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Today,s Founds Antwerpen Area


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Hoi Arien

Nog steeds plek in het GD om daar te graven, dacht dat alles nu toch wel onder het beton ligt. Maar wat ik inderdaad op de diggers lees, word er nog genoeg gezocht en gevonden.

Greets Patrick

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Hi arien.

Do you find the teeth from the graandock?

greets, karl

I want to die sleeping like my grandfather, not screaming like his passenger!

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Sweet Squalodon Molar!!!!!!! And I wish that root was complete on that tooth 2nd row from bottom, first tooth on left, it might be my awesome imagination, but it kinda looks paratodus'ey. But I don't know if you find those there. Anyone else feel the same about it?

DO, or do not. There is no try.

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Sweet Squalodon Molar!!!!!!! And I wish that root was complete on that tooth 2nd row from bottom, first tooth on left, it might be my awesome imagination, but it kinda looks paratodus'ey. But I don't know if you find those there. Anyone else feel the same about it?

I thought the exact same thing Mike.

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Hi Volks.

in the last weekends i also hunt for teeth at the same place (Antwerp) .

on the followig pics you see the result of two and a half day of digging.

greets Karl











I want to die sleeping like my grandfather, not screaming like his passenger!

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and a lot more.





I want to die sleeping like my grandfather, not screaming like his passenger!

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Is this all the teeth that you find in two and a half day Karl ?????

The pict I made is from 6 hours of digging where do you find them \

hope to here from you greats Arien van Oord

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Hi arien.

Yes of course, i found all this teeth in two and a half day in the area of antwerp.

i think in the moment the best findplace is actually the deurganckdoksluis!?


I want to die sleeping like my grandfather, not screaming like his passenger!

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