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Prepping A New Mexico Shark Tooth Plate.


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hey guys. Forum member creto was kind enough to send me a real nice shark tooth plate. Hes a real nice dude and a great guy. Anyway when i started prepping there was one tooth exposed. Soon after zero teeth because i under estimated my power and broke the root right off. Soon after that i kinda got the hang of it and started to find some real nice teeth. i exposed a lot of bone, a fish vert, and 3 teeth. I did find 4 more teeth but i completed destroyed one and it fell off my table and lost it and the others ones fell off by mistake. Im really proud of my first prep job! take a look at the pics and thanks again creto!


one day i will find a tooth over 3 inches in good conditon haha.

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Not bad at all, good job :fistbump:

Fossil Foilist

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Very nice, Zach! What tools did you use to prep it?

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a very very narrow and shark knife haha, and a little brush tooth. and thanks skylar! and yes i do plan on attending the fossil fest, my phones been acting stupid lately :(

one day i will find a tooth over 3 inches in good conditon haha.

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That's good work. Don't feel bad about breaking teeth. That happens. When you do prep, you learn that some things are more fragile than they look. For fine work around small teeth you might want to try a very sharp dental tool (the one with the hooked end) to pick at individual grains or clusters of grains. You should also experiment with those rubbing tools that are like pencil erasers. The cheaper version of that is to buy some little art project brushes and cut down the bristles until you get a rough edge. They can work pretty well on some sandstones.

When a tooth starts to get exposed, dab a little diluted Butvar on the root and crown. Use thin superglue if you don't have that.


hey guys. Forum member creto was kind enough to send me a real nice shark tooth plate. Hes a real nice dude and a great guy. Anyway when i started prepping there was one tooth exposed. Soon after zero teeth because i under estimated my power and broke the root right off. Soon after that i kinda got the hang of it and started to find some real nice teeth. i exposed a lot of bone, a fish vert, and 3 teeth. I did find 4 more teeth but i completed destroyed one and it fell off my table and lost it and the others ones fell off by mistake. Im really proud of my first prep job! take a look at the pics and thanks again creto!

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I'm glad you enjoyed the plate. Prepping can be a lot of fun and it can be incredibly frustrating. You did a great job with the prep. You do learn as you go and get a little better with each prep job.

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That's good work. Don't feel bad about breaking teeth. That happens. When you do prep, you learn that some things are more fragile than they look. For fine work around small teeth you might want to try a very sharp dental tool (the one with the hooked end) to pick at individual grains or clusters of grains. You should also experiment with those rubbing tools that are like pencil erasers. The cheaper version of that is to buy some little art project brushes and cut down the bristles until you get a rough edge. They can work pretty well on some sandstones.

When a tooth starts to get exposed, dab a little diluted Butvar on the root and crown. Use thin superglue if you don't have that.


thanks man. I dont think ill be doing another prep job soon though but thanks for the tips! and one more question, is it possible to set the teeth i broke back on to the matrix? what glue would look best?

one day i will find a tooth over 3 inches in good conditon haha.

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I'm glad you enjoyed the plate. Prepping can be a lot of fun and it can be incredibly frustrating. You did a great job with the prep. You do learn as you go and get a little better with each prep job.

yes it was very frustrating, but i enjoyed it a lot!! thanks again man!

one day i will find a tooth over 3 inches in good conditon haha.

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Zach, I cant tell you how many fossils I've made a mess of. It's the only way to learn how to do it. Just wait until you have the proper preparation tools. You can really destroy a good fossil even quicker!

Id say you did a great job of prepping it out. even with the glitches. I'd be very proud of that!

Next thing you know you'll be prepping out a skull you found. and I'm betting it's sooner than later!

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