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If I Cant Get To The Beach I'll Bring The Beach Home!


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Been itching to get down the beach and rummage through the shingle (from the bouldnor formation 30 myo) been wanting to get off on my own to some of the tricky spots. had a good couple of hours the other day found 3 croc teeth and 1 broken shark tooth :) that takes my grand total to 5 shark teeth (very scarce here)


I knew I could not go fossiling today but I did have time to dash to the beach and fill a few buckets (aprox 60kg) of shingle, its not normally as productive as searching at the beach but beggers cant be choosers! lucky for me I can park the car almost on the shingle. started sieving it and got my first bucket to start on will update as/if I find anything, fingers crossed for at least 1 croc tooth to make it worth while or even better a shark tooth.


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Adie.... Nice finds and good luck....Those scutes are beauties....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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THE SMALLER STUFF... post-10263-0-91791800-1365616499_thumb.jpg

THE OTHER STUFF..... post-10263-0-99262900-1365616503_thumb.jpg

THE WASTE SPOIL HALF WAY......post-10263-0-08724800-1365616508_thumb.jpg

well that's 2 hours of my life I wont get back!!!!! aching back, wet trousers and for what........ NOTHING!!!!

2 hours 30 mins = post-10263-0-24466800-1365616512_thumb.jpg

15 mins at the beach =post-10263-0-22717400-1365616516_thumb.jpg

so on the left 15 mins at beach on the right 2 hours 30 mins at home...on a serious note I did notice this before, I thought down the beach I would be missing stuff but at home on a tray I would not miss anything. Conclusion = search on the beach!

not sure what the bullets are but the are American bullets when the were doing landing exercises on the beaches here I think ww2, some other photos of others in the id section listed "croc claw? and bullets)

couple of pic of my scutes and croc teeth so far post-10263-0-14980900-1365617804_thumb.jpgpost-10263-0-23912900-1365617808_thumb.jpgpost-10263-0-33417000-1365617812_thumb.jpg

sorry for the anti climax.

thanks anyway guys.


Edited by Adie_uk
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That's still a nice little catch.

I've taken the 'dash and grab' approach a couple times, but only with microfossils. If I tried that with the bigger stuff, I'd end up with just a bucket of rocks. :)

Context is critical.

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lol no did not pay off most of the photos are from other days/trips all I got from the bucket searching was the small scraps on the right of the last photo, plus some more shingle for my paths down the garden lol

Got few hours off and the tide is going out so no prises for guessing where im off to in few mins time!!! will post finds this eve.

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Just got back from another little adventure. I was going to head out to what was last time a sweet little spot , as I was driving there I decided to head to my local beach but head off around the corner where I had never been before.

I know the first bit of beach is quite good, I had a little look here but wanted to get a move on to the un tried stretch of beach.

The tide had turned and was on its way out but it was still quite close in and I knew there were lots of mud slips I would have to either try to climb over or walk around so the trusty old chest waders were essential.

I looked a bit out of place with the holiday makers on the beach and got the odd look, im getting used to it now people must wander what the heck im upto when im crawling around on my hands and knees looking closely at the shingle, dam weirdo!

The first part of the beach was a long stretch of perfect shingle about 300 yards long, I could have spent a week looking here but instead just spent about 15 mins. found a few turtle frags and a couple of fish verts. I got to the first corner on the beach, this seems to be where finds become less and less, but I found a little croc scute and some other little bits. As I walked along I would keep stopping when I found some nice shingle and have a little look through or I would craw along and search 10 or 15 ft then move on a little if unproductive.

Up a head the beach kept disappearing beneath the flat calm sea and I would have to wade a little and clime the odd fallen tree. The find were become more scarce but up a head the fore shore got a little higher and I could see lots of different layers being eroded, GREAT I thought looks good around here! I was surprised I had not found much by this time and thought my luck was going to change. Surprisingly dispite all of the interesting layers being eroded this was the most unproductive part of beach so far :(

JUST AROUNG THE CORNER SYNDROME, I say that because its a condition I suffer from, I always just want to see whats around the corner, and it often gets me in trouble.If im down the beach with my wife and little girl and we get to a spot where they cant go any further, I say "give me 2 minuets I just want to see whats around the corner" often whats around the corner is another corner and another, and on the slow big bends of a corner its hard to say where that corner ends and so often I come back 30 mins later saying "sorry I just wanted a quick look around the next corner" It

It was just me and the dog today but I keep getting to a corner and the say right when I get to that next corner im turning back but I did not and it turned into rather a long walk (not far if you just walked I guess but a long way when 60% is on your hands and knees.

I got to a part that was restricted as it has a sign up saying it was a military rifle area (it was but that was going back to ww2! prob don't want people walking that way because of old live round on the beach or something. good place to stop but my head was down so I did not see the sign and the beach ahead looked too good. Did not find much more just the odd scraps, saw a old metal structure making its way slowly down the land slip thought it as on military land it may have been a target to shoot at from the sea? (did not see any bullet of shell holes on the sections of wood that were still intact so maybe just a marker???.

I was running late so on the was buck it was just a straight line stomp, easier on the way back as the tide had retreated , and that was that.

like I say nothing fantastic but a few more croc scutes and a little fish jaw I like with a couple of teeth still in.




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And here I'd thought of "JUST AROUND THE CORNER SYNDROME" as a fundamental quality-of-life skill!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Great story and great finds thanks for giving me a good read with my morning cuppa, got to go now.... sun shining.... tide right.... Hornsea here i come.


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