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Last One And No Idea. Shell Maybe?


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OK. Also found today near Pittsburgh PA. I am having issues getting good pictures and hoping these are OK. If not let me know. I'm sure you can see the shape I am referring too... at the bottom where is widens it is very white. Not sure if exposed shell or something else? Or maybe nothing??? Hahahaha! Thoughts?


Thanks in advance. :)

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Can you get a nice, clear closeup? I have an idea, but don't want to commit.

I am having bad luck with pics right now. Maybe this will help? If not I will try in natural light tomorrow. Let me know! :)post-8801-0-13691800-1364004944_thumb.jpg


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I think I'll refrain from guessing. I'm just not seeing what I thought it might be. Sorry! :(

Thanks for the extra pics.


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Oh boo! Thanks anyways I appreciate it. If no other ideas I'll try to post another one tomorrow, just in case. I know my pics aren't great! :(

I think I'll refrain from guessing. I'm just not seeing what I thought it might be. Sorry! :(

Thanks for the extra pics.

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Looks like a rock to me.

Waiting for my "boo"


Total BOO!!! lol Oh, well thanks for the response. Thought I'd be better at this by now.... At least at acknowledging if it's nothing.... :( Thankfully I have a 3 year old so I am use to hearing "NO." You guys say it much nicer. Haha ;)
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Can someone please tell me why those areas right at the bottom are such a dense white, I'd appreciate it. I need to understand. The shape seems to be a different material and texture and seems to sit in the rock which confuses me.

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The white stuff may be calcite like the cake frosting on your other piece. :)

Context is critical.

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The white stuff may be calcite like the cake frosting on your other piece. :)

Ahhh. OK I could see that being possible! Thanks Missourian. I'll be sure not to quit my day job... lol ;)

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