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Here Are A Few Of My Favorite Things


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I never go hunting without my dog Schatzi, and have even trained her to retrieve fossils I point to that are visible in the water along the shore of the lake we live on. Her accuracy rate isn't 100%, but she is improving every day, as am I. Once, not long ago, we were walking along the shore and she stopped abruptly, backtracked about 5 feet and plucked a fossil out of the water all on her own! I was astounded. She hasn't done since, and may not ever again, but I will never forget that moment.


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Wow! You've got some nice fossils there. I love the verts in the first pic.

You've obviously got a very talented dog. Now, if only I could train my dogs to do the same.

Southeast Missouri

(formerly Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX)


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It's so cool seeing all the posts on here about members teaching the children about fossils, but teaching the dog...that's whole new concept! :D

Nice finds, and neat post!


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Very cool! How'd you train the hound? I'm debating on getting a dog for a hunting companion, and would be great to be able to train them to find/train.. :D
Love the fossils also, congratulations on the success.

Edited by Ash

"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe" - Saint Augustine

"Those who can not see past their own nose deserve our pity more than anything else."

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Well, it all started when I wore a pair of shoes down to the lake that I didn't want to get wet! I saw something interesting in the water a couple of feet out, got her attention, pointed to it and said "Schatzi, get me that fossil". Repeatedly. On subsequent walks, and then wearing appropriate shoes, I would state the command, show her what I meant by picking it up, then put it back down (in the water), go back to shore and repeat the command. She picked it up very quickly. When she grabs the wrong thing, I say "no, that's a rock". When she does it correctly, I praise and pet her. A lot. She loves the water and has never had a problem putting her head under, so that was never an issue. She's a great dog.

Edited to say: Thanks! And also that I highly recommend a canine hunting partner. It's mutually beneficial: They get their exercise and you get a fossil hunting companion that is always ready, willing and able to come along (and participate in Schatzi's case!) rain or shine. Plus, she has alerted me to nearby snakes on more than one occasion!

post-7100-0-20944000-1364823571_thumb.jpg. Had my camera on this trip.

Edited by claire01
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What a brilliant dog, ever thought of selling her pups on this forum , you could make a fortune.

Great story

Thanks for posting.


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I got Schatzi from the local animal shelter when she was just a puppy and a stipulation to pet adoption here is that the animal must be spayed or neutered, which I complied with. So, no puppies possible. :(

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Great finds and even greater dog!!! I bet he has just as much fun hunting as you do... Maybe even more!!! lol :D

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A friend of mine had a "RockDog" - a labrador - who could retrieve the rock, after he'd sniffed at it, which you'd throw into the water at the lakeside. That was amazing enough, but that yours can fish out fossils is even more amazing!


Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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I have watched her "sniff" the water and wondered if fossils somehow smell different to her. But honestly, I think it's more about me directing her to something that looks fossily and her choosing the one I am pointing to.

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