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Has Anyone Checked Out The Sulphur River Since The Rain Or Going This Weekend?


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Thanks, one was all I needed to die a happy man. After I found the first and knew what to look for it was as if hey were floating an inch above the gravel. I don't expect that to be the norm, it was just my day I guess. Depending on the river level I may go back this weekend. Maybe l can get lucky again after this rain gets the river goin and churns things up.

I'm nowhere close to done yet though...more, more, more

Alright now, leave something for those of with a longer drive!

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i havent found that many nsr teeth since a rainy day when brent and i had the sense to climb out of the river when we notice the water level had reached his backpack sitting high on a bar. we drove a few miles to an upstream bridge to meet the sobering view of whole trees cartwheeling downstream in the current.... by grace we didnt become one with the alluvial fan!

That was, without a doubt, one of the scariest moments in my fossil hunting life. It was insane to think that just a half an hour before that we were in the river, and now whole treees were going by.

Edited by Boneman007
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That was, without a doubt, one of the scariest moments in my fossil hunting life. It was insane to think that just a half an hour before that we were in the river, and now whole treees were going by.

Sounds like a pretty close call. I can see how that river would rise VERY quickly. It's basically a big creek with those banks. Glad ya'll made it out...I would have missed out on a lot of great advice if not :-)

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13 Shark teeth! Very good! I havent found 13 shark teeth on the NSR in years!

Developing a search image (getting 'the eye') is a well known phenomenon; keep honing it! :)

i havent found that many nsr teeth since a rainy day when brent and i had the sense to climb out of the river when we notice the water level had reached his backpack sitting high on a bar. we drove a few miles to an upstream bridge to meet the sobering view of whole trees cartwheeling downstream in the current.... by grace we didnt become one with the alluvial fan!

Alright now, leave something for those of with a longer drive!

Hey, c'mon! Where's your sense of adventure?

This reminds me of a post that vertman recently made. http://www.thefossilforum.com/index.php?/topic/35752-quick-after-work-upper-britton-trip/

Check out the pic of his daughter stuck in the mud. :(:o:wacko::shake head:

Alright guys...here's a few pics of my "White Whale's" :-D I went back again Friday and got some more. Plus, I have a lot of other cool finds (most need IDing of course) that I need to post but I need to clean them up first and have a nice photo shoot :-) I did post some pics in this gallery of what looks like (to me anyway) some partial teeth. I may need to let someone see them in person, but I'm starting to recognize certain markings of things early on in the hobby and they sure look like the markings of teeth to me...but I could be completely wrong :-) Check them out if you get a chance, I'd love any input you may have.

Thanks to all of you, and I'll be posting more pics this week sometime.





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It looks like you made a pretty good haul. Congrats

Southeast Missouri

(formerly Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX)


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You did very well finding those teeth. The more you go the more your eyes will start to pick out the good stuff. Good luck!

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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You did very well finding those teeth. The more you go the more your eyes will start to pick out the good stuff. Good luck!

Thanks, I've already started to notice that I can spot things now (after 4 trips) that I would've passed by recently...especially shark teeth. Those seem to float just above everything else and almost jump out at me now. I need to get to a DSP meeting and have someone look at the bucket of finds I have so I know what's worth training my eye to look for. I have numerous samples of things that are either really good finds or nothing special, and as of now I just keep grabbing both and bringing them home. Once I figure out what to look for I think I'll be dangerous :-) I spent 6 hours Friday searching an area about 1/4 of an acre (or less) so if nothing else I'm VERY determined and thorough :-)

Thanks again,


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