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Dinosaur's Robbery


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Yes boys, it was yesterday, after some days of preparation of this unique and complete dwarf dinosaur skeleton, scientists were to the site and discovered that the remains were stolen during the night.

Police is investigating and no hipotesis are discarded.

News are in catalan language but sure that soon you will see the news in some english media.

Of course, If never you know something about this bug... please, contact.




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Shameful! A lost treasure. :(

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just found an english version of it.

You would have to be pretty brazen to grab a 250lb fossil and take off with it.

Stolen to order??? It may take 100 years but fossils like that don't stay hidden for ever, the owner dies and his family get someone to take a look at the collection for appraisal or someone interested in buying it recognises its scientific value.

These people give legitimate collectors a bad name.

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Some more stories about this loss.

Roban restos fósiles en el yacimiento de

Coll de Nargó, Europa Press, June 7, 2013,


Roben les restes fòssils d'un esquelet a Coll

de Nargó, Europa Press, June 4, 2013,


Robat un fòssil de dinosaure a Coll de Nargó

El Periódico de Catalunya, June 4, 2013


Roban fósiles de un yacimiento de Coll de

Nargó (Lérida) Tierra de Dinosaurious


An earlier article

Encuentran el esqueleto de un pequeño vertebrado

en Coll de Nargó, La Vanguardia, May 27, 2013



Paul H.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One month later, finally the stolen dinosaur was returned. An anonymous call to the town hall of Coll de Nargó, indicated where the remains were abandoned by the thieves: at the side of the road!

They were found broken.

See more:




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