... What do you guys think??? :)


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I have something that looks almost exactly like that but harder to get a pic of. So far everyone tells me it is nothing but I can see the triangular shape that is something.

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I've seen these where the core is a different colour to the outside although retaining a similar shape to the nodule...Just a guess but I wonder if whatever triggered the nodule to form slowly leached colour pigment into the surrounding sediment ?... I'm sure we have a coupler geologists come on here... anyone care to explain?

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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I've seen the color banding before too, but the sharp, splotchy things surrounding the inner part are pretty interesting.

Context is critical.

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I have something that looks almost exactly like that but harder to get a pic of. So far everyone tells me it is nothing but I can see the triangular shape that is something.

I've seen these where the core is a different colour to the outside although retaining a similar shape to the nodule...Just a guess but I wonder if whatever triggered the nodule to form slowly leached colour pigment into the surrounding sediment ?... I'm sure we have a coupler geologists come on here... anyone care to explain?

I've seen the color banding before too, but the sharp, splotchy things surrounding the inner part are pretty interesting.

Thanks for the responses! I am going to try to get a better pic of the splotchy things, here is one from the other side that may help also. You can see that the shape in the center actually protrudes out of the rock, and does have somewhat vague ridges on the one side. I assumed it was just a rock in a rock, but it's the splotchy things (lol) and the one little dark area on the shape that made me wonder. I will work on a better pic. Here's another for now... :)


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1st and 2nd pic has the black material, that may have been the catalyst or host of the concretion. The brownish material may have been a by product and assisted in the concretion development during decomposition. Interesting piece!

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein


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Trying to think about all the possibilities of what
vague shapes and colors might represent inside concretions ...

Reminds me of ink blots.

If you stare at them long enough ...
sooner or later, you will see Elvis !!


Flash from the Past (Show Us Your Fossils)
MAPS Fossil Show

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Trying to think about all the possibilities of what

vague shapes and colors might represent inside concretions ...

Reminds me of ink blots.

If you stare at them long enough ...

sooner or later, you will see Elvis !!


LOL! Yep! :D

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein


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Pareidolia - vexing fossil hunters since forever. If you crack open a rock and see the Virgin Mary, time to step away from the nodules for a while.

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1st and 2nd pic has the black material, that may have been the catalyst or host of the concretion. The brownish material may have been a by product and assisted in the concretion development during decomposition. Interesting piece!

Trying to think about all the possibilities of what

vague shapes and colors might represent inside concretions ...

Reminds me of ink blots.

If you stare at them long enough ...

sooner or later, you will see Elvis !!


Pareidolia - vexing fossil hunters since forever. If you crack open a rock and see the Virgin Mary, time to step away from the nodules for a while.

Thanks for an explaination CH4 and LOL at the rest of you!!!! :) I figured it probably wouldn't be identifiable but the laugh made it worth posting anyways.... haha Not sure how those of you that crack hundreds of these at a time do it without losing your minds! Or maybe you all have?!?! Hmmm... lol ;)
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Thanks for an explaination CH4 and LOL at the rest of you!!!! :) I figured it probably wouldn't be identifiable but the laugh made it worth posting anyways.... haha Not sure how those of you that crack hundreds of these at a time do it without losing your minds! Or maybe you all have?!?! Hmmm... lol ;)

I get triple the fun with concretions. Finding 'em is a joy in itself... then cracking them open to reveal the treasure within is the other. Then posting the prepped 'lil devils knowing they've never been seen until now. Priceless! B)

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein


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I get triple the fun with concretions. Finding 'em is a joy in itself... then cracking them open to reveal the treasure within is the other. Then posting the prepped 'lil devils knowing they've never been seen until now. Priceless! B)

Oh I know! I am always amazed by what some of you find in them! I also agree with how mindblowing it is to know you are the first to lay eyes on a find! This is one of the few I found that actually had "something" in it. Hoping for better luck next time... :)

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Trying to think about all the possibilities of what

vague shapes and colors might represent inside concretions ...

Reminds me of ink blots.

If you stare at them long enough ...

sooner or later, you will see Elvis !!


Ok, I see it now.... :)


Context is critical.

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Oh I know! I am always amazed by what some of you find in them! I also agree with how mindblowing it is to know you are the first to lay eyes on a find! This is one of the few I found that actually had "something" in it. Hoping for better luck next time... :)

Keep at 'em, it'll pay off soon enough!

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein


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Keep at 'em, it'll pay off soon enough!

Thank CH4! Not planning on giving up anytime soon! :) I so thoroughly enjoy everything about this hobby. My only regret is I didn't get into it sooner! :)

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Thank CH4! Not planning on giving up anytime soon! :) I so thoroughly enjoy everything about this hobby. My only regret is I didn't get into it sooner! :)

You're close to areas that have some fossils I'd love to find and prep. Crinoids, blastoids, and trilobites (bugs). Can't wait to see your first post when you find a place that produces these gems.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein


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Thanks for an explaination CH4 and LOL at the rest of you!!!! :) I figured it probably wouldn't be identifiable but the laugh made it worth posting anyways.... haha Not sure how those of you that crack hundreds of these at a time do it without losing your minds! Or maybe you all have?!?! Hmmm... lol ;)

We don't blindly crack open every nodule we find !!

The key is in knowing which nodule to crack open.


Q: How do we know which concretion might be hiding fossils ??

A: Experience and working knowledge of Geology and Sediments.

Flash from the Past (Show Us Your Fossils)
MAPS Fossil Show

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We don't blindly crack open every nodule we find !!

The key is in knowing which nodule to crack open.


Q: How do we know which concretion might be hiding fossils ??

A: Experience and working knowledge of Geology and Sediments.

Huh? I thought we're supposed to crack every and all. Leave no concretion behind! LOL! :D

Indy is right! I've been taught to spot the right shape and size (thanks to DLB and Micropterus) If I brought home every concretion, it would be chaos here. Mainly from my better half. I have tried crackin' a few odd-shaped ones in hope something different lurked within. I'm still looking for a double or rare triple crab concretion.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein


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We don't blindly crack open every nodule we find !!

The key is in knowing which nodule to crack open.


Q: How do we know which concretion might be hiding fossils ??

A: Experience and working knowledge of Geology and Sediments.

How do you know there is nothing in the ones you do not open?

<Bad Auspex! Bad!>

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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We don't blindly crack open every nodule we find !!

The key is in knowing which nodule to crack open.


Q: How do we know which concretion might be hiding fossils ??

A: Experience and working knowledge of Geology and Sediments.

Huh? I thought we're supposed to crack every and all. Leave no concretion behind! LOL! :D

Indy is right! I've been taught to spot the right shape and size (thanks to DLB and Micropterus) If I brought home every concretion, it would be chaos here. Mainly from my better half. I have tried crackin' a few odd-shaped ones in hope something different lurked within. I'm still looking for a double or rare triple crab concretion.

Experience and working knowledge of geology and sediments huh??? If I hit a concretion jackpot I'm in trouble!!! Guess there would be only once way to get experience, trial and error eh?! Hahaha! :D All jokes aside I really don't mind finding nothing, as long as I find something once in awhile! CH4, hoping to find that magical spot you mentioned above when Spring comes FOR REAL. As it snowed today and therefore is not Spring yet as far as I'm concerned... Also betting you find your double or triple crab one of theses days! Can't wait to see it. :)
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