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Peace River -March 27Th


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I almost did not go -- Supposed to be cold.

It was chilly at 7:45 when I left the boat ramp, but my target location was 4 miles up stream and I push most of the way generating my own warmth.

Gorgeous day - Mid 60s, sun was shining, no wind until 1pm, and the water was warm. I saw deer, raccoon, gator, wild hogs, and a wide variety of birds.

I was digging in a location that traditionally has few shark teeth and numerous mammal fossils. I was surprised by the upper Hemi. The deer antler fragment is the best that I have ever found. A slightly broken Camel/Llama is a heart breaker because the roots are all there.


At first I did not recognize my favorite mammal tooth fragment on the left, but the chewing surface is unmistakable.


Finally, a very nice Deciduous tooth that Harry has told me is Equus, even though I constantly confuse the occusal surface with Camel/Llama. When I find one, I always say "Cam..., no it is horse."


A long trip but great rewards --- SS

The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Nice finds SS. I really like that piece of antler.

I always enjoy seeing what you've found out there.


*NOT an expert.
I haven't a clue what I'm doing.
But I'm loving every minute of it.



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Hemi-god, Good to hear from you. As you know well, I can dig all day and find nothing but small teeth, and other days things just fall into my lap.

Whenever I get those unusual finds (for me), I just like to share with others. Glad are looking.lad y

The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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I try to talk myself into finding a sloth tooth almost every day I go. Maybe one day......Nice find!

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SS,Enjoyed seeing the latest--yep the antler! Was at Fossilfest over the weekend and all of you continue to amaze with me what's out there. thanks for posting. Regards, Chris

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Neat antler. In Peace River I found a basal antler section with a button end (looks like a shed antler, without skull bone attached), and I wonder which type of fossil find is more common; a shed antler or with skull bone attached?

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Each living deer will only ever contribute one antler with skull to the fossil record. Each living deer will contribute at least 7 or so shed antler sets, or 14 shed antlers, through its lifetime.


The plural of "anecdote" is not "evidence".

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Each living deer will only ever contribute one antler with skull to the fossil record. Each living deer will contribute at least 7 or so shed antler sets, or 14 shed antlers, through its lifetime.


Irrefutable logic :)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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SS,Enjoyed seeing the latest--yep the antler! Was at Fossilfest over the weekend and all of you continue to amaze with me what's out there. thanks for posting. Regards, Chris

Chris, I was at FossilFest on Saturday -- I really like that show especially the displays and vendors. Fantastic stuff year after year.

I try to talk myself into finding a sloth tooth almost every day I go. Maybe one day......Nice find!

Gary, I have been searching the Peace for 5 years and found exactly 1 three years ago. Then in december , I found my 2nd, and five more large fragments since. It must be the blue moons!! Here are the 2 best. SS


The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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That antler is really nice.Nice finds,I went diving in the gulf yesterday but it was cold and probably only 4-5 ft of viz.I didn't find anything worthwhile but my friend found a 4 in meg that was about 90%.

Every once in a great while it's not just a big rock down there!

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SS, those are spectacular sloth teeth. It seems they could easily be mistaken for pieces of chert or even pet. wood if you don't really look carefully at the occlusal.

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