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Few Recent Finds

Terry Dactyll

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I managed to get out collecting over the easter peroid although not the best time to go fossil hunting if you like peace and quiet... everyone and his dog is out including organised fossil trips etc... still... If you walk that little bit farer you can get away from them and find some space....

Firstly Lyme Regis... I went there and found the lower of these two big ammonites but spotted a couple of things I wanted to go back for sometime...a week later I got the chance of an hour or two on the beach but what I had spotted had been covered over with shingle so I struggled really but found the top of the two shells... they should both be beauties when they done... Lots of rock to play with and nice calcitic preservation...They both look around 15 inchers although combined approaching 80 to 100 hours prepwork to do them justice


I did quite a bit of collecting the week before on the Somerset coast on some pretty hard sections of the coast and managed to grab a coupler bits.... nothing fabulous... I got a 10 inch ammonite and a large Plagiostoma bivalve shell... I like prepping the Plagiostomas they are pretty easy and quick to do lol...You get something for your efforts fast which is quite nice for a change considering the time I usually put in on them... The shells on a nice chunk of rock which should make a nice stand...

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Edited by Terry Dactyll

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Some beautiful finds, I'd love to find something like that. How on earth do you carry them off the beach? Please post the after-photos (after however many hundreds of hours it takes!).

I found a very similar bivalve at Blue Anchor and plan on testing the air pen out on it!

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Cant wait to see them prepped and I was wondering the same, how much do these two weigh (in pounds) and how far did you have to schlep them?


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Always anxious to see the finished product----Tom

Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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Thanks guys....

Mikey.... I reckon these are around 120 - 130 lb at a guess and carried a mile in a rucksack over uneven rocky beach...Its very dense this limestone, you look at chunks you think you could pick up and you cant even budge em off the floor...

Prep... I can see one of them jumping the queue at somepoint...I fancy doing the shell first...

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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I rattled the Plagiostoma off.... I needed something easy to do to get me tuned in.... The sea has took some shell off it but apart from that I got something shiney to put on me shelf in an hour or so....I ' downdated ' my phone to... I think thats the opposite of updated... The more modern placcy ones seem to bend and crack in me jeans pocket and this type are ok...Be a while before I do anything for myself, I promised someone I'd prep their find for them so thats next...


Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Aurelius.... No... airpen and fine wet and dry to get the last bits matrix off....I did never get an air abraider... I dont pick out up little really so I'm getting away busking it without one....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Hey Steve, nice finds!. Looks like those ammonite blocks will keep you busy when you get the chance to prep them! Keep us posted.

I also got out this weekend. I was with one of those large groups that you encountered. Our local fossil club this past weekend had a filed trip and we did some invertebrate hunting in an Oligocene limestone quarry north of here. I didnt get completely skunked but I got to say that the Echinoid display samples that they showed us which they had glued on a piece of wood were for the most part a heck of alot better than what I found. :) I found things its just the preservation wasnt really good. Oh well, it was nice to get out and see and smell the rock dust. There is always next time! Regards, Chris

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Chris.... Thanks I will... I'll start one within the month if nothing jumps the queue....Preservation can vary so much even in the same area... Maybe they cleaned them or somethingl... Yes better luck next time...

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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wow..nice stuff Steve. Do you have a sixth sense for determining the completeness of the ammos? Id hate to lug a 120 lb rock out of there only to find it incomplete.

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Wow, that looks like a biggie!

I wouldn't know where to start. Good luck on your prep job! No pressure ;)

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wow..nice stuff Steve. Do you have a sixth sense for determining the completeness of the ammos? Id hate to lug a 120 lb rock out of there only to find it incomplete.

Jim.... That does happen...Everyone you start work on is a gamble really...I done 20 odd hours work and ended up with a rockery stone before now numerous times....

Wow, that looks like a biggie!

I wouldn't know where to start. Good luck on your prep job! No pressure ;)


Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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